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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-20 12:55



热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 15:21

Summary to Treasure Island

The story is told in the first person by Jim Hawkins, whose mother kept the Admiral Benbow Inn, and who shared in the adventures from start to finish.
An old sea dog comes to the inn one day and hires Jim to keep a watch out for other sailors, but he is hunted out and served with the black spot. Jim and his mother barely escape death when some pirates descend on the inn for the sea dog’s papers. Jim snatches up a packet of papers to square the sailor’s debt, when they were forced to retreat from the inn. The packet contains a map showing the location of the pirate Flint’s buried treasure, which Jim, Doctor Livesey, and Squire Trelawney determine to find. Fitting out a ship, they hire hands and set out on their adventure. Unfortunately, their crew includes one pirate also in search of the treasure, and a number of his confederates. Jim overhears the crew's plan to mutiny and warns his comrades. The battle begins. Finally the victors get safely aboard the ship with the treasure.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 15:21

Summary to Treasure Island

The story is told in the first person by Jim Hawkins, whose mother kept the Admiral Benbow Inn, and who shared in the adventures from start to finish.
An old sea dog comes to the inn one day and hires Jim to keep a watch out for other sailors, but he is hunted out and served with the black spot. Jim and his mother barely escape death when some pirates descend on the inn for the sea dog’s papers. Jim snatches up a packet of papers to square the sailor’s debt, when they were forced to retreat from the inn. The packet contains a map showing the location of the pirate Flint’s buried treasure, which Jim, Doctor Livesey, and Squire Trelawney determine to find. Fitting out a ship, they hire hands and set out on their adventure. Unfortunately, their crew includes one pirate also in search of the treasure, and a number of his confederates. Jim overhears the crew's plan to mutiny and warns his comrades. The battle begins. Finally the victors get safely aboard the ship with the treasure.
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