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what will you do if you have difficulty in your study

发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-16 06:07



what will you do if you have difficulty in your study

nowadays,many students have difficulties in study,also including me.what shall we do to change this situation?first,you should change the ways you learn.change the bad habits such as talking or sleeping in class,eating in class or looking at other's homework instead of you done i...

翻译1、今天的报纸上没有重要的东西. 2、如果你在困境中,你会怎么办...

1、今天的报纸上没有重要的东西.There is nothing important in today's newspaper.2、如果你在困境中,你会怎么办?What will you do if you are in trouble ?3、电影院关门了,我们为什么不改去购 The cinema is closed. Why don't we go shopping instead ?祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*...

写一篇关于how important to do homework{写作业的重要性}的英语作文...

The importance of doing homework Doing homework is very common and important in some Asian countries especially China. Nowdays, we need to do homework every day because we need to remember the key points of knowledge. On one hand, doing more homework can help us understand...

If you have difficulty something,wearing red &nbs...

D 试题分析:此题考查两个固定句型结构have difficulty/trouble (in) doing sth或have difficulty/trouble with sth表示做某事有困难;动名词短语作主语谓语动词用单数形式,故选D。点评:在实际应用中,动词的现在分词、不定式等逐渐形成了一种比较固定的搭配,这样的句式或者短语应用起来比较简单,平时...

have difficulty还是difficultyies (in)doing sth?

have difficulty in doing sth,意思是“做某事有困难”,其中的difficulty通常采用单数形式。介词in含有while的意思,表示“当……的时候”“在……的过程中”,整个结构的意思是“当做某事的时候有困难”“在做某事的过程中有困难”。如:We had difficulty in finding a parking place.我们费了很大劲...


则使用介词 in,而且这个 in 是可以省略的。difficulty双语例句:1、I explained my difficulty to her.我向她解释了我的困难。2、There will be no difficulty in this.在这个方面将不会有困难。3、Do you have any difficulty in working with others?你跟其他人一起工作有什么困难吗?

...内容必须包括以下: What will you do if you...

What do you think of smiling?Smiling is an attitude Smiling is very important in our life.When you are not successful and no one could help you,can you give up?No,you can't,now that no one would help you,why not try to help yourself.But then you will say how,how to ...

what difficulties do you have in your learning?how do you overco...

n.困难;麻烦;(difficulty的复数)例句:Any attempt to explicate the theme is bound to run into peculiar difficulties.任何想阐述这个主题的尝试都注定会遇到一些特别的困难。短语搭配:1、learning difficulties学习障碍 2、practical difficulties实际困难;实际的困难;实践困难 3、face difficulties面临...

—“Did you have any difficulty in today’s homework?”—“No...

A A found提示用一般过去时,而it’s是it is或it has的缩写,故排除C;固定句型find it +adj. to do故选A。

do you have any difficul ty in english

D 【解析】本题考查非谓语动词的用法。have difficulty in doing sth.表示“做某享有困难”,第一空使用speaking;make oneself understood表示“让自己被理解”,故第二空使用understood。

这是什么牌的钥匙 诗句排比是什么意思 申请契税减免多久 申请契税减免的审批时限是多久? 盘锦房交会免契税多久反 成都橡树林到九龙有多远 从梁家巷客运站怎么到锦江区石牛堰街 从成都金沙金阳路到达锦江区石牛堰街33号3楼橡树林最近路线 2022世界杯威尔士队阵容名单 世界杯威尔士首发阵容 威尔士足球代表队球队阵容 莆田市秀屿区双星照明电器有限公司怎么样? 用香杉木指接做家具好吗4 ssi-uploader1.css 引进怎么出错 ssi uploader.js怎么传值4 一匹出色的马指的是什么同时也指的是什么?8 长太丑没自信怎么办? 百香果一天最多能吃几个?31 用同一个手机号重新注册了一个,之前的微信怎么登录? 手机卡怎么办812 我到底以后该怎么做?还该和他继续么?4 玻璃杯上印的字怎么去掉??150 dnf黑雾之源单刷的时候最后boss出现四个电球,我全吃了我... VC++ ID号如何分配? 为啥要向大棚里充二氧化碳?原理38 春田花花同学会的 所有歌曲8 深圳职业学院是3a还是3b?深圳信息学院是3a还3b?求读过或者比较了解的具... 普利司通泰然者ER300-225/50R17,94W的轮胎质... 请问导线中的电场是沿着导线的方向,但是为什么电势并不会降低?5 鬼吹灯共几卷,讲了几个故事?28 一个新手机号怎么注册277 我是半路学习工程测量这个专业的,需要用到cad这些软件,但是... 如何修改mfc中的ID号呀 DNF黑雾之源boss吃四个球再开无敌技能会死吗?如果会死单... 鬼吹灯第一部共有几卷16 办电话卡怎么办理?63 可以注销么?用手机号注册的怎么注销啊? 建筑工地做CAD图纸修改很少用,经常和测量员测量施工,不想只... 我想申请一个怎么申请的333 怎样用手机号注册291 ...给我写一份3500-4000左右的电脑配置单用于3Dmax CAD PS 渲染效... ...请用化学符号或化学式填空:(1)3个钾原子___; &nbs... 网络总是卡,怎么办啊?61 网络经常卡死啊,怎么办3 木工板与插接木到底哪个更适合做衣柜等家具3 为什么我的4G网络总是很卡3 CNC数控加工中心的玻璃门上有刻字,怎么去掉?那种跟硬塑一样... 根据我的实际情况要买那种佛山移动卡好? 黑雾之源boss剑圣可以直接二绝吊起来吗 各位大神,求教黑雾boss吃球的正确姿势 怎么把微信好友转移到另一个? 一个手机号在注册了一个微信后又注册了新的,旧的怎么找回?
  • 焦点


