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求linkin park的所有歌

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 17:26



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 09:53

Linkin Park-《Minutes to Midnight》专辑[320k/mp3]http://www.rayfile.com/files/1d9fd363-e4ca-11dc-80bf-0014221b798a/
Linkin Park-《Hybrid Theory.混合理论》专辑[320k/mp3]-[FS]
Linkin Park-《Meteora 流星圣殿》专辑[320k/mp3]-[FS]


热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 09:53



专辑:《live in texas》
歌手:linkin park
1 faint
2 from the inside
3 lying from you
4 numb
5 somewhere i belong
6 crawling
7 in the end
8 p5hng me a*wy
9 papercut
10 points of authority
专辑:《collision course w/ jay-z》
1. dirt off your shoulder/lying from you
2. izzo/in the end
3. jigga what/faint
4. numb/encore
5. points of authority/99 problems/one step closer

1. crawling
2. dedicated
3. esa煤l
4. in the end
5. rhinestone
6. super xero
7. vertical limit

歌手:linkin park
1 1stp klosr

3 chali
4 enth e nd
5 frgt 10
6 h! vltg3
7 krwlng
8 kyur4 th ich
9 ppr kut
10 plc 4 mie haed 专辑:《hybrid theory》
歌手:linkin park
1 a place for my head
2 by myself
3 crawling
4 cure for the itch
5 forgotten
6 papercut
7 points of authority
8 pushing me away
9 runaway
10 with you
11 in the end
12 one step
14 my december 专辑:《hybrid theory》
歌手:linkin park
1 a place for my head
2 by myself
3 crawling
4 cure for the itch
5 forgotten
6 papercut
7 points of authority
8 pushing me away
9 runaway
10 with you
11 in the end
12 one step closer 13 paper cut
专辑:《hybrid theory》
歌手:linkin park
1 a place for my head
2 by myself
3 crawling
4 cure for the itch
5 forgotten
6 papercut
7 points of authority
8 pushing me away
9 runaway
10 with you
11 in the end
12 one step closer
13 paper cut
14 my december
15 high voltage

14 my december
15 high voltage

15 high voltage

11 pts of athrty
12 riff raff
13 rnw@y
14 stef
15 x-ecutioner style
16 pts.of.athrty
17 plc.4 mie haed
18 ntrmssion
19 my dsmbr
20 1 stp klosr
21 by_myslf
22 frgt/10
23 my
24 p5hng me a*wy
25 ppr: kut
26 wth
专辑:《hybrid theory ep》
歌手:linkin park
1 and one
2 carousel
3 high voltage
4 part of me
5 step up
专辑:《minutes to midnight》
歌手:linkin park
1 bleed it out
2 given up
3 hands held high
4 in between
5 in pieces
6 leave out all the rest
7 no more sorrow
8 shadow of the day
9 the little things give you away
10 valentine's day
11 wake
12 what i've done
13 valentine s day
14 what i ve done
15 afraid this time
16 no roads left
专辑:《collision course》
歌手:linkin park
1 big pimpin'& papercut
2 numb & encore
3 dirt off your shoulder & lying from you 试听 歌词
4 izzo & in the end 专辑:《hybrid theory》
歌手:linkin park
1 a place for my head
2 by myself
3 crawling
4 cure for the itch
5 forgotten 6 papercut
7 points of authority
8 pushing me away
9 runaway
10 with you
11 in the end
12 one step closer
13 paper cut 专辑:《hybrid theory》
歌手:linkin park
1 a place for my head
2 by myself
3 crawling
4 cure for the itch
5 forgotten
6 papercut
7 points of authority
8 pushing me away
9 runaway
10 with you
11 in the end
12 one step closer 专辑:《hybrid theory》
歌手:linkin park
1 a place for my head 专辑:《hybrid theory》
歌手:linkin park
1 a place for my head
2 by myself
3 crawling
4 cure for the itch
5 forgotten
6 papercut
7 points of authority
8 pushing me away
9 runaway
10 with you
11 in the end
12 one step closer
13 paper cut
14 my december
15 high voltage

2 by myself
3 crawling
4 cure for the itch
5 forgotten
6 papercut
7 points of authority
8 pushing me away
9 runaway
10 with you
11 in the end
12 one step closer
13 paper cut 14 my december
15 high voltage

13 paper cut
14 my december
15 high voltage

5 jigga what & faint
6 points of authority &99 problems & one step closer

专辑:《hybrid theory》
歌手:linkin park
1 a place for my head
2 by myself
3 crawling
4 cure for the itch
5 forgotten
6 papercut
7 points of authority
8 pushing me away 9 runaway
10 with you
11 in the end
12 one step closer
13 paper cut
14 my december
15 high voltage


前提:鄙 视 非主流!鄙 视网络歌曲!



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 09:54

去搜狐 音乐搜linkinpark有他们的专辑

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 09:54

I love LinKin Park!!!!!!!
最喜欢Numb&Leave out all the test!!

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 09:55

可以去QQ音乐上听 和很全

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 09:56

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  • 焦点


