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发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-18 12:07



热心网友 时间:2023-12-08 18:12

1.When you make the call, I can't speak english,so we can't communicate.
2.The reason why I didn't write you back is because I doubted your authenticity about several questions.
3.Why don't you trust me as we never met before?
4.Why do you make me remit the payment?
5.You can transfer your money after you come to China.
6.Why are you in such a hurry to transfer your money?
7.You can make any kind of explanation,but I have my own principles.
8.I said before that if you are sincere,I won't disappoint you.
9.If you are.false,then please excuse me.
10,That's all for us. / Let's stop here. / Let's call it a day.

2.The reason why I didn't write you back is because I doubted your authenticity about several questions.3.Why don't you trust me as we never met before?4.Why do you make me remit the payment?5.You can transfer your money after you come to China.6.Why are you in such...

汉译英 高手进~~谢谢~不要翻译器的~

As exports to the Philippines, V brake fluid models, there is no proven increase in the domestic power equipment clutch program.参考资料:this is me

汉译英 高手进~~谢谢~不要翻译器的~

"We worry about what the customers worry about and think about what they think about". In order to resolve the complaints of the customers,the Foreign Affairs Department and the Commodity Designing Technological Centre immediatelyy established a project team to proceed in completing the ...

汉译英 高手进~~谢谢~不要翻译器的~

Through effective cooperation and retest made by designers from product research and invention center and product developing engineers from oversea cause department, a spring servomechanism is increased on clutch operating gear which successfully solves the problems in final that V-vehicle clutch...

汉译英 高手进~~谢谢~不要翻译器的~

Coupled with the poor road conditions in Philippine, Traffic jam offen occured when driving in the urban district. Hence the clutch's frequency of use is increasing as well as the sensitivity of the clutch pedal force which users can feel....


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hello,I would like to confirm the date of contact first ,is it supposed on April 25th?And then how could I contact you ,by phone or by e-mail?


Five internal organs' five lines of ownerships, not only has explained five internal organs' function characteristic, moreover also explained between the internal organs physiological function inner link 五脏的五行归属,不仅阐明了五脏的功能特性,而且还说明了脏腑之间生理功能的内在联系 Says ...

汉译英【拒绝中国式英语】不要翻译器的 用上括号里的单词

to win customers back by offering discount.3. If you don't apologize for your mistake, they won't let you get away with it.4. I don't want to lie to you but I have to tell you that his IQ/intelligence is very limited.猫迷英语专家团提供【Real。American。English。】...

汉译英 不要翻译器的!!!

a dream in the past 5 years ago, but we can do, and mobile payment, is the development of science and technology, this brings us to a very large space, our computer from the host to the small PC, and through the Internet network, today has entered the a cloud computing.

可今天晚上厨房的水管又爆裂啦,迫切寻求帮助 2024没学历最吃香的职业 米糊应该怎么冲 ...低,又是言语残疾人的女生是不是注定被社会淘汰? 只有初中学历是不是就注定一事无成?只有读大学才有出息人生才有出路... 对6.4X99+6.4进行简算,可以运用A.乘法交换律 B.乘法分配律 C.乘法结合... ...A.乘法交换律B.乘法结合律C.乘法分配律D.乘法交换律和结合律... ...A.乘法交换律B.乘法结合律C.乘法分配律D.加法结合律 王俊凯再不努力的话,张译也带不动了,他有可能赶超易烊千玺吗? TFBOY演过电影有哪些 如果所有人都说你好,那你就危险了。出自孔子论语哪句话?4 一个手机二个怎么弄 怎样可以永久不封 如果没有杨贵妃这个人存在,唐朝会走向没落吗? ...啊不然不给财富悬赏】 一会儿 忽然 接着 一转眼 上海启杨财务咨询有限公司怎么样? GTA5中的小丑形象:娱乐与深度的融合 怎么让自己的密码永远不过期? 怎样永远都不被封? 我高一在省重点高中上学,学校很严,我成绩很差,压力太大,每天... 徐志摩的<再别康桥>写自什么时间段? 给其他公司做的培训费对应什么税收分类编码20 你以为你是谁啊,自以为是的,对你好跟你讲道理,你却反而不近情...3 结算审计时签证部分需要单独上报吗1 最近在跳绳减肥,跳完绳小腿好痛,走路都困难,是否还要继续跳呢569 最近想健身减肥 我想一三五做俯卧撑 二四六仰卧起坐 例如一三五俯卧撑五... 寻常巷陌什么意思63 汽车发生事故后,到底是该先报警还是先通知保险公司?4 不到一个月的小猫身上有跳蚤怎么办 南京中北三盛汝悦铭著开发商是哪家公司? 帮忙汉译英,真心谢谢了!! (不要翻译器,不要瞎写的,不要捣乱的) ...中译英一篇短文,不要翻译工具翻译的!翻译的好我会加分的~!!_百度知... 从房山区燕山去西单, 是公交快还是倒地铁房山线快?1 零基础学车科目二要练多少个课时可以去考试?大概要多少天啊?98 考驾照科目二练车一般隔几天练一次车啊?知道的告诉我一下吧,谢...155 科目二考试,一般一个人上车练习多久每天,练习多少天 谢谢1403 重庆学车一般要学多久1 4000以下配电脑加显示屏32寸的。能把配置单和价格留下吗。... QQ炫舞八音合怎么抽到衣服?比较喜欢衣服,有经历的朋友来答。4 一般科目二要练多久171 王牌对王牌第二季第八期介绍爱情公寓团队是放的音乐是什么,4 农行网银转账到邮政储蓄卡多久到账1 交通银行网银转账多久到账70 上海启盎企业管理有限公司怎么样? 上海启彬财务咨询有限公司怎么样? 二月初六是什么星座83 上海启海企业管理咨询有限公司怎么样? 农历2月6日是什么星座的3 农历2月初六是什么星座?8 2月初6的生日是什么星座5
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