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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-02 07:07



热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 17:00

⑤ 5 level and above 20 points every baby can hit the growth of the value of a crystal egg
Crystal eggs randomly appear in the carnival, shopping street, the market wage.
Free hit incentives are:
(1) black toothpaste + moon cake cake
(2) Relax the Chinese Su-jet wet noodle + device
⑥ Fanta members registered a day after playing a tennis free of charge
Random reward, free general get 5YB-20YB items
⑦ 6 level and above to the baby daily free contest Budokan 5
At present, the option of physical attacks (force) and the magic attacks (intelligence) in two ways
⑧ guess balloon trip dream
If the guess, you can receive a travel voucher Pig Island, tourism can be gift
(1) circle of ice cream + baby Jinshui
(2), Taotao Yinshui pudding + baby
(3) Relax-jet wet vitamin + browser

⑨ 15 or above to play the baby can be free Happy Valley
Happy Valley every day for free exchange of 10 points, points can be accumulated dollar property or goods (for each pet can only be for a lifetime 10 times
⑩ 10 or above in the baby every weekend can be a treasure hunt theme park free of charge
Paradise Treasure Hunt - Treasure Hunt know the whole trip [recommended]
⑾ day free wheel
Pig ⑿ Manor
Pigs have a partner or user can drill powder Manor in pigs free of charge to play games, the first boundary value can also get a gift 500YB
PS: At present, pigs partner has been off the assembly line, there is no way to get a partner Pig

Birthday ⒀ housing
Baby birthday birthday housing can receive as a birthday gift 100YB
PS: Excluding newborn infants to one year old or above can only be birthday

20 ⒁ ordinary users, 15 powder after drilling play free adventure games clearance Island

⑾ day free wheel

Pig ⑿ Manor
Pigs have a partner or user can drill powder Manor in pigs free of charge to play games, the first boundary value can also get a gift 500YB
PS: At present, pigs partner has been off the assembly line, there is no way to get a partner Pig

Birthday ⒀ housing
Baby birthday birthday housing can receive as a birthday gift 100YB
PS: Excluding newborn infants to one year old or above can only be birthday

20 ⒁ ordinary users, 15 powder after drilling play free adventure games clearance Island
Graphic Adventure Island Raiders (12) [recommended]
Graphic Adventure Island Raiders (c) [recommended]
Graphic Adventure Island Raiders (April 5) [recommended]
Graphic Adventure Island Raiders (6) [recommended]
Graphic Adventure Island Raiders (7) [recommended]
★ ☆ ★ Graphic Adventure Island Raiders (8) ★ ☆ ★ [recommended]
Adventure Island the first anniversary of the value of large properties feedback! (October 25, 2007)

Magic Club ⒂ five or more of the precious free
Study, work, travel, sick baby can not operate in

(1) Magic Kitchen
Can be in the "storage room" and choose to have food for cooking. The use of each of at least one cooking food, use up to three foods, the use of the food value of the sum of hunger is not more than 1800.
There may be additional random crystallization properties

(2) Magic Factory
Can be in the "storage room" where choice has been processed commodities. Every time the use of processing at least one household, up to three daily necessities, household cleaning use the value of the sum of not more than 2700.
There may be additional random attributes bubble

(3) Magic Factory
Can be in the "storage room" and choose to dress and modes of transport have been synthesized. Synthesis of each item at least thrown into a maximum of 5 items can be thrown into. Thrown into the use of the number of days remaining items is limited: the use of means of transport of the remaining number of days at least six days, a maximum of 57 days; dressed the number of days to use at least 18 days, a maximum of 180 days. 0 items price can not be thrown into the estates dressed magic synthesis.
Can get a new dress or transport (disguised as the number of days 183 days to use, transport use of the number of days to 60 days, 30 days of the New Year series of means of transport), and the items will be placed on the storage room.
Q pets have a chance to be embroidered, the general use of a period of seven days

Once a day ⒃ Core free street show

Every weekend to go ⒄ Wishing Tree Wishing, pink diamond two users desire Xu
First, as long as the pet of online non-stop working on it. Keep in mind that the moment should not stop! As for what pet would always say that. Hello cruel master if you like. Do not the rationale for her, since we are the masters of the right to call on her to do something, do not live to work how you grow, we keep in mind that will have to keep working! Because it will not allow you to graally rece the bullions continue, and each must work to fight the most money! For example, only just started playing when 20 workers, when the five will be able to hit 24 yuan after work, to play after the 10 workers 28 yuan, and 15 to 30 can play after work ... ... ...

