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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-02 01:49



热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 11:52

究竟哪样更高贵,去忍受那狂暴的命运无情的摧残 还是挺身去反抗那无边的烦恼,把它扫一个干净。


唉,这就麻烦了,即使摆脱了这尘世 可在这死的睡眠里又会做些什么梦呢?真得想一想,就这点顾虑使人受着终身的折磨,
谁也不甘心,*、流汗拖着这残生,可是对死后又感觉到恐惧,又从来没有任何人从死亡的国土里回来,因此动摇了,宁愿忍受着目前的苦难 而不愿投奔向另一种苦难。
Hamlet:To be, or not to be- that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them. To die- to sleep-
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to. 'Tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die- to sleep.
To sleep- perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub!
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause. There's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life.
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
Th' oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
The pangs of despis'd love, the law's delay,
The insolence of office, and the spurns
That patient merit of th' unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin? Who would these fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death-
The undiscover'd country, from whose bourn
No traveller returns- puzzles the will,
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of great pith and moment
With this regard their currents turn awry
And lose the name of action.






下面还有Hamlet, Prince of Denmark

This is the sad story of Hamlet, young Prince of Denmark, whose father died two months before the story begins. Hamlet' s father was King of Denmark and Hamlet was his only son. The king died a strange death while he was sleeping in the garden of his castle. It was believed that he had been bitten to death by a poisonous snake. He was such a wise and kind king that he was loved by all the people in the nation. His son, Hamlet, of course, loved him far more than anyone else in the world.
Hamlet was so sad and sorrowful that he never stopped wearing black clothes. There was something else which made Hamlet even sadder. His mother, Gertrude, married Hamlet' s uncle, Claudius, who was a brother of the late king. After Hamlet' s father died, Claudius became King of Denmark and married Gertrude. Young Hamlet did not like him because he was not as wise and kind as his father. He was a man of unkindly character. Hamlet did not in the least want his mother to marry such a man. He became angry with both of them and came to despise his mother as well as his uncle.


The bell of the castle was ringing. It was exactly midnight. Suddenly a ghost in the form of the late king appeared in the darkness. It looked pale and sad. Looking at the ghost, the two guards of the castle and Horatio, Hamlet' s best friend, were surprised and terrified. They wondered if something bad was going to happen in Denmark. They decided to tell their prince what they had seen .
The next day they went to Hamlet and told him that they had seen the ghost of King Hamlet. Hamlet doubted it at first, but wanted to make sure himself. He asked them to take him to see the ghost that night. They agreed.
Late at night Hamlet, Horatio and one of the guards went to the top of the walls. It was very cold and dark there. Some time after they got there, the ghost in armor suddenly appeared out of the darkness. As his friends had told him, Hamlet saw that the ghost was exactly like his dead father.
He called out, "King, Father! Why did you come here out of the grave?"
The ghost did not answer him, but looked at him sadly and made a sign for him to follow. His friends did not want to let Hamlet follow the ghost because they thought it might be an evil spirit and do something badto him. But he did follow the ghost. While Hamlet and the ghost walked away into the darkness, his friends had to wait anxiously there worrying about his safe return .
At the end of the walls of the castle the ghost stopped and began to talk to Hamlet, "I am the ghost of your father. I wanted to rule Denmark peacefully until you grew up and became king after me. But two months ago, while I was sleeping in the beautiful garden of the castle, my brother Claudius came and put poison into my ear. I was instantly killed. Hamlet! Be brave and kill him for me. But never kill or hurt my wife, for she is your mother. Let her repent for what she has done. That is enough for her. What I have told you is true. I tell you again. I was not killed by a poisonous snake, but by my brother Claudius. Never forget what I have told you, my dear son. Good-bye, Hamlet!"
Then the ghost disappeared into the mist of the dark sky. Upon hearing this, Hamlet became excited and was even more furious with Claudius and his mother. He made up his mind to kill his uncle and let his mother repent for her sins.


