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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 06:39



热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 15:55

airhead: stupid person.

ace: excellent, great.

Adam and Eve - Rhyming Slang for 'believe'

aggro - short for aggravation or violence

amber fluid : beer

anorak - geek, nerd.

apples and pears - Rhyming Slang for 'stairs'.

armpit: dirty, unappealing place.

arse / ass [slightly offensive] (1): backside.

arse / ass (2): an unworthy person.

arse about/arsing about - to fool around

arse-about-face: something that is in a mess or crooked

arseholed: very drunk

arvo : afternoon

Aussie : Australian

awesome: great and impressive.

backhander (1): a payment given, normally in a secretive fashion.

backhander (2): hit someone.

ball (1): a fun time.

ball [slightly offensive] (2): a testicle.

ballistic - to go mad with rage

bang [slightly offensive](1): to make love

bang (2): a powerful effect.

banged up - to be put in prison.

bangers - another name for sausages.

barbie : barbecue, grill.

barf (1): vomit.

barmy - a foolish person, mad.

barney - row, violent argument.

beans: money.

beast [offensive] - an ugly woman.

beat: tired.

beemer: a BMW.

bent (1): a 'gay man'

bent (2): 'stolen'.

biggie: something important.

biker: a motorcycle rider.

bikkie : biscuit

bimbo - a young woman considered sexually attractive but of limited intelligence.

bird - woman/girl/girlfriend

bitch [offensive] (1): a very unpleasant woman.

bitch [offensive] (2): complain.

bitchy [slightly offensive]: moody.

bitzer : mongrel dog (bits of this and bits of that!).

bladdered - very drunk

blag - a robbery

bloke - man

blotto - 'very drunk'

blue (1) - XXX; dirty, hot, steamy, pornographic

blue (2): domestic fight or row.

bluey - pornographic film

boat race - Rhyming Slang for 'face'.

bod: body.

bonkers; go bonkers: crazy.

bonzer : great.

booboo: a mistake.

bovver - trouble, usually fighting.

booze: alcohol.

boozer (1): a pub

boozer (2): someone who likes alcohol.

Brahms and Liszt - Rhyming Slang for 'pissed' (drunk).

brass monkeys - cold weather

bread: money.

brew (1): tea or coffee.

brew (2): beer.

brill - short for 'brilliant'.

bull: bullshit; lie.

bullshit [offensive]: lie; dishonesty.

bugger - a mild form of abuse or an exclamation.

bunk-off - to be absent without permission

bunk-up - to make love.

bushed: extremely tired.

butt: the buttocks, bottom.

cabbage - someone who is a bit slow or stupid

cakehole - mouth..

catch some rays: get some sunshine.

char / cha - tea.

cheesy: cheap; lacking in good taste.

chicken: coward.

chook : a chicken

chuck up: vomit

chuck a sickie : take the day off sick from work when you're perfectly healthy.

ciggy - slang for cigarette.

cock and bull story - a rubbish story, nonsense.

(to) cop it - to die, to get into trouble.

cool: excellent; superb.

cooler, the: gaol; jail; prison

couch potato: a person who watches too much television.

cozzie : swimming costume

cranky : in a bad mood, angry.

crap [slightly offensive] (1): something worthless.

crap [offensive] (2): excrement.

crap [slightly offensive] (3): falsehoods and lies.

crikey - an expression of astonishment.

crust - money / wage.

cushy - easy.

dead cert - something that is definite.

deck: to hit someone.

dicey: unpredictable; risky.

dickhead [slightly offensive] - an idiot, fool.

dill : an idiot.

ding-dong - argument or fight.

dipstick - idiot, fool.

dirt: extremely bad person.

dirty: offensive; pornographic.

div/divvy - stupid or slow person.

doodle - something thats easy / no problem.

dodgy - bious person or thing.

dog [offensive] - an ugly girl.

done over - beaten up

dope - a slow or stupid person.

doobry - a nonsensical word used when you forget the name of something

dorky: strange; peculiar.

dosh - money.

dosser - down-and-out, tramp.

down under : Australia and New Zealand.

