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发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-02 07:22



热心网友 时间:2024-06-03 08:51

My favorite is the star Cyndi Wang, she is 158cm, is blood type-o, is a Virgo, her English name of CinDy, 1982 years on 9, born 5, formerly known as Wang Jun, who was born in Hsinchu City, Taiwan, Qingdao, Shandong Province, native place, mother Hakka is, for Taiwan's well-known singer and actor, as early as 2002, just before the brokerage firm arrangement, began training in music, art and graduated from the school Hanaoka and Namie Amuro, also from single-parent families have a natural The artist, will sing sweet appearance will jump and, more importantly, Xinling efforts and perseverance, and her sweet appearance have very different image of the firm. She likes to eat fruit, I like her very much.           我最喜欢的明星是王心凌,她身高158cm,血型是o型,是处女座的,她的英文名叫CinDy,1982年9月5日出生,原名王君如,出生於台湾新竹市,籍贯山东青岛,妈妈是客家人,为台湾著名女歌手及演员,早在2002年,就在经纪公司的安排之下,开始了音乐的训练,毕业于华冈艺校和安室奈美惠同样来自单亲家庭的拥有天生的艺人条件,长相甜美会唱会跳,更重要的是心凌付出的努力与毅力,和她甜美的外表有着截然不同的坚毅形象。她喜欢吃水果,我非常喜欢她.

《My favorite star》:My favorite star is Zhou Xun, who is an outstanding actress. Now she has become one of the iconic actresses in China. Besides, she advocates herself in philanthropy and environmental protection. Zhou Xun calls on everyone to live a low-carbon life to keep a...


I like her very much. 我最喜欢的明星是王心凌,她身高158cm,血型是o型,是处女座的,她的英文名叫CinDy,1982年9月5日出生,原名王君如,出生於台湾新竹市,籍贯山东青岛,妈妈


Yang Mi, born in Beijing on September 12, 1986, is a film and television actress, pop singer and film and television producer in mainland China. In 2005, Yang Mi entered the undergraduate class of the performance Department of Beijing Film Academy.In 2006, he became famous for h...


范文:My Idol 我的偶像 I like playing badminton very much.I play it every weekend.And I like watch badminton games.The idol of mine is Lin Dan.我非常喜欢打羽毛球,我每周末都去打。我也喜欢看羽毛球比赛。我的偶像是林丹。He is the best badminton player in the world.His skills ...


1、写作思路——介绍杨颖的个人资料,以及她经过自身努力所获得的成就。2、要点——多才多艺、成就不菲。杨颖(Yang Ying)杨颖,1989年2月28日出生于上海市,华语影视女演员、时尚模特。Yang Ying, born in Shanghai on February 28, 1989, is a Chinese film actress and fashion model.2003年,...


My favourite star is who called Luhan.我最喜欢的明星叫鹿晗。I think he is the most handsome man worldwide.我认为他是世界范围内最帅的男人。In my eyes,Luhan is a perfect idol who has no shortages but does exllently in all platforms.在我看来,鹿晗是一个完美无瑕的爱豆,在任何...


我最喜爱的明星英语作文有翻译 My favourite woman star My favourite woman star is Taloy Swift,and she is one of the most popular stars.Her voice is very beautiful.Though her songs are good,she isn't proud.And she isn't famous before she releases her first album.And she isn't...


林俊杰 Wayne Lin Jun Jie ( 林俊杰) born on March 27, 1981 is more commonly known as JJ Lin. He is a Singaporean singer and songwriter of Chinese Fujian descent, and he came to musical prominence and success in the Greater China region, and particularly in Taiwan, where he was...


1.[Jay Zhou, who was born in Taiwanin , is my favorite singer. He has produced many s loved by lots of teenagers. One of his famous songs, Qing Huaci, is my favorite. I like him because he works very hard, and he never gives in no matter how hard life is. When he...


My favorite star Wang Junkai 我喜爱的明星王俊凯 Everyone has their own idol, my idol is TFBOYS captain Wang Junkai.Although he is no genius, but he had a strive heart. Although he is not themost handsome, but he has a good heart. He loved to laugh, he gently, he ...

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