Hamlet' s friends were anxious about him and came to look for him. They found Hamlet kneeling down and looking up at the dark sky praying to God. Hamlet noticed them coming to him. He stood up and sincerely asked them not to tell anyone what had happened that night. They all agreed and made a firm promise not to tell anyone about it, swearing on Hamlet' s sword.
That very night Hamlet decided to pretend that he had gone mad in order to have a better chance to kill Claudius. He decided not to tell his plan to any of his friends except Horatio .
Since Hamlet saw the ghost, he had often thought of his dead father and of his promise to the ghost. He became sadder each day. He was not a young, merry prince as he used to be. Before his father' s death, he was interested in many things, such as books, art, music and plays. But now he gave them all up. To everyone, he seemed to act very strangely. He became rude to everyone in the castle and behaved like a mad man.
He hardly ever spoke to Ophelia , a beautiful lady whom he had deeply loved. Before, they would talk happily and take walks in the woods near the castle. He would talk to her so sweetly and gently that Ophelia was deeply in love with him. But now he was quite different. Therefore, Polonius, Ophelia' s father, did not want his daughter to love Hamlet anymore because of his strange behavior.


One day Hamlet came to Ophelia, who was knitting in her room, and spoke wildly to her. He appeared half-naked, wearing a dirty shirt with no hat on his head. She gave back all the letters and valuable rings that she had received from Hamlet.
"I will not meet you anymore," she said to him. Hamlet left her, feeling even more miserable.
She told her father everything that had occurred in her room. When Polonius heard this from his daughter, he believed he knew what had made Hamlet go mad. He thought that Hamlet had gone mad because of his love for Ophelia . Polonius went to Claudius and Gertrude to let them know what caused Hamlet's madness. He told them that the love affair between Hamlet and Ophelia was the true cause of his madness.
Claudius always doubted what he heard from his men. He commanded two men who used to be Hamlet' s friends when they were children to find out the true reason why he had been acting so strangely recently. He also asked Polonius to arrange an unexpected meeting of the two lovers so that they could carefully observe Hamlet' s behavior.


Hamlet' s two old friends met him when he was saying some strange things to himself alone in the hall of the castle. They begged him to tell them the true cause of his madness. But he would not tell them anything, and instead made fools of them.
One day when Hamlet was unhappy and worried by the memory of the ghost and the promise he had made, a group of actors came to visit him. They were the same players that Hamlet used to enjoy seeing. He welcomed them. Then they acted a short play for him.
It was a sad story about a good king who was poisoned to death by his brother. And this man became king and married the queen. They played it so well, with tears in their eyes, that the scene seemed real. While Hamlet was watching them, he felt very angry with himself. He said to himself, "Those players can cry for the sad king whom they have never met. But in my case I have done nothing at all for my poor father who was killed by my uncle Claudius. What a coward I am!"
When the play was over, he thought of a good plan. He decided to have them play it once again in front of the king and queen the next day. He also asked them to add a few lines of his own to the play so that he could make the play more like what had happened to his father. Hamlet said to himself, "If Claudius is really guilty, his face will turn pale while he is watching the play. Then I will know that what the ghost told me is true. I will watch his face very carefully."


He told his plan to Horatio, his best friend in the castle, and also asked him to watch the king' s face with the greatest care.
Hamlet went to the king and queen to tell them that he would like to invite them to a play the next evening. They agreed to see the play. They hoped that Hamlet was at last getting better and would come to accept them as his father and mother. He said good night to Claudius and Gertrude, pretending that he was happy that night.
On his way back to his own room, he met Ophelia, who looked so sad and unhappy in the hall. The king and Polonius were hiding behind the curtains of the hall, trying to listen to their conversation.
Hamlet said to Ophelia, "I don' t love you anymore. We are all dirty animals on this earth. Ophelia, you are one of these dirty ones, too. Go to a nunnery. Go away right now, you dirty woman!"
Ophelia was too surprised at his words to say anything to him. It was such a strange and mad thing to say. Polonius thought his guess was right. But the king still doubted Hamlet' s madness.
The king, the queen and Polonius entered a large room where the play was to be shown to the whole court. The king sat with the queen. Hamlet sat by the side of Ophelia. Horatio sat facing the king in order to watch him carefully.