Drongo : a dope, stupid person.

de: a male.

mp [slightly offensive] - to defecate.

dyke [offensive] - lesbian.

dynamite: powerful; excellent.

dinosaur: something out of date or old fashioned.

earbashing : nagging, non-stop chatter.

evil: great; excellent.

eyeball: to stare long and hard at someone or something.

eyepopper: something or someone visibly astounding.

fab: fabulous.

face-off: confrontation.

fag [offensive] (1): homosexual

fag (2): cigarette

family jewels - Rhyming Slang for testicles.

far out - splendid.

fart [offensive] (1): an escape of gas from the bowels.

fart [slightly offensive] (2): an unpleasant person

fat head - an idiot or ll person.

fender-bender: small accident.

filth [offensive] - the police.

fit - sexually attractive.

five finger discount - shoplifting.

flaky: unpredictable.

flashback: sudden memory.

flick (1): film; movie.

flick (2): to give something or somebody the flick is to get rid of it or him/her

floating : intoxicated

floozie - a mistress or girlfriend.

flommox - confuse

flutter - a bet (on horse racing or football)

footie - Abbreviated form for football.

for crying out loud ! - a expression of frustration or anger.

forty winks - a short sleep or nap.

fox: attractive, alluring person.

freebie: something that does not cost money.

French kiss : kissing with the tongue.

full monty - 'the whole lot', everything.

full-on - powerful, with maximum effort.

funny farm - mental hospital or institution.

funny money - counterfeit money.

gaff - house or flat.

gander - to look at.

geek: an unattractive person who works too hard.

get it: to understand something.

glitch: flaw.

gobshite [offensive] - someone who talks rubbish all the time.

go bananas: go slightly mad.

good onya : good for you, well done

goof (1): make a mistake.

goof (2): a silly and foolish person.

goof off: waste time.

goof up: make a mistake.

goofy: silly.

Gordon Bennet - an exclamation.

grand: one thousand dollars.

grass: marijuana.

greaser - slang name for a 1950's style man.

grog : alcohol, beer.

grub: food.

grubby: not clean.

grungy: unclean and stinky.

gut: a person's stomach; belly.

guts: courage.

gyno - gynaecologist

hacked off - fed up, annoyed.

hairy: difficult; dangerous.

ham-fisted - clumsy.

hammered - drunk.

handcuffs: an engagement ring or wedding ring

hang a left: make a left turn.

hang a right: make a right turn.

headcase - mad

hep: sensible; informed.

her ('er) indoors - wife, girlfriend.

hickey: a love bite on the skin.

hip: sensible; informed.

hole in the wall - a cashpoint machine or bankomat.

hoo-ha - trouble; commotion.

hooker: prostitute.

horny: in the mood for sex, sexually stimulated;.

hot (1): sexy.

hot (2):popular.

hottie : hot water bottle

huff - bad mood.

humungous: really big.

hump (1) - to have sex.

hump (2) - bad mood.

hyper: overly excited.

icky: unpleasant.

I.D.: identification.

iffy - bious, doubtful.

I'm outta here: I'm leaving; I'm departing.

in: fashionable.

ivories: teeth.

jack around: waste time.

jam (1): trouble.

jam (2): improvise (musically).

jamming, to be : going well.

jammy - lucky.

jerk: stupid or annoying person.

jock: someone good at sports.

K : a thousand.

keep your hair on - "keep calm".

kick back: relax and enjoy.

kick the bucket: die.

kip - sleep.

knackered - exhausted.

knees up - party.

knock: condemn, criticise.

knockout: beautiful woman; handsome man.

knock back : refusal (noun), refuse (transitive verb)

kook: peculiar person.

kraut [slightly offensive] - German

laid back: relaxed; calm.

lairy - loud, brash.

lame: incompetent.

legless - very drunk.

limp wristed - a gay man.

lip: cheeky talk.

loaded - someone with a lot of money.

loo : toilet

loser: a bungling and worthless person.

lost the plot - crazy/mad.

love handles: excess fat around the waist.

luvverly jubberly - wonderful, great, all is well.

make waves: cause problems.

malarkey - nonsense.

mate - friend

max, to the : maximum.

mega: big.

megabucks: a large amount of money.

mellow: relaxed.

mickey-mouse: unimportant; time-wasting.

minger [offensive] - an unattractive person (usually female).

mongrel : despicable person

moonie [offensive!] - to show one's bottom (arse) to unsuspecting onlookers.

moose [offensive] - an ugly girl.

mozzie : mosquito

mug : a gullible person.

naff - something which is cheap and nasty.

