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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-03 16:03



热心网友 时间:2024-07-22 11:34

Red-crowned Crane is the English name for the crane species.
The red-crowned crane (Grus japonensis) is a large wading bird, with a body length ranging from 120 to 160 centimeters. It has a long neck and legs, and most of its body is white. The top of its head is bright red, the throat and neck are black, the ears to the headstock are white, and the feet are black. When standing, the secondary and tertiary flight feathers and feet are black, the head is red, and the rest is white. When flying, only the secondary and tertiary flight feathers and the neck and feet are black, while the rest is white, making it very easy to identify. Juveniles have brownish heads and necks, white body feathers interspersed with chestnut.
Red-crowned cranes often move in pairs or family groups and small flocks. During migratory and winter seasons, they may form larger groups from several or dozens of family groups. Sometimes, these groups can reach 40 to 50, or even over 100 individuals. However, they still disperse into smaller groups or family groups within a certain area when active. At night, they usually roost on shallow waters surrounded by land or at the edge of reed swamps. Their diet consists mainly of fish, shrimp, aquatic insects, soft-bodied animals, tadpoles, sand worms, clams, snails, and the stems, leaves, root bulbs, and fruits of aquatic plants.
The red-crowned crane is distributed in Northeast China, eastern Mongolia, the eastern bank of the Ussuri River in Russia, Korea, Vietnam, and Hokkaido, Japan.
In terms of physical features, the red-crowned crane exhibits the typical characteristics of cranes: a long beak, neck, and legs. It is a large wading bird with a total length of about 120 centimeters. Its body feathers are mostly pure white. The exposed area of the head is bright red; the forehead and eye area have a slight black feather; the throat, cheeks, and most of the neck are dark brown. The secondary and tertiary flight feathers are black, extending and bending in an arc shape. The tail feathers are short and white. The beak is gray-green, and the legs are gray-black. Adult birds are white all over except for the neck and the tips of the flight feathers, which are black. The legendary highly toxic "crane's red head" (also known as "crane's blood") is said to be from this area, but it is purely a myth. Crane blood is not poisonous. The "crane's red head" mentioned by ancient people refers to arsenic trioxide, an impure form of arsenic oxide. The crane's tail gland secretes down. Juvenile birds have brown-yellow feathers and yellow beaks. Sub-adult birds have duller plumage, and the red area on the top of the head becomes more vibrant after the age of two.
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