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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-21 08:23



热心网友 时间:2023-05-27 22:26











热心网友 时间:2023-05-27 22:26

1New York is a city of many immigrants each nation to regard its own culture to the city
2Nobody exactly knew Tom recently was making any
3He admits the sugar in the tea, gently stirs, then starts to drink
4 How is that young mother goddaughter truncating the apple
5The fast-food can win the customer stemming from two big reasons:Nearly does not need to wait for, moreover the price is cheap.
6"The organic foods" are beneficial to the health, therefore more andmore receives welcome.
7Many senior citizens since do not like in the summer being possible tobe happy or drink and so on fruit juice, asks to be partial to the hottea.
8Because the hope future will be able to become a chef, Jake next weekto a hotel study cooking.

1、扫地(sweep the floor)2、在右面(on the right side)3、拍照(take a photo)4、go for a walk(去散步)5、在门外(outside the door)6、在中国的东部(to the east of China)7、善于(be good at)8、学历史(learning history)9、寻找(look for)10、5月1日(May 1st)11...


2. It has been announced that three new subways will be constructed by the end of the following year.3. The decline in birth rates has emerged as a significant social issue in numerous developed nations.4. City-dwelling children often find everything to be novel when they visit ...

几道英语题 翻译 1.去上海的飞机将在下午五点钟起飞 2.我从来没有写过...

1. The plane/flight to Shanghai takes off at five o'clock in the afternoon. 此句用一般现在时代替一般将来时。或:The plane/flight to Shanghai will take off at five o'clock in the afternoon.2. I've never written peoms before.3. I've invited Mr White to (attend) my birt...


32.in light of...33.几个/数个 34.as far as ... is concerned

几道初一英语翻译题 最好用初一的词汇 谢谢

1、Let me tell you the way to the park 2、What is your mother?She is a reporter,but she wants to become a doctor.3、What is your father doing?He is talking over the phone.4、I am sure you will come here.5、How is everything going?or How are you doing?祝你开心如意...


or something is bored 20. Different outlook 21. As far as possible 22. Each kind 23. Make some person of surprise 24. Some person feels surprised 25. Surprised 26. Borrows a something week 27. Inquired some person plans matters 28. Row.. Detailed list 参考资料:雅虎翻译 ...


2.Among the blind the one-eyed man is king. 山中无老虎,猴子称大王(锉子里头拔将军)3.Don’t cross the bridge till you get to it.船到桥头自然直。4.The early bird catches the worm. 早期的鸟儿有虫吃。5.A word spoken is past recalling. 一言既出,驷马难追。6.to talk black...


3. We will have a match against Class one this Wednesday.4. Can you come to cheer for us?5. Which sport do you prefer? Skating or cycling?6. Who is your favorite athlete?7. What do you want to be when you grow up?8. serve for 9. He broke the Olympic record and ...

15道中职生英语翻译题 大家帮帮忙做一下 谢谢

1. happen; happen on 2. occur to you 3. It takes a turn for a better situation.4. They offered a lot of food to us.5. What you have done is far from good enough.6. With a desire to work in this company, he is preparing for the interview carefully.7. The ...


一. I always help my parents do housework./I always help my parents with housework.二, She doesn't want to buy that green sweater.三. Thank you for cleaning the room.四. Do they like doing exercises in the morning?五. Which colors'T-shirt does your cousin want?六. Who ...

“天地存肝胆,江山阅鬓华”出自什么作品中 天地存肝胆,江山阅鬓华这两句表达了作者怎样的思想感情??速度 我的qq空间使用代码后,原来的东西找不到了,现在怎么样才可以和恢复呀/... 装扮qq空间的时候,为什么大图的代码会跳到另一个网站上,请具体说明,再... ...现在在浏览器中输入代码后就转成网页了,现在怎么换皮肤啊?_百度知 ... ...一复制免费的播放器代码 页面就跳转到别的网站了 在QQ空间的地址栏上黏贴上导航代码后,怎么网页变成了?? QQ空间里的植物花匠代码输进去按回车键后跳到另外一个网址上了... QQ空间免费播放器代码输入以后跳到另一个网址。不能保存了。怎么弄 ...将代码放入地址栏里的时候摁回车键的时候却跳到了另外一个网站... 几道英语题目求解 梦见在很高的树上摘杨梅。 几道英语题,急用!!!! 几道英语题,不明白啦 婆婆梦见摘又红又大的杨梅 几道英语题谢谢! 2道英语题 几道英语题,麻烦给我详解(括号内为答案) 梦见荔枝树是什么意思 几道英语选择题,求详解感激不尽 梦见摘杨梅吃,是好梦还是坏? 几道英语题啦 有几道英语问题 两道英语题 著名的用英文 两道英语题 梦见自己要去山上摘杨梅 几道英语题目,望高手解答 梦见摘红杨梅和白杨梅 there is 和there are 的使用。有一英语道题想不明白 20道英语题!~ 快递月结协议怎么写? 怎样才能跟快递公司达成月结协议 顺丰快递的月结协议有什么要求吗?怎么签? 请问如何和客户签订月结货款合同 请问哪位知道物流公司之间的合作协议帮忙发一个吧 物流运输及配送服务合同协议书范本 快递运单显示支付方式是月结这是什么意思? 求一份物流合作协议合同 物流合同协议书精选3篇 怎样跟快递公司长期的合作? 淘宝卖家和物流怎么合作的? 如果和安能物流合作了,那么寄件费用可以月结吗? 干海带怎么做好吃做法又简单? 干海带的做法 干海带的做法大全 干海带做法 干海带怎么凉拌 干海带怎么做好吃做法 海带干怎么做好吃 干海带怎么吃要开水焯一下吗
  • 焦点


