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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-02 05:53



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 22:24

The 《paper people》 is contemporary children's literature YanJianLing writer, the representative works of contemporary Chinese literature is the influence of writing classic girl grow. The vanishing paper to Sue the growing experience it as the main clue, through the way of fantasy, beautiful language and you my conversational depictions of vanishing paper presents can Sue to girls grow danes support and guidance to express themselves, for the young writer group humanistic care and hopes. Based on the interpretation, can Sue to grow "Danny" image analysis and the writer's intention to three different levels and Angle analysis, layer upon layer, in-depth discussions, clear and comprehensive analysis of the unique YanJianLing vanishing paper writing and its profound the girl of meaning.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 22:24

The vanishing paper is contemporary children's literature YanJianLing writer, the representative works of contemporary Chinese literature is the influence of writing classic girl grow. The vanishing paper to Sue the growing experience it as the main clue, through the way of fantasy, beautiful language and you my conversational depictions of vanishing paper presents can Sue to girls grow danes support and guidance to express themselves, for the young writer group humanistic care and hopes. Based on the interpretation, can Sue to grow "Danny" image analysis and the writer's intention to three different levels and Angle analysis, layer upon layer, in-depth discussions, clear and comprehensive analysis of the unique YanJianLing vanishing paper writing and its profound the girl of meaning

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 22:25

"Paper" is a writer of contemporary children's literature of the representative works YIN Jian Ling, is a Chinese contemporary children's literature in the influential works of young girls grow up to write one of the classic. "Paper" to the Soviet Union has been a growth experience as the main clue, the way through the fantasy, the beautiful language, and you and I describe a dialogue-based show on the girls Danielle paper has been the growth of the Soviet Union assistance and guidance in order to express writer's own group of girls and the earnest expectation of humane care. In this paper, the Soviet Union through the interpretation of the growth, "Danielle" image analysis and the intention of the author's writing three different levels and the point of view of work, at various levels to promote an in-depth discussion, clear and comprehensive analysis of YIN Jian-Ling "paper person" in a unique the girls to write as well as its profound connotation of meaningful significance.
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