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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-19 16:31



热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 10:35

Dear YuYu: 亲爱的雨雨:I have a birthday party at 7.pm next friday.下周晚7点我有一个生日聚会 And i want to invit you to myparty.我想邀请你来参加。All of my families are glad to see you coming there to celebrite for me.我们全家都很高兴你来为我庆祝。I blieve you will have a good time. 我相信你会玩的很高兴的。yours你的朋友LiLi莉莉扩展资料:邀请朋友过生日据聚会的小短文:Dear Zhao,亲爱的赵同学tomorrow is speail day for me.明天对于我来说是特别的一天。Torrow is my birthday,of course tomorrow is a relax day.明天是我的生日也是休息天。So i want invite you to take part in my birthday party.所以我想邀请你参加我的生日聚会。If you have free time for that,I hope you can come it.如果你有时间,我希望你可以来参加。Yours你的朋友Fanger芳
英语作文:My birthday party 要有翻译,

以"My Birthday Party"为题的英语作文可以从以下几个方面写: 介绍你的生日是什么时候,以及你选择在哪里庆祝生日。 描述你邀请了哪些人参加生日聚会,以及你们一起做了什么活动。 分享你收到的礼物和祝福,以及这些礼物和祝福对你的意义。 讲述你在生日聚会上的感受和体验,以及你和朋友之间的互动和交流。 总结这个生日...


I am having a birthday party this saturday and would like to invite you to come along.I am turning eighteen,which is a big turning point in my life and would want all my friends and family to be there to share this special moment.It would be a casual barbecue at a park ...


Would you like to attend my birthday party on saturday? come on,LiHua and many other classmates will also come here. you can take a taxi and get off near the summer park.Around there,you can find a two-floor building,and that's my home.I'll wait for you that day!Y...


英文作文,你将要为你的朋友办生日派对,写一封邀请信给其他的朋友 Dear David, Hello,You know, next Monday is Susan's birthday.I'm going to have a birthday party for her.I invited her friends and parents, and teachers.I hope you can e.The birthday party begins at five p.m. ...

邀请朋友参加我的生日聚会 英语作文 带翻译的

I performed Chinese kung fu, Ellen danced to disco and Susan sang an English song. We had a wonderful time!今天你参加了Lucy 的生日聚会,大家给她带去了很多礼物,Lucy 很喜欢。生日聚会上有一块大蛋糕,上面有十三支点燃的蜡烛。Lucy 许了愿之后,把蜡烛吹灭了。大家在聚会上进行了表演,...


to hold a birthday party on this Friday afternoon.I‘m writing to inform you to join my birthday party.It wold be a great pleasure to me if you can come.Please give me a call if you can come. I'm at home in the evening. Looking forward to seeing you.Yours XX ...


contact me as soon as possible to inform me of your attendance.翻译:我这个星期六有一个生日聚会,想请你来。我十八岁,这是我人生的一大转折点,希望我所有的朋友和家人来分享这一特殊时刻。它会在我家附近的公园休闲烧烤,我会送你的确切地址接近的日期。请尽快联系我,告诉我你的出席。

周末我举行生日聚会邀请朋友来参加 英语作文

party is amusing , we can play with game together , being able to know a lot of new friend on the party by cake together. My heart hopes that everybody can come to participate in my birthday if coming the party, I will be very good entertaining your , master of thanks!


英语作文生日派对 yesterday was my birthday.i had a party at home.i invited my friends to my party in the afternoon and i got a lot of presents from them.at the party,my friends all joined together to sing “happy birthday”to me,and we began to eat a big cake.while enjo...


life and would want all my friends and family to be there to share this special moment.It would be a casual barbecue at a park near my house and I will send you the exact address closer to the date.Please contact me as soon as possible to inform me of your attendance.

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