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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 05:43



热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 05:26

Jay Zhou is one of the most famous singer in China.
He have had a though period before he bacame a singer.
At that time, he write songs for others famous singer, but few of them adpoted his songs.
But now, Jay is a singer as his dream.
Hard work will always get big harvest.



热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 05:26

Audrey Hepburn (奥黛丽赫本)

I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that Audrey Hepburn is the most universally beloved actress who ever worked in Hollywood. She literally has no detractors. It's difficult to find another star who doesn't have some negatives, or at least a hint of scandal. But as far as I know, the most derogatory thing anybody's ever said about Audrey is that her voice was bbed in My Fair Lady.

Audrey was born in Belgium as Edda Kathleen van Heemstra Hepburn-Ruston, the daughter of a countess. After developing an interest in acting at an early age and appearing in small roles in a half-dozen French and British films, she moved to the United States and was chosen by the author to star in the Broadway proction of Gigi. (Wouldn't you love to see a video of that performance?)

She caught the eye of Hollywood, and soon scored her Oscar-winning role in Roman Holiday (1953). She was an instant star, presenting a wonderful contrast to other contemporary actresses who were more likely to be blonde, buxom, and sexy in a less-than-cerebral way.

In the next 14 years, she appeared in a succession of unforgettable roles that kept here at the forefront of Hollywood stars, including Sabrina (1954), Funny Face (1957), Love in the Afternoon (1957), The Nun's Story (1959), Green Mansions (1959), Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961), Charade (1963), and My Fair Lady (1964), among others. At the end of the sixties, she retired, and did not appear on film again until 1976, when she delighted her fans with her role as a middle-aged Maid Marian in Robin and Marian. She appeared in less than three dozen films, but she is thought of in the same category as actresses who worked twice as often.

Audrey devoted the last years of her life to helping children as a goodwill ambassador for the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF). She died of cancer in 1993.

虽然挺多的 可以剪些简单的来整理下

热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 05:27


热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 05:26

Jay Zhou is one of the most famous singer in China.
He have had a though period before he bacame a singer.
At that time, he write songs for others famous singer, but few of them adpoted his songs.
But now, Jay is a singer as his dream.
Hard work will always get big harvest.



热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 05:26

Audrey Hepburn (奥黛丽赫本)

I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that Audrey Hepburn is the most universally beloved actress who ever worked in Hollywood. She literally has no detractors. It's difficult to find another star who doesn't have some negatives, or at least a hint of scandal. But as far as I know, the most derogatory thing anybody's ever said about Audrey is that her voice was bbed in My Fair Lady.

Audrey was born in Belgium as Edda Kathleen van Heemstra Hepburn-Ruston, the daughter of a countess. After developing an interest in acting at an early age and appearing in small roles in a half-dozen French and British films, she moved to the United States and was chosen by the author to star in the Broadway proction of Gigi. (Wouldn't you love to see a video of that performance?)

She caught the eye of Hollywood, and soon scored her Oscar-winning role in Roman Holiday (1953). She was an instant star, presenting a wonderful contrast to other contemporary actresses who were more likely to be blonde, buxom, and sexy in a less-than-cerebral way.

In the next 14 years, she appeared in a succession of unforgettable roles that kept here at the forefront of Hollywood stars, including Sabrina (1954), Funny Face (1957), Love in the Afternoon (1957), The Nun's Story (1959), Green Mansions (1959), Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961), Charade (1963), and My Fair Lady (1964), among others. At the end of the sixties, she retired, and did not appear on film again until 1976, when she delighted her fans with her role as a middle-aged Maid Marian in Robin and Marian. She appeared in less than three dozen films, but she is thought of in the same category as actresses who worked twice as often.

Audrey devoted the last years of her life to helping children as a goodwill ambassador for the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF). She died of cancer in 1993.

虽然挺多的 可以剪些简单的来整理下

热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 05:27


Jay Zhou is one of the most famous singer in China.He have had a though period before he bacame a singer.At that time, he write songs for others famous singer, but few of them adpoted his songs.But now, Jay is a singer as his dream.Hard work will always get big harves...


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个人简介 姓名:刘亦菲 原名:安风,刘茜美子 小名: 茜茜 英文名:Crystal Liuyifei 读法:克丽丝哆liuyifei 英文名含义:水晶;高贵、典雅、美丽的女性 公历生日:公元1987年8月25日 农历生日:丁卯年七月二日 血型:B型 星座:处女座 属相:兔 出生地:湖北省武汉市 国籍:中国 性格:双重的,安静时可以不说一句话一个人...






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