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发布网友 发布时间:2022-02-24 10:59



热心网友 时间:2022-02-24 12:28

The school of digital campus is teaching, research, management and service, etc. Mainly work in campus network environment comprehensive application of a large system. Scientific management system is an important platform for digital campus sub-project, set up a set of perfect scientific management system can accomplish "scientific research management", "scientific information service" and "office management" integrated management, avoid repetitive construction, strengthen the information access and transmission speed record, and greatly improve business management and scientific research personnel's work efficiency, and with the unit of other system in digital campus, the unity of "construction", which can further advance the process of the construction of the informatization.
In this paper, the research analysis MVC framework as J2EE platform based on the advanced technology, puts forward a Struts2 + + Hibernate integrated framework implementation are the J2EE multilayer architecture. Based on the Beijing institute of information technology KeYanChu scientific management as the background, the design and implementation of a scientific management system of digital campus. The system USES Strus2 frame representation layer, data storage or by others is responsible for state and executing logic. In business logic layer using lightweight containers are the business management object Service. In data persistence layer of database access by the complex Hibernate to encapsulate database, lower part of the complexity of the operation. This system through integration, give full play to the Struts2 Hibernate framework are, and their respective advantages and reced the coupling between each layer, improve the flexibility of the system, the reusability and maintainability.
This completed research management subsystem, scientific research management subsystem and research document management subsystem design work, and with scientific research management subsystem to focus on system are expounded. System testing and commissioning and validation after the selected technological route, design scheme is reasonable.

热心网友 时间:2022-02-24 13:46


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