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英语作文 记笔记的重要80-100词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 03:36



热心网友 时间:2022-06-24 02:14

July 13th 2004 Fine
In order to save money,Xu Huishang and I decided to walk to the university,but we never expected that the pavement only extended to the end of the town.We ended up walking on the edge of the highway with cars whistling by.
Sandra was highly tensed,complaining all the way.Luckily,it was our idea,not mine alone.I tried to appear more calm while quite aware of the danger we were in.We could have been knocked down by any of the passing cars!Thank God,this didn’t happen.
July 19th 2004 fine
There are several interesting things that I’d like to write about.
1.When it is almost nine o’clock in the evening,the sun is still shining high above the horizon.
2.Drinking water is available in the toilet !
3.My teacher Barbara wears so many fancy rings on her fingers and even one on her toe!
4.There are metal boxes attached to some of the poles on the campus.They are meant for the students to put in the cigarette ends.
5.Cars marked with L at the back tell people that someone learning driving is driving the car.Cars marked with P means someone who has just passed the driving test is driving the car.
6.Words in large letters are painted on the road to give signs and warnings,such as,“BUS LANE”,“BUS AND TAXI”,“LOOK RIGHT,THEN LOOK LEFT”,“KEEP CLEAR”,“NO PARKING”,“STAND BACK” etc.
7.Almost all the houses have chimneys on the roofs.
8.Most of the bus-drivers are people in their fifties,who are very kind and helpful.
9.In the university cafeteria there is a large rotating shelf on which students put their used trays after eating.
10.Almost all the houses facing the streets have got beautifully-woven white curtains which are out of date in China but to me they are very romantic.
July 21st 2004 fine
After dinner,Xu Huishang and I took a walk to Rottingdean.When we drew near,we took a different path which leads to the windmill on top of a hill.Once we reached the windmill,we found ourselves in the middle of a golf course,and the English Channel spread before us with the sun setting.What a splendid sight!We were very excited and Sandra began to shout (I made sure that there was no one around).We took some photos and came back by bus.
July 22nd 2004 Fine
To be frank,I don’t like the computer lesson at all.Lily speaks in a very faint voice and she is always on her own.I figured she is not a native English speaker.This afternoon,ring her course,I began to feel a severe headache.I am computer-illiterate,feeling like a complete idiot.Then on the way home,Sandra and I dropped in at a DVD shop.I was very much focused looking at the DVDs when I saw in my eyes’ corner that Sandra was already standing outside the door.So without much thinking,I headed for the door.Bang!I bumped my head into the glass window!The embarrassment surpassed the pain.Luckily,I quickly located the right door and fled the shop,knowing that people must be laughing at me… What a day!The thirteenth day of my being in England!
July 27th 2004 Fine
This afternoon towards evening,my English friend Ben came down from London by train to Brighton and we met at the train station ( just like in a film ).Before I could see his face clearly,he gave me a “huge” hug (obviously he has put on some weight) and a kiss on the cheek.Then we just looked at each other and laughed heartedly!He took me to a pub and we had a few drinks.I behaved myself and we didn’t fight!We talked about the time when he was teaching in my school in China and all the fun we used to have with friends in Pinghu.He kept saying,“It is like yesterday…” Then we walked to the beach and had a photo taken.The old couple who helped with the camera said that we looked perfect!I was very rejoiced and of course very sad as well because finally came the time when we had to say goodbye.Hug and kiss again,but this time I felt myself really so small (as Ben put it) and totally lost!
That’s my “romance” in England.Next Tuesday he will come to see me again.
July 30 th Friday 2004
Damian Slee is another teacher who also gives lessons on teaching methodology and introces different ways of teaching the English language.His first impression on me was that he was not a native speaker,but a Spanish,and I was bold enough to tell him so.Luckily he didn’t kill me----he is English.
I’m absorbed in his interesting lessons and his way of teaching,which is seemingly loose,but very flexible in fact.He can bring out my inspirations and many times I found myself uttering words and expressions that I hadn’t used for a long time.I like the background music he played for us.I like to hear him singing familiar songs and wished I could sing with him.I’m looking forward to the lessons when he will do some songs and poems

热心网友 时间:2022-06-24 02:15

Recently a survey on “Do you take notes in class?” has been carried out among all the 2105 senior students in our school. According to the survey, 55% of the students surveyed often take notes in class, which helps to get their studies improved. However, 45% of them don?t take notes, some of whom think that listening to the teacher attentively is much more important than taking notes in class. Others want to take notes, but they can?t for lack of the skill,so they are badly in need of help from teachers. As far as I am concerned, since so many students don?t know how to take notes properly, teachers are supposed to focus more on improving students? skill of t
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I'm Li Hua,the student who will host you when you are in China.All my family are happy to have you stay with us.I am outgoing and enthusiastic so we can get along well with each other . I am good at languages so we can communicate well. I can be a good guide to ...

