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In order to improve your writing,you`d better write --- A.mor...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-01 12:58



In order to improve your writing,you`d better write --- A.mor...

C 没有A选项这个短语,B选项是一点一点地,C选项是时不时地,D选项是一步一步地。此句子翻译为 为了提高你的写作能力,你最好时不时的写一写。

按下面提示,帮我写篇英语作文(初一水平就好,字数100个词左右)_百度知 ...

I don't think it is a good way to learn english. In my opinon, we should practice English everyday. We can listen to the English tapes and read English books.And we can use English to talk with classmates or foreigners. At last, we can write some English dairies and some...


2. Because I am very desirous of receiving actual experience in accounting during July and August, I am writing to inquire whether you will need the services of a young man with three years of educational training and some part-time experience. Perhaps I could fill in for one of your offic...






One of your foreign friends plans to go sightseeing in China. Write an email to recommend one place.预测范文Dear George,I hear that you are planning a sightseeing trip in China. Well, I have just returned from a place I am sure you will enjoy. It is Xi’an, the capital of Shaanxi ...

自考英语二作文范文及翻译 万能模板十篇推荐?

You can taste the “magicial ” ice water on a glacier, which can help you become more beautiful and make you live longer. Just forget all trifles and burdens that you have in your mind. Experience is a type of living knowledge. You'll be sure to experience many new things when travel...


In order to make it clear, in his side walk ... ... " Grandpa, so cold a day, why don't you go back? " " No matter how cold, I have to finish my work! " " But.. Can you see those sweepers are back! " " Little friends, do you know the poplar? They both chicken ...


It’s not easy to find a good job in big cities.87 如果明天不下雨,我们就去爬山。We will climb the mountains if it doesn’t rain tomorrow.88 你们看起来很疲劳,最好休息一下。You look very tired, you’d better have a good rest.89 天太黑了,他很难找到回家的路。It’s very dark, it...


It’s a place where you can post your compositions. In the column, you can not only communicate with each other, but also improve your writing skills. An utmost advantage of our column is that we have teachers making comments online, which is of great benefit to your English.If you want...

恐龙的食草食肉性是如何判断的? 打印机的打印速度怎样看?ipm和ppm什么意思?数值大的快还是小的... 内控PPM 是什么? 俄罗斯、日本以及北欧很多国家都出产白桦茸,哪个地区出产的质量更... 包子多少钱一个 ...一重伤一轻微伤,之后三个月他去自首了,我想 我老公把人打成轻伤二级现在自首了在看守所,可以办取保吗 我2个朋友5年前把人打致轻伤,5个后要自首要怎么判。事情都私了了。 ...他们把对方砍成轻伤乙级,我没砍,我自首,当时在公安机关就调解好了... ...但人已经没事出去打工了。现在我们主动自首了,法院会不会判缓期... I was about to go back to sleep___suddenly my bedroom became as... 羊肉饺子煮好后发红怎么回事 ...从古至今都在打仗?整个世界从来都没有500年不打仗的局面,不觉得累吗... 上个月我注销了一张腾讯王卡,现在还在再申请王卡吗? ...微微抬起都会血管马上瘪下去,而且胳膊弯曲也会导致血管瘪下去,可 ... 苏州分为几个市,几个区? 手臂上方有青色血管(静脉)弯曲 左手臂上的血管形成一个心形里算卦的角度来看是什么情况 张家口八达岭孔雀城观山悦小区周边配套怎么样? 2017鸡西虎林市教师招聘程序有哪些? 已删除的好友不记得微信号怎么找回 冰凌蓝与香草白的相遇14图感受清凉地中海风 我家宝宝就是洗完热水澡,晚上就发烧了,当时就觉得是水太热了,皮肤 武汉南湖一号和理工大中间多大距离 找对象追女孩需要持久战吗?嘘寒问暖吗? 上外男生向女生杯中投异物被抓 或构成投毒罪 苏州的六大县级市 从小梧桐还能到仙湖植物园吗 深圳深业鹤塘岭花园开发商是? 深业岭秀名苑周边环境怎么样?生活便利吗? 手上长肉刺可以涂什么 赤龙AK+青龙M4+龙吻 为什么这么多人瞧不它? ccd相机和普通相机有啥区别? ccd相机和相机有什么区别? 安装了2012CAD怎么就跟没安装一样,找不到快捷方式,电脑里存的dwg格式... auto cad 安装完成后没有快捷方式并且没有程序?是怎么回事呢?_百度... 数列不动点解法 如果不动点方程的两个解相同怎么办? 那么{1/(an-r)}... 皇室战争皮卡盒子下载安装如何下载 【数列】浅谈“不动点”求数列通项的方法 世界盒子猎巫者成就怎么获得 下雨天车里空调怎么开合适? ...还有到上海站的大巴吗?如果没有那坐地铁几号线能到,得多久?我坐火... 机油尺上限到下限是多少升机油 手机温度太高怎么办? 家里冬天开空调的正确方法家里冬天如何正确开空调 亚里士多德对恩师的态度,并列举相关史实 用短除法求12、18的最小公倍数和最大公因数。 丽江复华度假世界的酒吧街都有什么啊? 从宁河到黑龙江省牡丹江市开车有多少公里 想起个有丹字的网名,好听点的,温柔的,不要非主流的,不要符号
  • 焦点