热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 11:52

Hamlet, Prince of Denmark

This is the sad story of Hamlet, young Prince of Denmark, whose father died two months before the story begins. Hamlet' s father was King of Denmark and Hamlet was his only son. The king died a strange death while he was sleeping in the garden of his castle. It was believed that he had been bitten to death by a poisonous snake. He was such a wise and kind king that he was loved by all the people in the nation. His son, Hamlet, of course, loved him far more than anyone else in the world.
Hamlet was so sad and sorrowful that he never stopped wearing black clothes. There was something else which made Hamlet even sadder. His mother, Gertrude, married Hamlet' s uncle, Claudius, who was a brother of the late king. After Hamlet' s father died, Claudius became King of Denmark and married Gertrude. Young Hamlet did not like him because he was not as wise and kind as his father. He was a man of unkindly character. Hamlet did not in the least want his mother to marry such a man. He became angry with both of them and came to despise his mother as well as his uncle.


The bell of the castle was ringing. It was exactly midnight. Suddenly a ghost in the form of the late king appeared in the darkness. It looked pale and sad. Looking at the ghost, the two guards of the castle and Horatio, Hamlet' s best friend, were surprised and terrified. They wondered if something bad was going to happen in Denmark. They decided to tell their prince what they had seen .
The next day they went to Hamlet and told him that they had seen the ghost of King Hamlet. Hamlet doubted it at first, but wanted to make sure himself. He asked them to take him to see the ghost that night. They agreed.
Late at night Hamlet, Horatio and one of the guards went to the top of the walls. It was very cold and dark there. Some time after they got there, the ghost in armor suddenly appeared out of the darkness. As his friends had told him, Hamlet saw that the ghost was exactly like his dead father.
He called out, "King, Father! Why did you come here out of the grave?"
The ghost did not answer him, but looked at him sadly and made a sign for him to follow. His friends did not want to let Hamlet follow the ghost because they thought it might be an evil spirit and do something badto him. But he did follow the ghost. While Hamlet and the ghost walked away into the darkness, his friends had to wait anxiously there worrying about his safe return .
At the end of the walls of the castle the ghost stopped and began to talk to Hamlet, "I am the ghost of your father. I wanted to rule Denmark peacefully until you grew up and became king after me. But two months ago, while I was sleeping in the beautiful garden of the castle, my brother Claudius came and put poison into my ear. I was instantly killed. Hamlet! Be brave and kill him for me. But never kill or hurt my wife, for she is your mother. Let her repent for what she has done. That is enough for her. What I have told you is true. I tell you again. I was not killed by a poisonous snake, but by my brother Claudius. Never forget what I have told you, my dear son. Good-bye, Hamlet!"
Then the ghost disappeared into the mist of the dark sky. Upon hearing this, Hamlet became excited and was even more furious with Claudius and his mother. He made up his mind to kill his uncle and let his mother repent for her sins.

Hamlet' s friends were anxious about him and came to look for him. They found Hamlet kneeling down and looking up at the dark sky praying to God. Hamlet noticed them coming to him. He stood up and sincerely asked them not to tell anyone what had happened that night. They all agreed and made a firm promise not to tell anyone about it, swearing on Hamlet' s sword.
That very night Hamlet decided to pretend that he had gone mad in order to have a better chance to kill Claudius. He decided not to tell his plan to any of his friends except Horatio .
Since Hamlet saw the ghost, he had often thought of his dead father and of his promise to the ghost. He became sadder each day. He was not a young, merry prince as he used to be. Before his father' s death, he was interested in many things, such as books, art, music and plays. But now he gave them all up. To everyone, he seemed to act very strangely. He became rude to everyone in the castle and behaved like a mad man.
He hardly ever spoke to Ophelia , a beautiful lady whom he had deeply loved. Before, they would talk happily and take walks in the woods near the castle. He would talk to her so sweetly and gently that Ophelia was deeply in love with him. But now he was quite different. Therefore, Polonius, Ophelia' s father, did not want his daughter to love Hamlet anymore because of his strange behavior.