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yours Li hua.


can we remember it clearly.Hower,many students attach little importance to spelling.The cause is that they don't think spelling is important.What's more,spelling is hard work,and they don't it.

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who said "Practice makes perfect".Actually,it means we have to do more practice.And in my opinion,the homework is as important as practice.So if we want to learn more and remember more,we need to do homework every day.Because it`s good for us now even forever !

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have gotten it with no questions, you may think it's stupid but you need to do it, that will take you less time and you will keep your grade up.So, it is very important and good for you to keep doing homework.不知道你要求的词汇应该是什么程度,所以就写成这个样子了 ...

...Fly 记住我是初二的 不要太高大上的 80~100词 谢谢

success.so when I do everything , I will never give up. because I believe I can fly. so If you believe you can fly,then you can really fly someday.at last I think I will never give upwhenever I meet any difficulties. I’ll remember confidence is the promise for 。

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good morning, guys! today is Wednesday, April 24th, 2013, and Liu Ming is absent. time flies, we are facing the high school entrance exam, so we should work harder on our studies so as to get good grades in the exam. during the past several weeks, i have made big ...


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高考为什么要考体育 ...开门就窜进来白蛇,黑蛇,紧紧的缠绕着我,也不咬我。。好像要亲我是... 别墅厨房放在哪方好 电脑开机后显示器黑屏键盘灯不亮主机红灯不亮无滴声 电脑开机蓝灯亮红灯不亮,键盘鼠标没反应,显示器打印机只有电源无反_百 ... 笔记本电脑黑屏,按电源键或拔插销都不能关机,其他按键也都没反应,求... ...器就黑屏,而且显示器开关不停的闪烁,试过拔掉插销,但是还是那样的情 ... 三人自驾若尔盖3天消费多少,三天若尔盖旅游路线 十几分钟就死机黑屏,主机还在转,还不能重启,只能拔插销 电脑开机就工作,然后黑屏,关不上机器,得拔插销。 语文作文写了记笔记的经历,但后几段介绍做笔记方法没用叙事,这样算是叙事类文章吗? 作文《寻找春天的足迹》600初二 惠普1005一体机启动后在屏幕上一直显示Hewlett-packard这该怎么弄 中央一套播放过的国产现代战争的电视剧 老师叫我怎么记笔记作文200字 小米3的机身尺寸多少?长宽高 寻找一部何政军演的的电视剧!90年代的~ 惠普一体机屏幕发热 寻找春天的足迹 作文 急急急 惠普一体机 电脑屏幕有点问题,求解决 养成细心观察勤记笔记的50字作文 寻觅春天的足迹(作文) 小车后置摄像头打孔安装最佳位置 惠普一体机怎么关闭屏幕,没有按钮。求解释。 做笔记是为了什么 作文1000字 惠普一体机开不了机,但是风扇一直转电源也没问题,屏幕是黑屏运行一会就直接关机, 寻找春天的足迹作文200字 读书笔记的作文 后置摄像头行车记录仪需要拍摄住自己的后保险杠吗 互联网与笔记并存作文 惠普436一体机开机后屏闪 求一篇作文:寻览春天的足迹或脚印 语文作文写了记笔记的经历,但是后面几段介绍做笔记方法没用叙事,这样算是叙事类文章吗? 杨恭如拍过哪些电视剧?! 在乡村寻找春天的足迹的作文大全 今年以来中央一台黄金档电视剧局列表 超市食品流通许可证到期怎么办 过年应不应该给男朋友父母准备礼物 过年女生需要给男方父母送礼吗 送男朋友爸妈过年什么礼物合适 过年给男朋友父母送什么礼物 我的春节故事,三百字就行 春节小故事108字 单位买了扫描仪,请问它的残值率是多少,折旧年限是几年 电子设备与办公设备的区别 手机菜单没了怎么办 手机内存卡拔下来之后在安上里面什么都没了,怎么解决? 手机SIM卡菜单没有了 手机没有菜单了 怎么回事 U2手机没插卡找不到菜单了,上面只有日期和一个紧急呼救,救命啊...
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