...我很开心收到你寄来的明信片 非常完美 谢谢 很开心能够认识你...
发布时间:2024-05-28 19:19
时间:2024-06-03 19:05
hello, my friend. i was so glad to hear from you. i love the postcards you sent to me, they are wonderful. i could see madri is a nice city from the cards, i love it.
i am so happy to make friends with you.i hope you can have a chance to come to visit my hometown. there are a lot of beautiful buildings and friendly people.
i got a nice set of postcards like to send to you, do you mind to give me your homeaddress?
once again, i am so happy to have a friend like you.
时间:2024-06-03 19:13
时间:2024-06-03 19:07
Hello,my friend,I 'm very glad to hear from you,the postcard you sent me was wonderful,I like it very much,thank you!
I'm so glad to have kown you,I hope you can come to China,come to my hometown one day,we have a lot of beautiful buldings and people here are very friendly.Can you give me your address?I have a set of beautiful postcard for you.
Nice to have a friend like you,and I also like the city Madrid very much,
...我很开心收到你寄来的明信片 非常完美 谢谢 很开心能够认识你...
i got a nice set of postcards like to send to you, do you mind to give me your homeaddressbr>once again, i am so happy to have a friend like you.
英文翻译 你好 我的朋友 我很开心收到你寄来的明信片 非常完美 谢谢 很...
hello, my friend. i was so glad to hear from you. i love the postcards you sent to me, they are wonderful. i could see madri is a nice city from the cards, i love it.i am so happy to make friends with you.i hope you can have a chance to come to visit my hom...
HI~~我是文熙俊,也就是你们知道的Wah-Nuh-Nah(因为我的大眼睛)而当MONKEY BOY(TONY)第一次看到我时,就开口叫我Gizmo,所以Gizmo是我的另一个绰号!我是个头发很奇怪的人!在H.O.T.里,我是WIT GUY(说话风趣的家伙)而且他们也觉得当我在搞笑时,眼神就会充满了活力,呵呵~或许我是一个很好玩也很活泼外向的人...
6.塑封如果是撕拉盒就完全没必要,我是直接打开的盒型,塑封可以增加盲盒体验感那年我错过了你,却在望海重逢了爱情安娜听到何凡告白那一刻,既是惊喜又是惊吓,本能地拒绝了何凡。 何凡是安娜的高中同学,高考后各奔东西,一个去地图的北方,一个去地图的南方。每年冬天安娜都会收到何凡从哈尔滨发来的视频,那是北方...
8.我深深的感觉到团队的重要性,每个人在团队中都扮演着不一样的主角。 9.很开心的一次团建,增进了大家的感情。软弱就是最大的敌人,勇敢就是最好的朋友。 10.做不了领头之人便做出谋之人,做一个缺你不可之人。这就是团队精神。 11.你有没有很想,和谁重新认识一次。 12.天才并不是自生自长在深林荒野...
心肠好,乐于助人,但却心肠软。每次野比遇到困难,他总会帮野比。但有时会用愚蠢的方法来帮助野比。当机器猫吃不到铜锣烧或人们叫他狸猫时,脾气会非常暴躁。★刚田武 别名:大胖、大雄、技安、田技安、佳安、胖虎 生日:1964年6月15日 爱好:棒球、唱歌(可怕的声音)、煮饭(难吃死暸)特长:体育、...
英文翻译 你好 我的朋友 我很开心收到你寄来的明信片 非常完美 谢谢 很...
i am so happy to make friends with you.i hope you can have a chance to come to visit my hometown. there are a lot of beautiful buildings and friendly people.i got a nice set of postcards like to send to you, do you mind to give me your homeaddress?once again, i am ...