One day Hamlet came to Ophelia, who was knitting in her room, and spoke wildly to her. He appeared half-naked, wearing a dirty shirt with no hat on his head. She gave back all the letters and valuable rings that she had received from Hamlet.
"I will not meet you anymore," she said to him. Hamlet left her, feeling even more miserable.
She told her father everything that had occurred in her room. When Polonius heard this from his daughter, he believed he knew what had made Hamlet go mad. He thought that Hamlet had gone mad because of his love for Ophelia . Polonius went to Claudius and Gertrude to let them know what caused Hamlet's madness. He told them that the love affair between Hamlet and Ophelia was the true cause of his madness.
Claudius always doubted what he heard from his men. He commanded two men who used to be Hamlet' s friends when they were children to find out the true reason why he had been acting so strangely recently. He also asked Polonius to arrange an unexpected meeting of the two lovers so that they could carefully observe Hamlet' s behavior.

Hamlet' s two old friends met him when he was saying some strange things to himself alone in the hall of the castle. They begged him to tell them the true cause of his madness. But he would not tell them anything, and instead made fools of them.
One day when Hamlet was unhappy and worried by the memory of the ghost and the promise he had made, a group of actors came to visit him. They were the same players that Hamlet used to enjoy seeing. He welcomed them. Then they acted a short play for him.
It was a sad story about a good king who was poisoned to death by his brother. And this man became king and married the queen. They played it so well, with tears in their eyes, that the scene seemed real. While Hamlet was watching them, he felt very angry with himself. He said to himself, "Those players can cry for the sad king whom they have never met. But in my case I have done nothing at all for my poor father who was killed by my uncle Claudius. What a coward I am!"
When the play was over, he thought of a good plan. He decided to have them play it once again in front of the king and queen the next day. He also asked them to add a few lines of his own to the play so that he could make the play more like what had happened to his father. Hamlet said to himself, "If Claudius is really guilty, his face will turn pale while he is watching the play. Then I will know that what the ghost told me is true. I will watch his face very carefully."


He told his plan to Horatio, his best friend in the castle, and also asked him to watch the king' s face with the greatest care.
Hamlet went to the king and queen to tell them that he would like to invite them to a play the next evening. They agreed to see the play. They hoped that Hamlet was at last getting better and would come to accept them as his father and mother. He said good night to Claudius and Gertrude, pretending that he was happy that night.
On his way back to his own room, he met Ophelia, who looked so sad and unhappy in the hall. The king and Polonius were hiding behind the curtains of the hall, trying to listen to their conversation.
Hamlet said to Ophelia, "I don' t love you anymore. We are all dirty animals on this earth. Ophelia, you are one of these dirty ones, too. Go to a nunnery. Go away right now, you dirty woman!"
Ophelia was too surprised at his words to say anything to him. It was such a strange and mad thing to say. Polonius thought his guess was right. But the king still doubted Hamlet' s madness.
The king, the queen and Polonius entered a large room where the play was to be shown to the whole court. The king sat with the queen. Hamlet sat by the side of Ophelia. Horatio sat facing the king in order to watch him carefully.

The play began. In the play the king and queen were talking on the bench in the beautiful garden. The queen said to the king, "I will love you forever. I will never marry another man if you should die before me. Only women that kill their husbands marry again. " The king in the play was very glad to hear this. As the king fell asleep, the queen left him alone. Just after she left, the king's brother came near the sleeping king and poured a deadly poison into his ear. He was soon killed by this cunning brother who had long wanted to become king and marry the queen.
Seeing this scene, Claudius turned pale and became very angry. He shouted, "Stop the play at once. " He stood up and went out of the room with the queen.
Horatio and Hamlet saw the king show every sign of fear and anger. Hamlet was now quite sure that the ghost had told him the truth. He himself became excited and firmly decided to revenge his father as soon as he could. When the queen came back into her room, she was very worried about her son, who had made the king furious. She wanted to know why Hamlet asked the group of players to show such a disgraceful play before the king. She sent for Hamlet.


