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发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-04 19:59



热心网友 时间:2024-07-07 02:53

Rome (English pronunciation: /ˈroʊm/; Italian: Roma pronounced [ˈroːma] ( listen); Latin: Rōma) is the capital of Italy and the country's largest and most populated city and comune, with over 2.7 million residents in 1,285.3 km2 (496.3 sq mi). Rome's metropolitan area is the second largest in Italy (after Milan), with some 3.7 million residents.[2] The city is located in the central-western portion of the Italian Peninsula, on the Tiber River within the Lazio region of Italy.

Rome's history spans over two and a half thousand years. It was the capital city of the Roman Kingdom, the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire, which was the dominant power in Western Europe and the lands bordering the Mediterranean Sea for over seven hundred years from the 1st century BC until the 7th century AD. Since the 1st century AD Rome has been the seat of the Papacy and, after the end of Byzantine domination, in the 8th century it became the capital of the Papal States, which lasted until 1870. In 1871 Rome became the capital of the Kingdom of Italy, and in 1946 that of the Italian Republic.

After the Middle-Ages, Rome was ruled by popes such as Alexander VI and Leo X, who transformed the city into one of the major centers of the Italian Renaissance, along with Florence.[3] The current-day version of St Peter's Basilica was built and the Sistine Chapel was painted by Michelangelo. Famous artists and architects, such as Bramante, Bernini and Raphael resided for some time in Rome, contributing to its Renaissance and Baroque architecture.

In 2007 Rome was the 11th-most-visited city in the world, 3rd most visited in the European Union, and the most popular tourist attraction in Italy.[4] The city is one of Europe's and the world's most successful city brands, both in terms of reputation and assets.[5] Its historic centre is listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.[6] Monuments and museums such as the Vatican Museums and the Colosseum are amongst the world's 50 most visited tourist destinations (the Vatican Museums receiving 4.2 million tourists and the Colosseum receiving 4 million tourists every year).[7]



Rome constitutes one of Italy's 8,101 communes, and is the largest both in terms of land area and population. It is governed by a mayor, currently Gianni Alemanno, and a city council. The seat of the commune is the Palazzo Senatorio on the Capitoline Hill....

罗马的旅游景点英文介绍 欧洲旅游景点英文介绍

请用英文简单地介绍一下罗马梵蒂冈城是罗马城中的50公顷孤立的地区,靠近蒂伯河南岸,位于贾尼库隆山的北部,并延伸过梵蒂冈山的一部分。梵蒂冈城大约建立于公元325年,康斯坦丁大帝在包括罗马共和国和罗马帝国的遗址的上建立了第一座天主教大教堂。梵蒂冈历史上起宗教与管理功能,现为主权国家。 在城的中心位置坐落着圣...


Although a little tired today.


it's to embrace life to the full: in the hundreds of local festivals taking place across the country on any given day, to celebrate a saint or the local harvest; in the importance placed on good food; in the obsession with clothes and image; and above all in the daily dome...


the princess finally return to a house, but now she and Joe found between the love sparks, have fallen in love. Aries princess is, after all, is ultimately princess, they can only say farewell party civilian...要是答案还满意的话,记得采纳哦,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~!祝你进步!


You may wonder, how can a powerful Italy native African countries are dozen however. I want to introduce my, through, you will know the answer. Now, let's enjoy a song. Think of this song? Whether very cheerful, no heavy? You can imagine, this is a national anthem? Yes,...


Provençal, was important in medieval literature, and Provence's Romanesque architecture was an outstanding cultural achievement of the Middle Ages. The region suffered in the 16th-century Wars of Religion. In 1790, during the French Revolution, it lost its political institutions an...

旅游景点介绍中英双语 外国景点介绍英文中文双语

世界著名旅游景点你知道多少,你知道的你又是否能用地道的`英语把它表达出来?下面的世界旅游景点英文盘点,应该可以帮到你。 Great Pyramid Of Giza 吉萨金字塔 Christ Redeemer 救世主耶稣雕像 The Taj Mahal 泰姬陵 The Roman Coliseum 古罗马竞技场 The Eiffel Tower 埃菲尔铁塔 The Forbidden City 故宫 The Great ...


西方情人节英语介绍(二) 爱神丘比特是情人节最著名的象征,也一直被人们喻为爱情的象征,相传他是一个顽皮的、身上长着翅膀的小神,他的箭一旦插入青年男女的心上,便会使他们 深深相爱。在古希腊神话中,他是爱与美的女神(阿芙罗狄忒)Aphrodite与战神(阿瑞斯)Ares的小儿子Eros。在罗马神话中,他叫丘比特 (Cupid)...

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