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doc johnson sexual desire water 是什么东西???

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 12:01



热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 01:48

水基润滑剂霜的一个新类型的润滑油已进入市场。 Unfortunately, people tend to love the good old sticky lube in a tube.There are many reasons why the old lube had been so popular.不幸的是,人们往往爱老的良好粘性润滑油在tube.There ,原因很多旧的润滑油已如此受欢迎。 First of all, the old lubricants were easy to make.首先,旧的润滑油容易。 A few polymers and a water base.一些聚合物和水基。 Second, many of the old lubircants were portable.其次,许多老lubircants了便携式。 Third, it was very affordable.第三,它是非常低廉。 And as with many instries .并与许多行业。 Very few people innovate, many just copy what everyone is doing with a few slight modifications here and there.极少数人不断创新,许多仅复制大家做了一些轻微的修改在这里和那里。

Water Based Cream Lubircants are the newest in a class that offer the ease of use of a water base but also gives the silky smooth feeling of a premium lubricant.水基霜Lubircants是最新的一类,提供了易于使用的水基,而且还提供了流畅的感觉溢价润滑剂。 The new water based lubricants also come in containters as opposed to the standard pour bottle.新的水基润滑剂也在containters ,而不是标准的倒瓶。 The Doc Johnson Man's Grease bottle doesn't look like lube which does give it an added benefit for users. 美国商务部约翰逊人的油脂瓶不像润滑油它给它一个附加的好处是用户。

Sales of this and similar procts have not really gone anywhere but I have to admit that this proct could change your mind.You only have to try the proct once to become a believer.销售此及类似产品还没有真正去任何地方,但我必须承认,这个产品可以改变您的mind.You只有尝试产品一旦成为信徒。

Doc Johnson's Man's Grease feels silky so it is great for condom use. This smooth application allows you to be able to enjoy more tactile strokes for increased pleasure whether solo or with a partner. 文件约翰逊的人的油脂如丝般感觉真是为使用*。这顺利的应用可以让您能享受更多的触觉增加中风高兴是否单独或与伙伴。 In addition, the lubricant makes the partners experience pleasureable which should be the main goal when choosing a lubricant.此外,润滑油使合作伙伴的经验pleasureable这应当成为主要目标时,选择润滑剂。 The lubricant should not dry out but be able to go the distance with a small application.润滑油不应该干,但能去的距离与小应用程序。 And this proct does that and more. Each bottle will last a few months.与此产品不说,等等。每瓶将持续几个月。

Using this lube with a condom can make you feel as if you have nothing on at all. That is the genius of this proct. 利用这种润滑油用*可以让你觉得如果你有什么问题的。这是天才此产品。 It gives you the skin to skin sensation without the heavy gel experience.它给你的皮肤对皮肤的感觉,但沉重的凝胶经验。 And we know that having a more natural sensation leads to more pleasure.我们知道,有一个更自然的感觉会导致更多的乐趣。

Quite honestly it gives stroke 29 and some of the other water based creams a run for it's money and where it takes the race home is with the price.The major competitors cost on about $30 per bottle.Where you can get the same experience for Under $10 per Jar ! That is a value for a proct that could easily be placed in the same category as Eros and Wet Platinum.老实说它使中风29和其他一些水基面霜竞选它的钱并在它的主页是种族与price.The主要竞争对手的成本约为30美元bottle.Where可以得到相同的经验, 根据每罐10元!这是一个价值的产品,可以很容易地放置在同一类别爱神和湿白金。

So if you want the skin to skin feel without taking the condom off, then Doc Johnson Man's Grease is the perfect proct for you and It will come discreetly packaged and has very low shipping fees.因此,如果您想要皮肤皮肤感觉不采取安全套关闭,然后文件约翰逊人的润滑脂是完美的产品为您和它将谨慎包装和运输费用非常低。 To get more information Info@Cubzxl.com了解更多信息Info@Cubzxl.com

