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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-23 05:03




用英语给朋友写一封信篇一 David,I heard that you will come to beijing to learn chinese soon and you want to know some methods of learning chinese well.And now let me introduce some ways to you.I think the most important thing to learn chinese well is that you should be enthu...


一封英文信件篇一 Dear Mona:Wish you a good day!I am delighted to learn that you are going to spend your summer holiday in Hainan Island next month. In order to let you enjoy a wonderful and unforgettable holiday in Hainan, I, therefore, would like to give you a brief of H...


篇一 Dear Frank,How is everything going? I have been in America for a month as an exchange student. I am now staying at Mrs. White’s. She is said to be in her forties but looks very young and attractive. She is of normal height, with a slender figure, blond hair and...


but is still very much miss him, because we are good friends. A few weeks ago you go to Yan'an Tourism, and remained there for 5 days, tour the tomb, Pagoda Hill, attractions,


I'm Xin Li, Haiyan write a letter to a friend, and asked Haiyan, told him not to write a long while, but is still very much miss him, because we are good friends. A few weeks ago you go to Yan'an Tourism, and remained there for 5 days, tour the tomb, Pagoda Hill...


怎样用英文写一封信给你的好朋友? 用英文写一封信给你的好朋友,需要作文的格式,询问他的近况,介绍你最近的生活,可以介绍你的校园,邀请他来做客,最后要送上美好的祝愿,落款。英语作文 一、书写格式 日期,写信人应将写信日期(年,月,日)放在书信正文的右上角,如Jan. 30th, 2010。提醒:...


我去购物的天堂:香港。我们买的东西很多,真正的乐趣!在暑假里,我还读了很多书,增加了知识。I go to shopping paradise: Hong Kong. We buy a lot of things, really fun! In summer holidays, I still read a lot of books, added the knowledge....


对应的英语:Hello xxx,I’m sorry to hear that you didn’t qualify the final round of the singing contest. But you did greatly.Please don’t give up. I believe you have potential and talent to go foward. I believe you’ll be the final round in the next competition.Cheer ...


world.In Shenzhen you can taste all kinds of delicious food . There are also many beautiful places.Happy Valley, Splendid China,China Folk Culture Village and Window of the World.if you visit Shenzhen we will Welcome! Warm Welcome! Welcome heartily!Good luck!Your sincere,Friends....


You arrived at this school last year, very quick be in love with this school.this your teacher and classmates all are very good to you. here, you will also study one and half years, you will also learn a new course - chemistry next semester ...

几何e值得买吗 我英语80分左右总是上不去(100分满分)怎么办... 刚绣好的十字绣怎么洗?画过格的 台州温岭第一人民医院有儿科吗 北山职业技术学校有哪些专业? 在温岭市找一份夜里兼职的驶机工作我现白天在厂里开车,想多收入,找... ...网线连接了客厅的路由器再连接到电脑上,卧室用的是和客厅路由器分... ...器放在客厅看电视用,卧室里面我还得再牵一根网线怎么办? ...台式 路由器在客厅距离太远拉网线不方便 卧室里有网线插口 卧室的网 ... 在临海社保缴费了一年后离开没办转移,去宁波参加社保 后又回临海参加社... 用英语给朋友写一封信201 谁知道这款卡地亚手表的款式和价钱?谢谢拉 我的手机被封了可不可以重新申请个但是要怎么申请 写给外国小朋友的一封信429 想在建设银行办学生信用卡,十八岁能办理吗?怎么办理?大学生一枚_百度知 ... 退休人员担任正科级15年可以参加公务员职级升副县级吗 linux 8139 too device eth0 doe...2 nvnet device eth0 does not see... device eth1 does not seem to b...1 装linux redhat9出现上网问题:e1000 dev...2 头泡茶怎么有泡沫,会不会有毒,为什么1 bringing up interface ifcfg:dr... 茶叶泡久了凉了,就不能再喝了吗?有毒吗?8 已经退休县乡公务员职级问题需要解决 泡一次茶叶可以喝几天40 公务员退休以后可以晋级(职级) 如果要了解古代宫廷知识应该看什么书? 为什么看到微信发现,朋友圈位置出现了个头像,点进去,却看不到那个人发... 修改不了怎么办? 9300手机无法开机,一直停留在SAMSUNG个界面,关机也关不了,什么问题,修 ... 给一个西方小朋友写一封信200——300字的?22 科慕529升冰箱是单蒸发器? 手机里的微信被封还能用这台手机注册新的吗? 可以修改吗?如何修改?746 被封了可不可以用另外一个手机号码来重新 注册一个 《伪装者》里谁最让人心疼?8 《伪装者》里最让你心疼的角色是谁?1509 怎样灭掉联想S10笔记本内置摄像头的QQ图标 广东省梅州市卫生职业技术学校的护理班要学多少门科目?分别是什么? 构造柱的上端是否与梁连接2 《伪装者》里最让你心疼的角色是谁?1509 现在大连哪里能买到红毛丹?超市我都找了,没有!也别告诉我网上... 圆圆的糯米一样的表情 叫啥名 大连有啥好吃的4 电视剧《伪装者》中各人物的结局是什么?34 怎样成功删除vivo手机系统自带软件?221 vivo如何删除系统自带应用37 vivo手机怎么删除自带软件?263 vivo手机如何删除自带软件?63 怎样卸载VIVO手机自带软件?229
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