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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-21 08:17



热心网友 时间:2023-09-26 19:13

Frequency changer's harmonic interference is biggest, although you added the reactor, but the reactor can only filter out part of higher harmonics, some part of higher harmonics cannot filter, adds the shielded wire relations with you, it was through the electrical network transmission in the past. did not have better means to process the higher harmonic disturbance at present. Our company's proct have also encountered this kind of situation, does not have the better solution. can only be you understood that your measuring appliance the big subharmonic disturbance, is added the big reactor. the only solution does not use the frequency changer. the other Simens's frequency changer disturbance can slightly small. the frequency changer output side adds the filter, cuts frequency changer's carrier frequency suitably, controls uses the far-end hanging near-end earth with the shielded wire. The number place must certainly be separated with frequency changer's earth, moreover the distance must far as far as possible. Does not have usefully, these methods I have tried.
In screen wiring holding wire whether to separate with the power line, whether far hanging recently received, screen internal contact relay winding whether to add anti- has allowed to absorb or the after flow diode. The frequency changer goes beyond a line whether shielded wire, whether and other power line holding wire parallel in a trunking. You use the megameter to measure that the earth resistance is not good, the megameter is the high-resistance table. I did not know how your 10 ohms do read. 10 ohms for good earth? The working earthing is below at least 4 ohms, the signal earth resistance should be also low. if above solved, you might start the frequency changer the frequency to rece points, the rise time to lengthen points

热心网友 时间:2023-09-26 19:13

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