naff off - a milder version off fu*k off.

nancy (nancy boy) - a homosexual.

nark - a police informer.

narked - to be annoyed.

neat: cool; great.

nick - to steal.

nipper - a small child.

no-hoper - somebody who'll never do well

nosh - food.

not cricket - not normal or correct.

not all there - someone who is stupid, not bright intellectually

not half! - cetainly, for sure.

not the full quid - someone who is stupid, not bright intellectually.

nuke (1): nuclear weapon.

nuke (2): destroy; delete.

nuke (3): cook something in the microwave oven.

nut (1): odd or crazy person.

nut (2): someone passionate about something.

nutter - crazy person.

nuts [slightly offensive]: testicles.

nutty - eccentric.

off your face - to be very drunk.

out of your tree - crazy, drunk or stoned.

pad: someone's home.

pants (1) - an exclamation of frustration.

pants (2) - bad or rubbish.

party: celebrate.

party animal: someone that loves parties.

paws: hands.

peanuts: very little money.

pee: to urinate.

pickled: drunk.

pig out: eat too much.

pigs ear: to make a mistake with something.

piss [slightly offensive] - to urinate.

pissed - drunk.

pissed (off): angry; upset.

piss-head - a habitual drinker or alcoholic.

piss-up - a big drinking session.

plank - an idiot.

plastered: drunk.

plonker - an idiot

pad: someone's home.

plonk (1) : cheap wine

plonk (2): sit down - as in "plonk your arse down there".

poop [offensive]: defecation; shit.

poop out: get tired and quit.

postie : postman

pot: marijuana.

prezzy : present, gift

pro - someone who's good at something; professional.

psycho: crazy person.

puke: vomit.

pumped (up): excited.

queer [slightly offensive] - a homosexual.

rabbit - talk.

racket (1): noise.

racket (2): an occupation.

racket (3): something that's dishonest or deceptive.

rat: a despicable person.

rat-arsed - drunk.

rear (end): buttocks.

(a) riot - something or someone very funny.

rip off (1): stealing.

rip off (2): fraud.

ripper : great, fantastic

rocking: great; excellent.

roll up - a hand rolled cigarette.

rosie lee - tea

rubbish: nonsense; not true.

ruck - a fight.

rug - wig, toupee.

rug rat: a child.

rum - odd, strange.

runs, the: diarrhoea.

scoff: to eat.

screw up: to make a mistake.

screw-up: a person who makes a mistake.

scum (offensive] - a despicable indivial.

shades - sunglasses.

shag [slightly offensive] - to make love.

shagged-out - to feel tired.

shed-load - a huge amount.

shite - milder variation of the word shit.

shitfaced [slightly offensive] - very drunk.

shithead [slightly offensive]: a stupid, impolite person.

skint - to have no money

skosh - a little bit.

slapper [offensive] - a loose or easy woman.

smeghead - an idiot.

snog - to kiss

snookered: cheated, stuck.

solid (1): really good; cool.

solid (2): consecutive.

specs: eyeglasses.

split: to leave.

spunk [offensive] (1): semen

spunk (2): spirit.

spunk (3): an attractive man.

stoned: drunk from drugs or alcohol.

stunner - a very good looking woman.

street smart: knowledgeable about city life.

strewth : exclamation

(I'll be) stuffed : expression of surprise

suck: to be bad and unacceptable.

sunnies : sunglasses

swagman : tramp

sweet - excellent, cool.

ta - thanks.

tacky - something of poor taste or style.

tanked (up) - to get very drunk.

tea leaf - Rhyming Slang for thief.

telly - television.

thick as shit [offensive]- very stupid.

thick as two short planks [offensive] - very stupid.

thingo : Wadjamacallit, thingummy, whatsit, something you don't know the name of!

thou: thousand.

threads: clothing.

ticker (1): the heart.

ticker (2): a watch.

tiddly - slightly drunk.

toss-pot [slightly offensive] - idiot.

totally: really; completely.

to the max: maximum.

troll - an ugly girl.

(the) trots - diarrhoea.

trouble and strife - Rhyming Slang for 'wife'.

trout [offensive] - unattractive woman

turkey (1): failure; flop.

turkey (2): mb person.

turn-off: something that repulses a person.

umpteen: many; countless.

up for it - to be willing to have a good time.

up the ff - to be pregnant.

