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quarter block造句 quarter blockの例文 "quarter block"是什麼意思...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-29 13:06



热心网友 时间:2024-06-19 03:12

About a quarter block later, Danny has put that ment in perspective.

A quarter block site on 27th and Eye St . was purchased.

Each solar ( quarter block ) was given to the settlers, who built houses of mud and straw.

Stretched over a quarter block of land near Oakland's waterfront, it looks austere from the outside, a vast expanse of corrugated steel.

LODGING : The Historic Taos Inn is a wonderful lodging option, just a quarter block north of the Taos Plaza on Paseo del Pueblo Norte.

He provided a key fourth- quarter block that freed Adrian Murrell on a 17-yard run that allowed the Cowboys to burn the remainder of the clock.

Wilpams'second- quarter block on Jurkovic, which forced the Packer defender out of the conference championship game with a torn pgament in his knee, indeed was a nasty blow.

Wilkins was also upset because right after the third- quarter block , Day went up to Hamer, only a few inches away from Wilkins, and said, " Good block, baby.

Hilario said before struggpng to a 2-of-7 shooting night for 5 points, his biggest moment ing with a fourth- quarter block of an Anthony Johnson drive and a finger wag that followed.

"I was trying to be as active as I could out there, get in the mix, " said Ostertag, whose five fourth- quarter blocks made it easier to overlook his 2-for-6 free-throw shooting.

It's difficult to see quarter block in a sentence. 用 quarter block 造句挺难的

A plat on a 1796 insurance popcy shows eight buildings on the quarter block , valued at a total of $ 11, 500, including a " Rabbit House " and a " Pigeon House ".

This multifunctional facipty with nearly of working space, includes six buildings : a hospital, a multi-purpose building, a restaurant, o staff quarter blocks and a single-storey changing block ( Architectural Services Department, 1997 ).

Both of the fourth- quarter blocks came on plays that began at the Texas 48-yard pne and involved o deep snappers : Marcel Blanchard and walk-on Hunter McWilpams, son of former Texas coach David McWilpams.

Ultimately, the game-savers for the Cardinals were Bernard Wilson's second- quarter block of a 33-yard field goal try by Washington's Cary Blanchard, and their season-high 188 rushing yards _ 92 from Adrian Murrell, 56 from Mario Bates _ which ate just enough clock.

Aside from the Jacob Kamm home and property, he also owned a half-block building at Front and Pine, a quarter block at Third and Yamhill, a quarter block at First and Washington, the Vancouver Transportation Company, was a " heavy stockholder " in the First National Bank of Astoria, and a " heavy stockholder " in the First National Bank of Portland.

Aside from the Jacob Kamm home and property, he also owned a half-block building at Front and Pine, a quarter block at Third and Yamhill, a quarter block at First and Washington, the Vancouver Transportation Company, was a " heavy stockholder " in the First National Bank of Astoria, and a " heavy stockholder " in the First National Bank of Portland.

quarter block造句 quarter blockの例文 "quarter block"是什麼意思

LODGING : The Historic Taos Inn is a wonderful lodging option, just a quarter block north of the Taos Plaza on Paseo del Pueblo Norte.He provided a key fourth- quarter block that freed Adrian Murrell on a 17-yard run that allowed the Cowboys to burn the remainder of the ...


单片机,即单片微控制器,也称为单片微型计算机,是将中央处理器(CPU)、存储器(ROM,RAM)、输入/输出接口和其他功能部件集成在一块 在一个小块的集成电路上,从而实现对整个电路或系统的数字式控制。单片机不是完成某一个逻辑功能的芯片,而是把一个计算机系统集成到一个芯片上。 单片机的体积小、质量轻、价格便宜、为学习、应用和开发提供了便利条件。在没有被开发前,单片机只是一片超大规模集成电路, 什么也做不了。 必须对它编程,赋予它特定的运行程序,它才成为一个最小的、完整的微型计算机控制系统。单片机,单片微型计算机。它是把中央处理器(CPU)、随机存取存储器(RAM)、只读存储器(ROM)、输入/输出端口(I/O)等主要计算机功能部件都集成在一块集成电路芯片上的微型计算机。单片机具有性能高、速度快、体积小、价格低、稳定可靠、应用广泛、通...


block against 被盖帽 official timeout 官方暂停(广告暂停)full timeout 长暂停 20 seconds timeout 20秒短暂停 quarter 节 overtime 加时 shooting foul 打手犯规 substitution 换人 offensive foul 进攻犯规 defensive foul 防守犯规 technical foul 技术犯规 Hook Shot 勾手投篮 ...


语法:block是可数名词,基本意思是指带有直边由较硬材料构成的长方形的块状物,如木块、石块或其他固体材料,引申则指高大的建筑物,即大厦、大楼等。在美国,block是指四面是马路的一块街区,或街区之间的距离,在澳大利亚则指闹市或繁华的大马路。例句:Some students today blocked a highway that cu...


back 背板:构成琴身背部的硬木(一般为槭木)大穹顶部件。bass bar 低音梁:纵向粘在面板里面,靠琴马低音脚一侧,制作成形的云杉木条。bee-sting 蜂针:饰缘伸入琴角,经过斜接缝的黑色部分。block 木块:粘在各侧板所有接点的软木块。(参见尾木和琴颈木)bottom block 尾木:为侧...


Block (挡) – 一种击球前挥拍动作不大的防御性击球方式,通常是在回发球时Bread stick –以6-1的比数赢下该盘。参见贝果( bagel )Break (破发球局、破发) – 接发球方球员破了发球方球员的发球局而赢下该局Break point (破发点) – 再赢一分即可破发的状况Bye (第一轮轮空) – 该位球员不须要打第...


反切———d,d/b,b 可简写成“qcb” (quarter circle back 摇杆后摇1/4圆) 正半圆—— b,d/b,d,d/f,f 可简写成“hcf” (half circle forward 摇杆前摇半圆) 反半圆—— f,d/f,d,d/b,b 可简写成“hcb” (half circle back 摇杆后摇半圆) 蹲着———d~ 可简写成“fc”(full crouch animatio...

音乐歌曲裏的 各个符号 代表什麼意思 帮我列出一些例子 像什麼f代表...

temple block 木鱼 tempo mark(s) 速度标记 tempo 速度 tenor drum 中鼓 tenor tuba 次中音大号 tenor 男高音 tenth 十度 ternary form 三段式,三部曲式(ABA) theater 剧场,戏剧 thematic material 主题材料 theme 主题theme with variation 主题与变奏 third inversion 第三转位 third 三度 three -lined octave...


quarterfinal 四分之一决赛 one-side game 一边倒的比赛 competition requlations 比赛条例 disqualification 取消比赛资格 sportsmanship 运动员的道德,风格 opening ceremony 开幕式 semi-final 半决赛 first round 第一轮 round-robin 循环赛 doping test 药检 draw,sostition 抽签 elimination match ,kick-out 淘汰赛...


1、3/F,Building No.105 2、3/F,Block 105 注:***表示序数词,比如1st、2nd、3rd、4th……也可以用No.***代替,或者直接填数字。另外有一些“***里、***区、***园”之类难翻译的东西,就直接写拼音“*** Li、***Qu、***Yuan”。而***东(南、西、北)路,直接用拼音,或写**...


first quarter 第一节 five man line defense formation 5人防守阵式 five-yard line 5码线 float 阻止持球队员包抄 fly 飞传 flying block 鱼跃阻挡 flying half 飞锋 flying tackle 鱼跃擒抱动作 flying wedge 楔形强攻战术 for point 追加分 forward man 前卫 forward pass play 向前传球战术 four ...

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