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英语作文 写一篇让你难忘的假期游记,次数不少于70。内容包括:1.出游的...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-28 10:14



热心网友 时间:2024-06-19 08:57

The winter holiday began today. The Spring Festival will come soon. So my sister and I decided to help our mother to clean the room.
In the afternoon we began the cleaning. We first dusted the walls. The walls turned white soon, but the tables and floor were covered with dust. Then I cleaned the tables while my sister swept the floor. The room became bright and clean. We were very happy.
Then my sister did some washing. With my help, my sister first washed clothes, then some shoes.
Finally, we finished the work. "What time is it now?" she asked. "Oh, it's six o'clock! It is time for Mum to come home. We must prepare the supper. Be quick!" I said. Just then our mother came in. When she saw the room clean and bright she was very happy. "You are my good daughters!" she said with a smile on her face.
Now I was very tired, but I was very happy, because I had done something tbr my mother.

热心网友 时间:2024-06-19 08:54

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热心网友 时间:2024-06-19 08:56

. An unforgetble trip
Last summer my parents and I went to Beidaihe. It was sunny and hot that day. My dad drove a car and it took us about three hours to get to the beach. There were thousands of people on the beach and in the sea that day. We walked along the beach and picked up beautiful shells for about two hours. Then we felt hungry and ate delicious sea food. After lunch we went boating with the farmer and we caught lots of different kinds of sea fish. We saw beautiful seagulls flying in the blue sky. Then we swam in the sea. It was really cool to swim and of course we had a good time. So that was un an unforgetble trip.

热心网友 时间:2024-06-19 08:58

. An unforgetble trip
Last summer my parents and I went to Beidaihe. It was sunny and hot that day. My dad drove a car and it took us about three hours to get to the beach. There were thousands of people on the beach and in the sea that day. We walked along the beach and picked up beautiful shells for about two hours. Then we felt hungry and ate delicious sea food. After lunch we went boating with the farmer and we caught lots of different kinds of sea fish. We saw beautiful seagulls flying in the blue sky. Then we swam in the sea. It was really cool to swim and of course we had a good time. So that was un an unforgetble trip.

热心网友 时间:2024-06-19 08:57

英语作文 写一篇让你难忘的假期游记,次数不少于70。内容包括:1.出游的...

The winter holiday began today. The Spring Festival will come soon. So my sister and I decided to help our mother to clean the room.In the afternoon we began the cleaning. We first dusted the walls. The walls turned white soon, but the tables and floor were covered with dust...

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