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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-20 19:02



热心网友 时间:2022-07-10 19:05

this chapter will present writing as both a skill and a process of discovery.请问这里的as是作为的意思。a process of discovery是发现的过程

热心网友 时间:2022-07-10 19:05

as 是作为的意思,本句的意思是:本章将把写作作为一种技能和发现的过程来展示,所以 a skill 和 a process of dicovery 是并列成分,不然会分开写成 a skill of discovery, 而不是只写在 process后面~

热心网友 时间:2022-07-10 19:06

as - 介词,“作为”

“of discovery”是修饰“a process”

热心网友 时间:2022-07-10 19:06

present A as B,把A视为B。这里的as就是表对照意义的联系词。
a process of discovery是一个整体,中心词是discovery,发现的过程。你问of discovery修饰什么,我认为是错误的,应该是a process of修饰discovery,而不是你想的那样,这个可以类比a piece of cake。

热心网友 时间:2022-07-10 19:07

this chapter will present writing as both a skill and a process of discovery.
“of discovery”是和a process在一起的,
both…and连接a skill 和 a process of discovery追问那老师,如何去判断,“of discovery”同时修饰 skill和 process ,还是只修饰process.



put sth at the first place make a priority of sth 其它的别的同学补充吧

高手请进,,把什么摆在首位用英语怎么说? 有几种表达方法?

put sth at the top put stn. at the top of the list give sth. top billing give sth. first place place sth. at the forefront place sth. at the front of put sth. ahead of all others give sth top priority put at the head of the list make it no. 1 numero uno first a...


it comes, it settles


wear表状态 put on表动作 2.B 3.A ask sth. 问……ask sb to do sth.让某人做某事 ask for help/sth 请求帮助、要求某事物 ask sb in/out 邀请某人出来、进来


1. 英语高手请进:Fearless alone ,Because this world, there must be a 这个句子是想表达“不要害怕孤单,因为在这个世界上一定有一个人正努力走向你”吗?英文原句有语病喔。如果非要分析原句的话,Fearless alone是用来做状语的,形容词或形容词短语可以用来做状语的。像这个例子:Angry, ...


5 DaimlerChrysler 戴姆勒克莱斯勒 德国 汽车 6 Royal Dutch/Shell Group 皇家荷兰壳牌集团 荷兰/英国 炼油 7 BP 英国石油 英国 炼油 8 General Electric 通用电气 美国 电子电气 9 Mitsubishi 三菱商事 日本 多样化 10 Toyota Motor 丰田汽车 日本 汽车 广告:1. Good to the last drop. 滴滴香浓,...


I always stand where you hurt me.You always stay which I am weeping in.You have loved me so much.It was ever so brilliant while it is so gloomy now.when blatancy becomes silent……


the last number 或者复数the last numbers


It is otherwise rather dangerous to have too much sympathy, experiencing whatever someone else experiences; to exult whenever he rejoices and to tremble in fear when he is frightened. What good is there to be tied to the sentiments and caprice of another person?希望能帮上你!:)


The Oriental Pearl Television Tower lies in Pudong Park, Shanghai. It started to be constructed in 1991 and finished in 1994.The tower is 468 meters high and ranks 3rd in the world.We can overlook the whole city in the tower's hall and there are restaurants, supermarkets and ...

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  • 焦点