Hamlet hurriedly walked to her room where she was uneasily waiting for him. On the way to his mother' s room, Hamlet saw Claudius kneeling down to pray in his room. He thought he could kill him right then. But he did not do it. He said to himself, "If I kill him when he is praying to God, he will not go to hell. I had better kill him when he is angry or doing something bad. Then he is sure to go to hell. " So he stopped thinking of killing Claudius for the moment.
Hamlet did not know that the doubting king had commanded Polonius to hide behind the curtains in the queen' s room so that he could see what might happen there. As soon as Hamlet came into her room, his mother began to scold him for what he had done to the king. She said angrily, "You have made your father very angry. You must beg his pardon."
Hamlet would not listen to her, but answered back. He said, "It is you who are to blame. You married that unkind and unkingly uncle of mine so soon after my father' s death.
You should be ashamed of your deed. I will never accept him as my father. He does not deserve to be King of Denmark. I will tell you again. It is not I but you and that dirty Claudius that should repent."

哈姆雷特匆忙地走向她的房间,那时她正在房间内不安地等候他。在去他母亲房间的路上,哈姆雷特看到克劳迪斯跪在他的房间内祷告。他心想他现在可以杀了克劳迪斯,但是他并没有这样做。他对自己说:“我若在他向上帝祷告的时候杀了他,他将不会下地狱。我最好在他生气或是做错事的时候杀他,这样他就一定会下地狱。” 于是他此刻先抛开想杀克劳迪斯的念头。

哈姆雷特中英文话剧剧本 急急急~

Hamlet SCENE I. Elsinore. The Castle [Enter Hamlet.]Hamlet:To be, or not to be- that is the question:Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of troubles And by opposing end them. To die- to sle...

求哈姆雷特中英文剧本 要原著 全文

哈姆雷特中英文剧本(原著): Elsinore. A platform before the castle. FRANCISCO at his post. Enter to him BERNARDO BERNARDO Who's there? FRANCISCO Nay, answer me: stand, and unfold yourself. BERNARDO Long live the king! 丹麦埃尔。平台前的城堡。旧金山在他的职务。输入他的贝尔纳...


《哈姆雷特(Hamlet)》是由威廉·莎士比亚创作于1599年至1602年间的一部悲剧作品。戏剧讲述了叔叔克劳狄斯谋害了哈姆雷特的父亲,篡取了王位,并娶了国王的遗孀乔特鲁德;哈姆雷特王子因此为父王向叔叔复仇。 《哈姆雷特》是莎士比亚所有戏剧中篇幅最长的一部。本剧是前身为莎士比亚纪念剧院的英国皇家莎士比亚剧团演出频度最高...

To be or not to be!中文注解

三段莎士比亚名作《哈姆雷特》(又译作《哈姆莱特》)中丹麦王子的经典独白。其中第一段就是他最著名的“生存还是毁灭?”(即你提问当中所说到的“to be ,or not to be。”那一段,我给你找到了中英文对照的版本。以下是这三段经典独白:哈姆雷特独白(1)生存还是毁灭?这是个问题。究竟哪样更高贵...


由此可见,你们那位写剧本的同学只是抄袭了一下……所以,最最地道的英文翻译莫过于莎士比亚对应这两句的英语原著啦,我给你找了一下,是这样的:--> HAMLET, ACT 1, SCENE 1 BERNARDO:'Tis now struck twelve; get thee to bed, Francisco.FRANCISCO:For this relief much thanks: 'tis bitter ...

求英语剧剧本。哈姆雷特的片段 越快越好谢谢

Hamlet:To be, or not to be- that is the question:Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of troubles And by opposing end them. To die- to sleep- No more; and by a sleep to say we end The ...


王: (重伤垂危) 喔, 朋友们, 求你们救救我罢, 我受伤了。 哈: 去罢, 你这个乱伦、杀人、该死的丹麦王, 去痛饮你的这剂药罢! 你的珍珠还在里头吗? 尾随我的母亲去罢! (强迫重伤的国王喝鸩酒; 国王死) 雷: 这是他的报应, 鸩酒是他调的。 高贵的哈姆雷特呀, 让我们来互换宽恕罢: 我不怪你杀死我...


哈姆雷特 全本剧本 哈姆莱特人物列表:克劳狄斯 丹麦国王 哈姆莱特 前王之子,今王之侄 福丁布拉斯 挪威王子 霍拉旭 哈姆莱特之友 波洛涅斯 御前大臣 雷欧提斯 波洛涅斯之子 伏提曼德考尼律斯罗森格兰兹吉尔登斯吞奥斯里克 朝臣 侍臣教士马西勒斯勃那多 军官 弗兰西斯科 兵士 雷奈尔多 波洛涅斯之仆 队长英国使臣 众伶人 二小...

