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ted演讲 八种口音说英语 倒数第二种是模仿中国人 求翻译

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 00:28



热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 09:12

演讲者是Sarah Jones,以下是全文及对应翻译

Thank you, good evening. My name is Pauline Lin. First I want to tell you...Of course I am an member of Chinese community in New York. But when Sarah Jones asked me "please come to TED, aye sir". First I don't know...you know, before 2 years ago, you would not find me in front of audiences or people, much less like this. Because I did not like to give speeches...Because I felt as an immigrant, I do not have good English skills for speaking, but then, I decided, just like Govenor Arnold Schwarzenegger, I will try this anyway. My daughter wrote that she told me always start your speech with humor, but my background...I want to tell you story only briefly.
谢谢,各位晚上好。我的名字叫Pauline Lin. 首先我想告诉大家...当然,我是在纽约居住的华人中的一员,但是,当Sarah Jones问我:“来上TED演讲大会吧”时,刚开始我不知道该不该来...2年前,你绝对不会看到我在这么多的观众前演讲,我并不喜欢演讲,因为我感觉像我们这样的移民英语口语都不是很好。但是后来我还是决定要来了,就像阿诺州长一样,不管怎样,我要试一试(观众大笑)。我的女儿写信告诉我演讲时要有一个幽默的开场...至于我的背景,我想简短地跟大家讲个故事。
My husband and I, we brought our son and daughter here in the 1980s, to have the freedom we could not have in China at that time. We tried to teach our kids to be proud of their tradiction, but it's very hard, you know, as an immigrant, I would speak Chinese to them and they answer me back in English. They love rock music and pop culture, American culture. But when they have got older, the time comes for them to start think about getting married, that's when we are expecting them to realize a little bit more of their own culture. But that is where we have some problems.
My son, he said he's not ready to get married, and he has a sweetheart. But she is an American woman, not Chinese. It's nobody's bad. But I told him:"what's wrong with the Chinese women? " But I think he will change his mind soon.
So then, I decided, instead, I would concentrate on my daughter. The daughter's marriage is very special to mom. But first she said she is not interested. She only want to spend time with her friends, and then I notice that she never came home, and she doesn't want me to come and visit, so I said what's wrong in this picture. So I accused my daughter to have a secret boyfriend, but she told me:" mom, you don't have to worried about boys, because I don't like them". And I said:" yes, men can be difficult, but all women have to get used to that." She said:" no, mom, I'm in, I don't like boys, I like girls, I'm a lesbian". So I always teach my kids to respect American ideas, but I told my daughter this is one exception. But she is not gay, she is just confused by this American problem. But she told me:" mom, it's not an American". She said she is in love with an nice Chinese girl. So these are the words I am waiting to hear, but from my son, not my daughter. But at first I did not know what to do, but then over time I have come to understand this is who she is.
So even though sometime it's still hard, I would share with you. It helps me to realize society is more tolerant are usually because of place like this, because of ideas like this, and people like you with an open mind. So I think maybe TED, you impact people's lives in the ways maybe even you don't realized. So for my daughter's sake, I thank you for your ideas well spreading, thank you, xiexie.
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