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发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-03 12:39



热心网友 时间:2024-07-29 02:08

I Love Rabbit Rabbit is my favourite pet.
Rabbit is my favourite pet.It is lovely and clever.My father gave me a rabbit as present some years ago and I called it DouDou It had pure white fur,red eyes and a pair of long ears. It ate vegetables and carrots and drank little water. It usually played with me at that time.I like it very much, but it died one year later.I'm very sad about it.

热心网友 时间:2024-07-29 02:09

I love my pet I have a good company. It 's my lovely dog. It listens to my order and often makes me happy. It never quarrels with you. I think it's easy to take care of. it is popular pet, although it can be noisy sometimes . But when I stay at home alone, my dog always spend time with me . Do you want to keep it as a pet ?

but it died one year later.I'm very sad about it.


My mother is a doctor. Her English name is Amy. She is thirty-five years old. She is very nice .She has a long hair and two black eye.And she has a small mouth and small nose. My mother loves me very much. She is good at cooking. She likes singing. Every day, she...

请以,My favorite...为题写一篇80字左右的英语短文,描述你喜欢的人或...

My favorite season is Autumn. Autumn is after summer which is the hottest season in a year. Autumn makes people cool down from the hot summer days. In autumen, we can go outside and play for more times because the temperature is much better. The leaves began to fall from t...


我最喜欢的动物英语作文 (My favourite animal) 我最喜欢的动物 第一篇: As we all know,animals are our friends.I like every animal.But I like dogs best.Dogs are not only very lovely,but also very helpful.That's why we all feed dogs at home.I often share happiness and sh...

请用英语写一篇60词左右的短文,介绍你最好的朋友(best friend),并说...

my best friend is lili.She is --years old,her name is---.we come from a same grade,same class.She is a beautiful girl,she has a medium height,and long hair.She is good at English,and she often help me with my study.She is our montior,and she is clever,she often ...


has long curly black hair. She and I both like reading very much so we often read books together after school. In addition, because she is good at math and I am good at English, we always help each other to learn. I always enjoy spending time with her.纯手打求采纳 ...


I have a dog.Its name is Laike.It's two years old.It's grey.Its body is very long.Its mouth is white.Its two eyes are blue.It has two small ears.Its four legs are very long.Its tail is thin and long.It runs fast.It likes meat.I like to play with it.It's my ...


This is my new friend.Her nema is Kitty.She is nice.She is thin.She can play baskerball.She likes csts.We like each other and we like to be together.


Oh, I would like to introduce more information about her to you next time.我的朋友 我有许多朋友,中国朋友和外国朋友。现在,我想向你介绍我的最好的朋友给你。樱桃是我最好的朋友来自新加坡,她是一个女孩。她很聪明,漂亮。她喜欢唱歌、跳舞和购物中心。她擅长数学,英语和中文。她经常帮我做...


1. My pen pal is an outstanding person.我的笔友是一个出色的人。She's from China Shanghai. 她来自上海。She is 14 years old.她今年14岁。She speak English very well. 她英语说的很好。She can play the Guzheng. 她会弹古筝。She has many hobbies: watching TV, reading books, ...

坦率的近义词和反义词是什么_坦率是什么意思? 坦率造句 大众探歌无线carplay教程 老婆梦见自己死去老妈回家看,后来老婆又给老妈煮了晚面给老妈,这梦是... 1、"辍学如磨刀之石,不见其损,日有所亏"这句话的意思是什么? 有什么好听的说唱歌曲,像我的天空的 ...有翻译 最好是关于某位作家的介绍或文学方面回复我:connie... conijiwa是什么意思 地接社和旅行社的区别介绍 地接社和旅行社的区别 长鼓是哪个民族 什么是乙酞基 -CO-O-CO-是什么官能团?R-CO-O-CO-R' 的化学名称是什么? 企业微信号过期可以找回吗 产后6个月能不能拉头发?母乳喂养? 英特尔酷睿i9相当于酷睿多少 不时会头疼。发作时头 怕风怕冷,戴上帽子会好很多 其他BLUEBUDS X怎么样?其他BLUEBUDS X好吗 ...加拿大、澳大利亚和印度的主管外交事务的机构名称及其最高负责人职位... ...手挤有水还有点血,不挤是硬疙瘩,还有点痒,挤出来还? 动土有哪些禁忌动土吉日怎么选择 拉果冻样粘液是什么原因导致的? ...前做了体内驱虫,今天狗狗便便带走果冻状粘液,怎么回事? 西安至天水到嘉峪关距离 尿路感染可以通过哪些药物治疗 从磁器口到丰台区东安街19号院 幢的行书怎么写 头皮出油,脱发十多年。谁有好的办法。 脱发十几年了还能生发吗 从册山到华丰国际服装城怎么坐公交车,最快需要多久 360 异常关闭,插入优盘时发现360莫名退出了,请问是什么原因?应该怎么... 河北衡水市阜城县东韩村属于哪个乡 阜城东韩村到西韩村怎么走 如果一个一直默默陪伴在身边的人有一天离开了会是什么感觉 如何在苹果手机的控制中心添加小部件 股票金叉一定可以买吗 从北京火车站到积水潭医院怎么走 股票中的金叉是可以买进吗 显微镜高倍物镜找不到清晰的象?是因为我是近视眼的缘故么 近视眼可以看的清显微镜么? 球形摄像机能旋转多少度 球机向一个方向转了好几圈会不会断线 跟一个人手机聊天聊了很久,突然不聊了,突然觉得很难受,是为什么?_百... 《询问》包夜肚子饿!吃什么抗饿,抗疲劳?? 从安徽省广德县到湖南长沙的路线怎么走 余姚北站到陆碑镇有多远 复旦大学考研专业目录及考试科目 周作人对中国现代散文的发展作出了哪些贡献 解决问题了么?? 同问啊... 山茶花种子的种植方法山茶花种子如何种植 左足外伤:足背动脉断裂,胫前肌、踇长伸肌肌腱断裂可评几级伤残_百度知... 我的世界 我种植小麦 每次感觉快要长完的时候小麦突然不见了 什么都...
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