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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 17:25



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 09:37

Time spent at a university is a most worthwhile period in a young person's life. This is a time when a student begins to form his or her ideas about life in general. Attending classes and studying in the library keep a student busy and provide him or her with access to valuable information, adding to his or her knowledge base.

Campus life can also be rich and colorful. Most universities offer a variety of extracurricular activities such as sports events, contests, and other social gatherings, enabling the students to experience relief fi'om study and homework. Students often form lifelong friendships through the varied experiences of university life.

During the time a student spends at university, he not only develops his intellectual ahilites,he also develops social skills as well as knowledge and wisdom necessary for choosing a future career. By learning how to balance intense study and recreation, a student will be well prepared for the challenges of future responsibilities.追问你自己写的还是?


热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 09:38

I'm period stay my college life. I think my college life should very good. Every morning not with early up class in college also very freedom. When I don't want to class when can skipping classes do I want thing. On college after I should feel whole personal are free, no school any regulation, any bound in college basically didn't homework, normally can also not with special hard learning, exam only final exam. In final exam before assault about can after kind of life, my imaginary college life.追答我很期待我的大学生活。我认为我的大学生活应该很美好。每天早上不用很早起来上课,在大学里也很自由。当我不想去上课的时候可以逃课去做我想做的事。上了大学之后,我应该会感觉整个人都是自由的,没有学校的任何规定,任何束缚,在大学里基本上没有作业,平时也可以不用特别刻苦的学习,考试只有期末考试。在期末考试之前突击一下就可以过了的那种生活,是我想象中的大学生活。

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 09:38


I am so looking forward to my college life. I have pictured it thousands of times in my mind. The free lifestyle and lively parties are always appearing my mind.我很期待我的大学生活,我已经在脑海中想象过成千上万次了。自由的生活方式、多姿多彩的聚会总是在我的脑海中出现。The gr...


对大学的期望 As a high school student, I have a lot of expectations and aspirations for university life. Here are some of them:Firstly, I hope to acquire more knowledge and skills in university. University is a place where students can learn different subjects and acquire various ...


对大学的期望 英语作文 大学是一个让人充满期待的地方。我期望在大学里能够拓宽我的视野,结交更多的朋友。我希望能够在大学里学到更多的知识,不仅仅是为了考试,而是为了真正理解世界。我也期望能够有更多的自由,能够自己安排时间,做一些我喜欢的事情。First of all, I hope to broaden my horizons ...


1、In my view, an ideal college life can be likened to a formal Western dinner. The main course would be a high GPA, or Grade Point Average, while active participation in extracurricular activities and joining associations serves as the appetizer. Romantic encounters, naturally, play...


I'm period stay my college life. I think my college life should very good. Every morning not with early up class in college also very freedom. When I don't want to class when can skipping classes do I want thing. On college after I should feel whole personal are free, no...


how funny that is!Secondly, most likely I'll be in a university far away from home. So maybe in the future I'll have to travel several hours on a bus or a train or even on a plane between my home and university. Speaking of travelling, I think I'm going to need a...




求一篇英语作文…我对大学的思考。 我对大学的思考: 目前,大学的教育侧重的是知识教育,缺乏实践能力培养。当我大学毕业后工作,才发现我要融入这个社会,要学的东西还很多,特别是我的实践能力的锻炼与培养。 My thinking on university: At present, the university education focuses on knowledge education, lack of...


无论在学习、工作或是生活中,许多人都写过作文吧,借助作文可以提高我们的语言组织能力。那么你知道一篇好的作文该怎么写吗?以下是我收集整理的我的理想大学生活英语作文(精选9篇),欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 我的理想大学生活英语作文1 I still remember the day when i first came into the campu...


Campus life can also be rich and colorful. Most universities offer a variety of extracurricular activities such as sports events, contests, and other social gatherings, enabling the students to experience relief from study and homework. Students often form lifelong friendships through the...

第五人格自救有什么用介绍_第五人格自救有什么用是什么 有哪些国内知名的编程教育加盟项目? 综合实践调查报告是什么资料 天气渐热防溺水知识 防溺水小常识 河南博康电子设备销售有限公司怎么样? 郑州博康康复辅助器具有限公司怎么样? 河南博康电子科技有限公司怎么样? 电子掺杂是什么意思? 2022 Top 50国产MCU厂商综合实力排名分析报告 合肥中秋节送什么给长辈 “温暖”最重要 对于大学生活我有许多期望用英语翻译 对大学的期望 英语作文 取款时银行多支付的钱叫做什么,单位时间(1年,1月,1日等)内的多少与多少的比率叫做利率。 晚上梦见过世了的妈妈喊我的小名我答应了 妈妈已经死了,然后梦见她叫我,我还答应了,怎么解 凌晨梦见妈妈叫我就答应了一声 昨天晚上梦见过世的妈妈了!妈叫我名字我也答应了!还梦到妈妈躺在地上!边上有一堆火!这是什么意思? 梦见自己的妈妈大声喊我是什么意思 梦见去世的妈妈叫我答应了 梦见母亲喊我,自己答应死了 前天晚上做梦,梦到老妈喊我,我答应了几声,结果还在喊,我就起床打开门 折纸盒子的折法 新买的手机号是别人以前用过的,有很多绑定业务,怎么办?别人用这个号注册的微信怎么取消 梦中自己妈妈叫我盖房子我答应了。是什么意思? 微信注册不上去在另一台登着呢 赛尔号通用刻印开启水晶兑换码 谁能给我一个赛尔号神兽兑换码,要没用过的,求你们了 赛尔号的神兽兑换码是多少?谢了! 赛尔号四九神谕兑换码 赛尔号兑换码是多少 主题对大学的期待,一篇120字的英语作文? 档案员个人年度总结怎么写? 最后,我希望我们一起度过一个充实而美好的大学生活。英文 对大学美好生活的憧憬将是未来一年我不懈努力的动力 我相信有梦想就有希望 用英语翻译下 谢谢 我便对大学生活充满了希望和自信 用英语怎麼说 我期待我的大学生活会有别样的精彩,翻译成英语 乡镇档案管理工作小结 1,你为什么想成为一名大学生,你对未来有什么期望,英语作文? 用英语讨论“你期望能从大学生活里得到什么?” 我们根据将来期望的职业对大学生活进行规划用英语怎么说 求英语大神翻译:我对我的大学生活充满希望自从我开始上课。 要的是人工翻译,满意给好评! 如何高校适应大学生活50字的英语作文 一篇关于大学生活的英语作文120词 求120字左右的关于大学生活的英语作文 我希望的的大学生活是忙碌而有价值的英语翻译 怎么样查询QQ邮箱绑的游戏 小狐狸钱包怎么更新 狐狸钱包如何绑定西坦 手机小狐狸钱包怎么没有同步扩展 viv0如何下载中文手机版的小狐狸钱包?
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