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求:初三英语作文 I'm proud of my school

发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-03 15:12



热心网友 时间:2024-07-19 12:14

I'm Proud of My School
How time flies!Three years has passed since I became a junior school student.I'll graduate and is leaving my school,my teachers and classmates.I'll have to say good-bye to all of them,though I hate doing that.
Three years ago,I entered *** Junior School which I am proud of.Being far way from the city centre,It is quiet and comfortable and is really a good place where we learn.The teachers are kind and the students are friendly.I have been greatly influenced here.Hower,what influences me most is the good atmosphere of teaching and learning.The teachers are hard-working and the students are diligent.I was very lazy at the beginning,I didn't want to study hard and even slept in class.One morning when I was having a math lesson,I felt bored so I began to talk.I was surprised to see everyone looked at me.I felt shamed.After that I dare not talk in class any more.I listened to the teacher carefully as others did.
The teachers influence me a lot.They are all hard-working.In order go give us intereting classes,they try their best to prepare them.Many teachers even work till the midnight.
Thank you,my good mother school.Thank you,my dear teachers.It's you that have spent the three meaningful years with me.It is you that have enabled me to achieve high grades. I am proud of you!

热心网友 时间:2024-07-19 12:18

My school is XX Middle School. She is very beautiful. There are many trees around the schoolyard. The school building is at the center of it (方位可以根据你校的具体情况改动). We often play games at the break of classes (课间休息). There is also a playground in our school. We play basketball, volleyball and football on it after classes in the afternoon. The school has some recreation rooms (游艺室), so we can have many kinds of funs in them. We are proud of our school for all the above

热心网友 时间:2024-07-19 12:11


热心网友 时间:2024-07-19 12:16

I'm proud of my school. In fact, I love all schools for what they do, but I'm especially proud of my own because it is unique. (我喜欢学校,尤其喜欢我的学校)
First of all, why are schools important? Well, as William Allin once said, "Education is not the answer to the question. Education is the means to the answer to all questions." Everyone needs to be curious in order to be useful people, and schools help us in our search of answers, opening many new possibilities. (为什么学校如此重要?因为它能帮我们找到解决问题的方式--这里有引用)
My own school has influenced me with the unique set of people it contains. One of the main influences is my teachers. As Henry Brooks Adams once said, "A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops." I have been taught by many inspiring teachers, and I'm sure I will remember their words and actions forever, even passing those on to my children. (有很多很特别的老师,他们的精神我永生不忘--有引用)
Another influence is the friends I've made at school, who are just as curious and energetic as I am. They challenge me with friendly competition and make my life at school very fun. (学校结识了很多好朋友,活泼且好学,激励了我)
What I like most about my school is that it taught me not only how to read and memorize, but how to think. There are many schools that can't offer the same. Every day, I walk into school excited about the new things I will be able to explore, and that's why I'm very proud of my school!(学校并非只教我死记硬背,而也教了我如何思考,这是很多学校做不到的,所以我为它骄傲)

热心网友 时间:2024-07-19 12:14

I'm proud of my school

My school is XX Middle School. She is very beautiful. There are many trees around the schoolyard. The school building is at the center of it (方位可以根据你校的具体情况改动). We often play games at the break of classes (课间休息). There is also a playground in our school. We play basketball, volleyball and football on it after classes in the afternoon. The school has some recreation rooms (游艺室), so we can have many kinds of funs in them. We are proud of our school for all the above. 这个行吗?
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