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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-21 08:23



热心网友 时间:2023-06-01 06:13


1.I enjoy swimming in summer holiday
2.At lnuch,I can chat with my friend under the tree
1.have many things to do busy
2.use time to do things spend
3.hate,no like something dislike
4.liked the most of the same kind favourite
题目指代不明 答案有多种可能


1.Are there any boys on the playground?
2.Don't watch TV in the evening.
3.I can't speak English either.
4.The tomatoes on the tables are red.
5.How much chalk is there in the box?
6.How many bags of coffee are there in the room?
7.What's there in the street?
8.has no
9.Can have a look at
二、B:This there
A:this is
B:birthday in e
A:certainly time
B:At this be
三 1.Tommow first day
Everything ready for
2.are four boxex
ice cream fridge
3.only a little
4.much sugar enough for
5.have glass of first
6.telephone call for
7.are out
8.only Chinese


toothache 牙痛
1.C.isn't felling 现在感觉不舒服,用现在进行时
2.B.cook must这样的情态动词后面接动词原形


一、1.Party 2.beach 3.shopping 4.weather 5.convenient 6.Machines 7.wide 8.people 9.Airport 10.ready 二、1.more beautiful 2.quickly 3.to drink 4.to hear 5.will travel 6.be 7.to buy 8.play 9.is carrying 10.heavier stronger 三、1.will play tomorrow 2.helps do 3.Nobody is 4.Where's he going 5.Do like or


1.has written down
1.因为后面说he has learned这里也是现在完成时,所以前后时态应该一致。

Those children are __waiting_ __in_ _line__(排队等候)to buy hamburgers
You should make a note___ of her address, or you 'll fet it.
Could you take care of my five-month-old baby___ while I'm cooking
They have been waited for enty minutes.__ waiting________改错
他去日本了。He _has__ _gone__ _to__ Japan.
他还没有过来。She hasn't e _yet__.
A:Hello,6638468.Who's that speaking?
B:Hello,this is Li Ming. Could I _now__ speak to LingLing?
A.Sorry ,she isn't __in__ right now. She has _gone__ shopping.
B:When will she be _back__?
A:Perhaps in __about_ thirty minutes.Can I take a _message__?
B:Yes , thank you .Her friends wanted to go to the aquarium the day _after__ tomorrow. but they don't _know__ the way.I think I will be free and I can go __with_ them.
A:It's very kind of you. I'll tell her as _soon__ as she es back.




1.I think _teenagers_(十几岁的少年)should be allowed to go out with their friends
2.Do you have any questions _to ask_(ask)?
3.-Did you have anyone _water__(water)the tree?
-Yes,I had them _water_(water) this morning
4.I had my teeth _pulled_(pull) this morning
5.I'll have it_repaired__(repair) tomorrow
6.We agreed _on__(on,to,with,at)a date for the next meeting
7.I quite agree _with_ you _on_that point
8.How many of the teachers __volunteer_(volunteer)the other day
9.I have no time __to reply_(answer,to reply,to answer to ,to reply to) his letter
10.We won't allow _to enter__ in the cinema.
11.The doctor looked over Peter carefully after he _was sent__ to the hospital
12.Li Lei gave Tom a new pen last week(改为被动句)
(1)A new pen _was__ _given__ _to__ Tom last week
(2)Tom _was_ _given_ _a_ _new_ _pen_ last week

问几道英语题 急求!

【C 】-----Look at that model ship.
-----I know,but it looks like a real one.It's just much_______
A.amall B.very *** all C. *** aller D. *** allest
解析: much 后跟比较级表示' ... 的多“
【 C】-----Excuse me,could you tell me_______for Taiwan?
-----The day after tomorrow.
A.when didi you leave B.when you left C.when you are leaving D.when are you leaving
解析: 此题考查宾语从句语序: 陈述语序,排除 A, D
the day after tomorrow 后天, 用一般将来时, be doing 表将来
祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)




1.He ___ me only one dollar for six oranges.A.cost B.charged C.damandede D.required 答案:B.charged charge 索要,收费 2.That's a nice coat,and the color ___ you well.A.fits B.matches C.suits D.go with 答案:A.fits 适合,合身 3.She could hardly ___ to mi...


一、1、In 2、from 二、1、get to 2、takes to 三、1、a big building with a garden 2、have my own bedroom 3、else ; this kind of lamp 4 asks; to watch 四、 for help 五、 B(顺序是:你他我),C,D 我只是修改了有大息的答案,如果给分的话,还是给原作者 有大息 哈...


are you Li Li? No, i'm Li Lei.2. 这个英语怎么说? 是尺子。what's this in English? It's a ruler .3. 2加3等于几? 等于5.what's two plus three? it's five.4. 你老是多大岁数? 32岁。how old is your teacher? he's 32.三、阅读短文,然后回答下列问题 This is a...


1、.Are you ___a good time ? A.have B.has C. having 选C。have a good time是玩得高兴的意思。你玩得高兴吗? 2、.Tom and Mary have bread and milk___the morning. A.in B. on C. at 选A。in the morning 在早上 汤姆和玛丽在早上喝牛奶,吃面包。 3.Does it ___in G...

几道英语题,so easy,急用!!!

1.B 2.Am I Alice? 或 Are you Alice?3.A


1.I really can't decide which book (c ).A.chosen B.chose C.to choose D.choosing 2.He hurried off to (d ) what the problem was.A.dream about B.come out C.come true D.find out 三、根据汉语意思完成句子。1.尽管他现在十分富有,可他一直保持着清贫的生活...


5.I tried to persuade him but he remained firm. (不改变主意的用 “firm” )【Multiple choice questions】多项选择题 3 She is sure to succeed. Many people feel sure ___ it.a. to b. for c. in d. of answer: D sure of+n sure to do sure that ...4 He will be watch...


1、Tnew cars will be small.(改为疑问句)汽车将会小。Will the car be small?汽车将会小吗?2、Machines will do heavy work in factories.(改为否定句)机器将在工厂里做重活。Machines will not do heavy work in factories.机器将不在工厂里做重活。3、Will flying in planes be large ...


skin.(giraffe长颈鹿)3.Ther are very tall.Ther walk slowly.They have long legs and long necks.They can eat the leaves at the tops of trees.(python 巨蟒)4.They do not have legs but they can move fast.They can open their mouths really wide.They can eat big animals....


1.has 拥有 2.owns/has 拥有 3.had 。 take /have a bath 洗澡 4.have/eat 吃东西 5.May I 我可以。。。吗?6.Maybe the paly is going to 也许。。。7.Maybe it has也许。。。8.I need to我有必要。。。

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