哈姆雷特剧本精彩片段 要英文

Hamlet:To be, or not to be- that is the question:Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,And by opposing end them. To die- to sleep- No more; and by a sleep to say we end The ...


2011-08-10 哈姆雷特最经典的一幕剧本 23 2010-01-08 哈姆雷特剧本精彩片段 要英文 3 2007-10-20 求哈姆雷特的剧本 75 2012-06-12 哈姆雷特全中文剧本 36 2012-09-16 《哈姆雷特》剧本分析 19 2017-12-01 《哈姆莱特》的精彩片段。 2015-10-01 《哈姆雷特》是剧本吗? 1 2018-01-09 《哈姆...

我的CPU超频了,我不想超了,怎么办?? ...了信息,能收得到短信就是发不出去信息,发出去显示尚未送达是怎么回事... 魅族x4上面显示的标志圆形箭头什么意思 为什么在空间里选了魅族x4了可是显示的还是meizu 魅族m x4,喜欢短信的时候不支持手写吗 魅族X4更新后收不到短信了咋办 农行口令卡证书 WINDOWS 没有足够信息。不能验证该证书 怎么办2... 这农行的网上银行怎么出现;;windows 没有足够信息,不能验证该证书 ...简历的时候没有注意,刚刚才发现自己简历上有一处把时间弄错了。现在... ...上,如果我收藏了某个公司的职位,那个公司会看到我吗,会知道我对他们... 谁有《哈姆雷特(1996)》百度云无删减完整版在线观看,理查德·阿滕伯勒主演的 风扇方向转反了,怎么弄好 风扇反转怎么改为正传? 电风扇为什么突然反转了 取个帮派的名字 示波器的菜单键是干什么的? 白色的毛衣上边的血怎么洗? 在传统节日端午节期间,人们最常见的习俗是什么? 招牌广告中用字不规范的情况调查表 oracle删除表“约束”是否也会跟着删除? 如何制作调查问卷 广告业市场问卷调查如何做? {⒈广告调查计划书、⒉完整的调查报告、⒊完整的调查问卷}, 毫无创业经验,女孩一个人开什么店好呢?谁能告知 做一个关于学校周围店铺做广告的问卷调查 急!! 女生一个人创业做什么好 the second和a second的区别 关于“我们生活中的广告”社会调查问卷的题目要怎么写 手心发热的时候会出现红点是怎么回事? 求一个肯德基广告的调查问卷 求《王子复仇记(1948)》百度网盘无删减完整版在线观看,劳伦斯·奥利弗导演的 怎么样才能找到手机QQ官方下载呀!?大神们帮帮忙 我想带动漫去学校和同学看.不要太H。。。。中国惊奇先生这种的差不多.可以是日漫 腾讯qq7.1官方下载地址 qq7.1下载网址 跪求大片的种子发邮箱hth.pop@yeah.net qq下载方法 Shakespeare’s play Hamlet ______ into at least ten different films over the past years. A.h. todesk远程桌面很模糊 “鸿门宴”项羽为什么要放走刘邦 请帮我取一个笔名 要唯美 但是不伤感 其中几个字开头字母为W J H 最好再加一个陌(最好)字数在3-6 宇宙为什么会变回冰?其他物质都会变成C\H\O的组合吗? oracle数据库 操作语句中的disable约束条件是仕么意思?有和作用? 微波遥感卫星应用了哪几个波段? 宇宙遥感的工作波段有哪些呢? 在遥感传感器上,常用的波谱有哪些? 项目管理师是上岗证书还是职称证书? 为什么遥感卫星常用红外波段探测地球目标的温度? 华为P10好不好,优缺点,是否值得买 遥感影像分辨率达到最高的时段是一天中的哪个时段 在行政单位工作20多年,调入事业单位任领导,首次评定职称可以直接评高级职称吗?中小学教师(中级职称_百度问一问
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