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发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-31 05:10



热心网友 时间:2024-05-31 20:53

作文如下:   Singles'day
  Singles Day, November 11th, from this day date in the four digit "1" shape of the four root smooth stick, and singles
  Has a single meaning, so in November 11th it was as "singles day", and become a popular singles holiday. Singles Day in the early 1990s, was born in south large and then extended to the colleges and universities in Nanjing and then spread to around the University, is one of the representative product of the campus culture and taste. With a group of students to say goodbye to the campus this holiday has been gradually brought into society, it is now a popular social and informal holiday.

热心网友 时间:2024-05-31 20:47

my weekday
I get up at 6 o'clock on weekdays,brush mt teeth,wash my face,eat my breakfast.and then go to school.
I can play with my classmates ang we slao talk about different things that happened around us.how interesting!
after school,my dad usually picks me up,because my mom is busy with making dinner.after a nice meal,I go to my room and do y homework absorbedly.my dad usually checks my homework after I finish it.
I go to bed at 9 o'clock,good night,sleep tight.

singles day is now a special day for all fashionable youths. the main way to celebrate "singles day" is to have dinner with your single friends, but its important that each person pay their own way to show their independence. people also hold blind dateparties in an attempt to bid goodbye...


Singles Day grew into something like the anti-Valentines day, a day China’s single young people – at first just men, but later single women adopted the tradition as well – could use as an excuse to get together and do fun stuff like visit karaoke bars together. 就这样,只是由几个朋友...


It was a sun shine day, so my family decided to go hiking. We prepared some food and drinks such as sandwich and water, before we were going to depart. The road of driving to the wild reserved part was a bit pumping, and we had managed it. However, there was an acciden...


Now we blame the subjective is boring, class work, and finally have a holiday to miss. Can ease the pressure relief good. Other festivals such as Valentine's Day, as well as the popular students Singles, Girls Day, that is, we find a reason to relax - ...


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关于马云的高中英语作文篇1 The success story of Ma Yun, founder of China's online trading empire--Alibaba, best illustrates the importance of innovation in realizing personal ambition and creating value for the society.Ma Yun ,the creator of Taobao, who makes the most profitable ...

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has 271 million online consumers, meaning that almost half of China's 591 million Internet users buy products online. E-commerce sites Taobao and Tmall, which saw a combined $$1 trillion in sales in 2012, will both be running promotional campaigns during China's Singles' Day. ...


Badminton is a racquet sport played by either two opposing players (singles) or two opposing pairs (doubles),who take positions on opposite halves of a rectangular court that is divided by a net.Players score points by striking a shuttlecock with their racquet so that it passes ...

大学的英语作文 主题是关于黑色星期五后的购物狂欢节

comes to November 11,what’s onyour mind?Well,as to the old generations,it’s only an ordinary day; however,the young generations will consider it as the Singles’ Day as well as theon-line shopping carnival.In fact,on November 11th,2013,Tmall and Taobao(the biggest Chinese ...


Badminton is a racquet sport played by either two opposing players (singles) or two opposing pairs (doubles),who take positions on opposite halves of a rectangular court that is divided by a net.Players score points by striking a shuttlecock with their racquet so that it passes ...

水仙花真的有毒吗? ...我的头比较大有没有什么办法看起来变小一点我想剪个发型短发的男生发... ...一点我想剪个发型短发的男生发型注意啊我头比较大发图谢谢 推子半开是什么意思? 海运中的"半开门"是什么意思 分手后送给对方的话? 如果男对女没感情,为什么分手的时候却会抱着那个女孩痛哭呢?如果有感情... BUFFALO移动硬盘为什么贵 分手了我还有机会吗? 什么牌子移动硬盘好? 逆水寒手游许浩天不死怎么过-许浩天不死玩法攻略 召开全国科学技术奖励大会是什么国家核心利益 U KISS出了新专辑后人气上升了吗?现在组合排名能拍多少列,很关心... u-kiss现在的人气怎么样?好多新的组合人气都比他们好啊感觉。 ...在韩国的人组合气排第几啊 还有就是 。 谁知道他们个人的人气... erp管理是什么 有谁能告诉我工作无故被辞退应该是补偿几个月工资才算合理呢? 重婚罪取保候审会判缓刊吗 要吃什么才补水,一定是要把水分吸收进去的,我每天还是喝很多水和吃... 宠物误食紧急处理 选调生体检过后放弃了后面的人还能替补上来吗 怎么办我好笨,做事老是不细心,有没有什么书可以让我增加知识改变脑袋笨... 什么是龟兔赛跑 求有女狙击手的电视剧【详细见下文】,记住是现代剧,不是抗日剧! 重庆市彭水桑拓镇鹿青村 双前桥转向汽车,第一、第二轴数据都是一样的吗 什么是六轴,六轴的作用是什么呢? 河南旅游必去十大景点推荐 河南旅游必去十大景点有哪些景点 中科院与中物院,哪一个比较好? 凤阳县刘府镇中心小学学校概况 双眼皮拆线拆早了是不是不永久了 世界上最大的老鼠到底有多大 做女人要开心的句子 取保候审书上如果写了可能判处拘役 "黑车"发生事故,保险陪吗 假如我的私家车去跑黑车,出了事故,乘客有受伤的,保险公司赔吗? 人人乐到东田金湾到公交 郴州东田金湾地址在哪里? 苏仙区东田金湾的房子归哪里管 小车高速费怎么收费 高速收费怎么算的 南寻古镇收门票吗 企业数据标准管理系统怎么做,这样效率快很多 数据标准管理是什么意思? 安全事故归不归派出所管? 安全事故属于派出所处理吗 公司法人代表的责任是怎样的 民本是什么意思什么学校? 北京结婚酒店推荐酒店婚宴场地费包含什么
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