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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-01 19:36



热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 01:17


Do you have any interests and hobbies?
Are you involved in any extra-curricular(课外的) activities on campus?
Make a dialogue based on the questions mentioned above.

A: Hey, What are you doing?
B: I’m reading a novel. It’s written by J.K. Rowling
C: Oh, it must be Harry Potter you are reading!

B: Yes! I’m crazy about her books. Reading novels like this is my favorite hobby.
A: So do you have other interests?
B: I’m also very interested in collecting postcards.

C: Me too. I joint a postcard collecting club on campus.
A: Oh is there a club like that?
C: Yes, it’s newly established. And you are very much welcomed to join us.
A: OK! I was not involved in any extra-curricular activities on campus. Studying in the library occupied most of my time, I think that’s why I didn’t have many friends except you.

B: So you should meet more people and find what you are interested in. What’s your hobby? C?
C: I like playing the guitar and I’m now trying to learn to play the drums when I have no classes.
A: Your campus life is so colorful! I have nothing but books!

B: Are you two interested in doing sports? I heard that some sports competitions like football match and basketball match will be held recently.
C: Joining sports activities is surely a good way to meet new friends with the same interest. But I would prefer stay in the dormitory rather than running in the field.
A: Sports is not only a way to be acquaintance with others, but also a chance to build up your body. I don’t think staying indoor all day can do you any good.
B: I can’t help but think the same. How about we three enter for that match together?


热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 01:18

A: What's your favorate activity ring extra-curricular?
B: I'm crary about playing ...
C:I think that's really a kind of boring .... i prefer to ... so , how about u A?
A: I'm enthusiatic about+ n /doing sth.
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