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 01:48

水基润滑剂霜的一个新类型的润滑油已进入市场。 Unfortunately, people tend to love the good old sticky lube in a tube.There are many reasons why the old lube had been so popular.不幸的是,人们往往爱老的良好粘性润滑油在tube.There ,原因很多旧的润滑油已如此受欢迎。 First of all, the old lubricants were easy to make.首先,旧的润滑油容易。 A few polymers and a water base.一些聚合物和水基。 Second, many of the old lubircants were portable.其次,许多老lubircants了便携式。 Third, it was very affordable.第三,它是非常低廉。 And as with many instries .并与许多行业。 Very few people innovate, many just copy what everyone is doing with a few slight modifications here and there.极少数人不断创新,许多仅复制大家做了一些轻微的修改在这里和那里。

Water Based Cream Lubircants are the newest in a class that offer the ease of use of a water base but also gives the silky smooth feeling of a premium lubricant.水基霜Lubircants是最新的一类,提供了易于使用的水基,而且还提供了流畅的感觉溢价润滑剂。 The new water based lubricants also come in containters as opposed to the standard pour bottle.新的水基润滑剂也在containters ,而不是标准的倒瓶。 The Doc Johnson Man's Grease bottle doesn't look like lube which does give it an added benefit for users. 美国商务部约翰逊人的油脂瓶不像润滑油它给它一个附加的好处是用户。

Sales of this and similar procts have not really gone anywhere but I have to admit that this proct could change your mind.You only have to try the proct once to become a believer.销售此及类似产品还没有真正去任何地方,但我必须承认,这个产品可以改变您的mind.You只有尝试产品一旦成为信徒。

Doc Johnson's Man's Grease feels silky so it is great for condom use. This smooth application allows you to be able to enjoy more tactile strokes for increased pleasure whether solo or with a partner. 文件约翰逊的人的油脂如丝般感觉真是为使用*。这顺利的应用可以让您能享受更多的触觉增加中风高兴是否单独或与伙伴。 In addition, the lubricant makes the partners experience pleasureable which should be the main goal when choosing a lubricant.此外,润滑油使合作伙伴的经验pleasureable这应当成为主要目标时,选择润滑剂。 The lubricant should not dry out but be able to go the distance with a small application.润滑油不应该干,但能去的距离与小应用程序。 And this proct does that and more. Each bottle will last a few months.与此产品不说,等等。每瓶将持续几个月。

Using this lube with a condom can make you feel as if you have nothing on at all. That is the genius of this proct. 利用这种润滑油用*可以让你觉得如果你有什么问题的。这是天才此产品。 It gives you the skin to skin sensation without the heavy gel experience.它给你的皮肤对皮肤的感觉,但沉重的凝胶经验。 And we know that having a more natural sensation leads to more pleasure.我们知道,有一个更自然的感觉会导致更多的乐趣。

Quite honestly it gives stroke 29 and some of the other water based creams a run for it's money and where it takes the race home is with the price.The major competitors cost on about $30 per bottle.Where you can get the same experience for Under $10 per Jar ! That is a value for a proct that could easily be placed in the same category as Eros and Wet Platinum.老实说它使中风29和其他一些水基面霜竞选它的钱并在它的主页是种族与price.The主要竞争对手的成本约为30美元bottle.Where可以得到相同的经验, 根据每罐10元!这是一个价值的产品,可以很容易地放置在同一类别爱神和湿白金。

So if you want the skin to skin feel without taking the condom off, then Doc Johnson Man's Grease is the perfect proct for you and It will come discreetly packaged and has very low shipping fees.因此,如果您想要皮肤皮肤感觉不采取安全套关闭,然后文件约翰逊人的润滑脂是完美的产品为您和它将谨慎包装和运输费用非常低。 To get more information Info@Cubzxl.com了解更多信息Info@Cubzxl.com
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