Uncle Tom Cobley and all - a phrase meaning 'everyone'.

uptight: nervous; anxious.

veg out : relax in front of the TV (like a vegetable)

wad: a lot of money.

wanker - an idiot or an unpleasant person.

wasted: killed.

weed (1): marijuana.

weed (2): someone who is weak.

wheels: car; motorcycle.

whiz: someone who shows a special talent for something.

wicked - excellent, cool.

wimp: weak; feeble.

wimpy: weak.

wind up - to tease.

winks: sleep.

wuss : coward

x-rated - pornographic.

yabber : talk (a lot)

Yank: an American.

yob - a horrible or uncouth young man.

zeds - sleep.

zero - an unimportant person.

zilch - nothing

zip (1) -nothing.

zip (2) - energy; vigor.

zip it - shut up.

zit: pimple; acne.

美国口语俚语总汇(1)1. clock in 打卡 别忘了打卡,否则你领不到钱。2. come on to 对...轻薄;吃豆腐 Tanya在Bill对她轻薄之后打了他一巴掌。3. come easily 易如反掌 语言学习对有些人来说易如反掌。4. don’t have a cow别大惊小怪 别大惊小怪!我会赔偿损失的。5. push aroun...


别想耍我!美国口语俚语总汇(2) 1.keep one’s shirt on保持冷静 Keep your shirt on. He didn’t mean to offend you. That’s just the way he talks. 保持冷静。那只是他说话的惯常方式,他并非有意要冒犯你。 2.cool it冷静一点 Cool it. You are making me mad. 冷静一点。你快把我逼疯了。


美国口语俚语(15) 1. let the cat out of the bag 泄漏秘密 I won't let the cat out of the bag. 我不会泄漏秘密的。 2.in the market for 想买,积极物色 People are always in the market for something new and different. 人们总想买点新奇的且与众不同的东西。 3.meddle in ...


1. You can't please everyone 你不可能让所有人都满意。2. All roads lead to Rome 条条大路通罗马。3. I'll say no more, because there is no more to say 我不再多说了,因为已经无话可说。4. Please lend an ear to me 请听我说。5. You are all alike 你们都一个样。6. I...

美国地道俚语 美国旅游必备地道俚语

8.The news came as a bombshell。这个消息犹如晴天霹雳。9.These are more than old wives tales。这些可不是无稽之谈。10.That’ll save your skin。那可帮你度过难关。好了,相信大家掌握好这些地道的俚语,走遍全美国,都不会有多大的问题的。 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 ...


答案:美国俚语是指在美语口语中广泛使用的一种非正式、富有表现力的特殊词汇或短语。这些俚语通常带有特定的含义,与日常标准用语有所不同。以下是几个常见的美国俚语及其解释:解释:1. Hooked Up:意为非常忙碌或参与某项活动到了相当投入的程度。这个俚语通常用来描述一个人在社交活动、工作或学习中...


1.duh 废话!2.folks 父母 3.wannabe 希望成为xx人的人(而现在还没有达成目的)4.bimbo 笨女人 5.make a killing 赚大发了 6.oh well 得了吧 7.zip 零,什么都没有 8.chick 年轻女孩儿 9.dude 老兄 10.sth.is a snap xx是小菜一碟 11.yall=you all或you guys...


美国俚语丰富多彩,反映了美国人的日常生活和独特的语言风格。以下是一些精选的美国地道俚语,供您欣赏和学习。1. "Cross a bridge before one comes to it"这个俚语意味着“无需杞人忧天”,其否定形式则表达“船到桥头自然直”的意思。例句:期末考试还有几个月呢,你紧张什么?放心吧,船到桥头自然...


1、2、 dont shop when youre in a hurry or when youre hungry. 匆忙或饥饿时不要购物 3、 these are times of finer houses,but more broken homes.现在房子越来越精致,但我们也有 4、 i wish to wish the wish you wish to wish,but if you wish the wish the witch wishes,...


在日常交流和非正式场合中,美国俚语以其独特而生动的表达方式丰富了我们的语言。以下是一些常见的美国俚语及其含义:1. Acid test:严峻的考验,这个词形容一个能真正检验某人能力或决心的艰难情况。2. Bad breath:这里指的是讨厌鬼或粗俗的称呼,用来形容令人不悦的气味或行为。3. Cabin fever:幽居...

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  • 焦点


