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On The Wing 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-06-01 19:46



热心网友 时间:2024-06-22 19:31

歌曲名:On The Wing
歌手:Owl City
专辑:Ocean Eyes (Deluxe Edition)

On The Wing
Owl City
Breathe and I'll carry you away into the velvet sky
And we'll stir the stars around
And watch them fall away into the Hudson Bay
And plummet out of sight and sound
The open summer breeze will sweep you through the hills
Where I live in the alpine heights
Below the Northern Lights, I spend my coldest nights
Alone, awake and thinking of...
the weekend we were in love
Home among these mountain tops can be so awfully dull
A thousand miles from the tide
But photos on the walls of New York shopping malls
Distract me so I stay inside
I wish the rockets stayed over the promenade
Cuz I would make a hook and eye
And fish them from the sky,
my darling, she and I
We're hanging on so take us high
To sing the world goodbye:
I am floating away
Lost in a silent ballet
I'm dreaming you're out in the blue
and I am right beside you
Awake to take in the view
Late nights and early parades
Still photos and noisy arcades
My darling, we're both on the wing,
look down and keep on singing!
And we can go anywhere
Are you there'......
Are you there,
or are you just a decoy dream in my head'
Am I home or am I simply tumbling all alone'
I am floating away
Lost in a silent ballet
I'm dreaming you're out in the blue
and I am right beside you
Awake to take in the view
Late nights and early parades
Still photos and noisy arcades
My darling, we're both on the wing,
look down and keep on singing!
And we can go anywhere
Are you there'
Are you there'

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