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有没有人知道LET'S DANCE 这首歌?是谁唱的?有歌词吗?

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-05 12:12



热心网友 时间:2024-05-07 22:40


  If you wanna dance,This is our chance,
  If you wanna dance,Let's take our chance)
  Jiggy jump to the beat Keep bouncin',
  30 seconds and counting
  Hot one, this choice critical Situation is difficult
  My calibre won't allow me to rhyme
  On a level where you
  People can hear me
  See me, guess I know
  You wanna be me
  In the meantime
  Bounce to the beat
  Music is my life
  'Cause my life is music
  The beat of the
  Drum in your heart
  Let's dance (Feel it
  Can't you feel it?
  Don't you know)
  Let's dance
  (If you feel it,
  Better believe it,
  Here we go)
  Let's dance
  (Always comes together
  On the floor)
  Let's dance
  (You know that
  You've got what I like)
  Check it out,
  Droppin' verbal bombs on the beat,
  Hopin' that you people
  Think this sound is unique,
  'Cause I like to party, like to party,
  Come on everybody, get it started,
  I got something to get you jumpin'
  When I kick the freaky rhyme
  I'll get the dancefloor thumpin'
  Just step back and
  Take time to check
  When I rock up on the mike
  You people never forget
  Check it out
  Music is my life
  'Cause my life is music
  The beat of the
  Drum in your heart
  Let's dance (Feel it,
  Can't you feel it?
  Don't you know)
  Let's dance
  (If you feel it,
  Better believe it,
  Here we go)
  Let's dance
  (Always comes together
  On the floor)
  Let's dance
  (You know that
  You've got what I like)
  Let's dance (Feel it,
  Can't you feel it?
  Don't you know)
  Let's dance
  (If you feel it,
  Better believe it,
  Here we go)
  Let's dance
  (Always comes together
  On the floor)
  Let's dance
  (You know that
  You've got what I like)
  (You know
  You've got what I like)
  If you wanna dance,
  This is our chance
  If you wanna dance,
  Let's take our chance
  If you wanna dance,
  This is our chance
  If you wanna dance,
  Let's take our chance
  You know that
  You've got what I like
  You know that
  You've got what I need
  (If you wanna dance)
  You know that
  You've got what I like
  (Oh yeah)
  Music is my life
  'Cause my life is music
  The beat of the
  Drum in your heart
  Let's dance (Feel it,
  Can't you feel it?
  Don't you know)
  Let's dance
  (If you feel it,
  Better believe it,
  Here we go)
  Let's dance
  (Always comes together
  On the floor)
  Let's dance
  (You know that
  You've got what I like)
  Let's dance
  (If you wanna dance)
  (Feel it, can't you feel it?
  Don't you know)
  Let's dance
  (If you wanna dance)
  (If you feel it,
  Better believe it,
  Here we go)
  Let's dance
  (Ooh, oh)
  (Always comes together
  On the floor)
  Let's dance (Ooh, oh)
  (You know that
  You've got what I like)
  Let's dance
  (If you wanna dance)
  (Feel it, can't you feel it?
  Don't you know)
  Let's dance
  (If you wanna dance)
  (If you feel it,
  Better believe it,
  Here we go)
  Let's dance (Ooh, oh)
  (Always comes together
  On the floor)
  Let's dance (Ooh, oh)
  (You know that You've got what I like)

  来自英国的FIVE五人组合除了具备所有成功男孩组合必备的的要素之外,还处处流露着新新人类的酷辣作风;五个男孩个个面容俊朗,这可是吸引少女歌迷必不可少的。而在造型上他们却有别于传统男孩偶像的靓丽,取而代之男子汉味道十足的健康、POWERFUL形象;他们不唱R&B,也不唱优雅的情歌,更不是那种传统的唯美和声组合,他们把ROCK&ROLL,HIP-HOP,RAP等传统的或者新潮的但都是极具POWER的音乐元素熔为一炉,创造出一种极具爆炸力的新型舞曲风格,配合以同样劲暴的眩目舞步,台风火暴异常,深受喜欢动感节奏的年轻人喜爱,而他们敢说敢做的火暴个性也体现出新新人类不受约束的特质。他们不愿装斯文,不愿过着早睡早起,少食多餐这样硬性规定的严谨生活;他们不避绯闻,即使是失恋后也是勇于接受现实,RITCHIE和BILLIE,J与MEL C之间分分合合的恋情都深受歌迷关注;他们目中无人,无论是前辈BACKSTREET BOYS还是同辈N’SYNC都不放在眼里,还发誓有朝一日要取代他们的地位;对帮助他们录音的QUEEN乐队知名吉他手BRIAN MAY却是毕恭毕敬……总之,他们渴望成功但不循规蹈矩,他们呼唤自由却不胡作非为,这一切特质都使他们成为时下年轻人的最佳代言人。但遗憾的是,FIVE并没有将这种个性化进行到底。

  我挺喜欢他们的倒数第二张专辑,有WE WILL ROCK U的那张!呵呵

热心网友 时间:2024-05-07 22:39

David Bowie唱的

Let's Dance

by N/A
Let's dance
Put on your red shoes and dance the blues
Let's dance
To the song they're playin' on the radio

Let's sway
While colour lights up your face
Let's sway
Sway through the crowd to an empty space

If you say run, I'll run with you
If you say hide, we'll hide
Because my love for you
Would break my heart in two
If you should fall
Into my arms
And tremble like a flower

Let's dance
For fear your grace should fall
Let's dance
For fear tonight is all

Let's sway
You could look into my eyes
Let's sway
Under the moonlight, this serious moonlight


Let's dance
Put on your red shoes and dance the blues
Let's dance
To the song they're playin' on the radio

Let's sway
You could look into my eyes
Let's sway
Under the moonlight, this serious moonlight
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