Second, the feeding period, the pet you have to take a bath, feeding, or illness of the need to consult a doctor, that is, when the pet's status bar, where hunger, clean and healthy a few when a yellow box.

The time to pet a bath, only 20 yuan to buy the kind of soap or towels, which can be increased two to wash clean 720 points, for those who reveal what a shower, do not buy, because we want with the cheapest the most practical!

But when hungry, I suggest that you feed each time inside the pasta category, 60 million fish-type cookies, (here the need to explain: To appear in hunger when fed yellow, or will hold to!) Because 1080 here, can increase hunger and, more importantly, the use of force can increase the value of 15 points, why is this the most expensive to feed them? Let us think about it, if every time those fed 20 or 10 dollars, do not eat bread on the hungry quickly, as they often have to feed very troublesome, but can also enhance the value of 15 points of the force is the largest of all the food inside, it is proposed that we all use this!

Third, there is one thing to note is that when your pet appears dirty or hungry, it should immediately take a bath or feeding him to eat him, careful not to over one hours, so your pet will never get sick!

If you do something instead of a sudden in front of the computer, and hunger should be fed to the value of 1200 - 2000 period, while cleaning around the value of the best clean in 2000, if you leave more than four hours of time, please put your pet related out! Otherwise it is easy to fall ill.

But also point out that here, do not go to bed after a night hanging pet, nor take up studies or download and install any plug-in, now I do not support the plug-in automatically to work, even if you rise to the level, but also a waste of you The bullions, keep in mind that our purpose is not to spend a Q coins and grow to a good pet!

Fourth, as for the other pets Dongdong communities, such as University City, you, you dress like housing, the justifications for what they do not want to go, because they will lie to you the gold, that role did not! As long as our pets grow naturally on the OK!

It is impossible for all the people like me, pet, if so, Tencent has also earned much money, what do not understand. Can also ask me!

Click here to remind you that the workers can appreciate! Increase in the growth of value per hour, and we advocate is not to spend a Pet Q coins, do not blindly opposed to the order to upgrade their pets to work, so other people will laugh you silly, because as long as the pets we raise to 15 will be able to get married, the marriage can be one hundred hours after the eggs, and then goes on even if you level it up a little more of the fun. Just like many people like to hang like QQ upgrade, in fact, are wasted, even if is for you to rise to five, how the sun! Next to the lotus mermaid, the point about the first 50 gold ingot, and the second has 1QB, Dan revive the third time there, the fourth time in a week pink diamond, the fifth time in a 14-million drilling Extreme powder packets is the opening of the sixth 6 months drilling powder 28.5QB value of the gift, the seventh point is the 2008 attributes it! Behind not only because I am a new test out. (Day one)
My nose seem to plug it! Cold Banlangen -------- ----------------------------
Ah - sneeze! This is the Article I of a sneeze! ---------- ------ Yinqiao bad cold pills
Oh I like spit! -------------------------------- -------- Blue anti-inflammatory medicine gastritis
Life-saving ah, the owner! I made the chest pain, breathing difficulties, died uncomfortable! - Anti-inflammatory pneumonia -------- golden syrup
I not want to die ah,呜呜呜呜呜... ... ---------------------- -------- immortal gastric soup
The master of hard-hearted, you have to ignore me, I'll die of suffocation! Ventilation scattered dying ---- --------
------------------------------------------------- Fever ------- antipyretics
My bulging belly bulging and a good hard Oh! ---------------------- ------ Xiaoshi film bulging belly
好疼my stomach, kind of the master, to my right to see the doctor! Gentian ulcer ---------- ------
The master, I ... ... I have great difficulties to breathe ... ... -------------------- -------- Dingchuan asthma pill
Owner, I have a cough for a long time, you also no matter how I ah ---------- ---- Glycyrrhizic agent bronchitis
咳咳!咳咳cough! ---------------------------------- -------- Loquat cough syrup
------------------------------------------------- Death ------- Dan Play

热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 17:01


热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 17:01


热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 17:02


热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 17:03





















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