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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-21 08:00



热心网友 时间:2023-02-01 04:41


One day after school started, I have a certain understanding of the new environment。There are many feelings in the face of the first day life。

On the first day, the first feeling is fresh。The campus is so clean and tidy and tree-lined; My teacher's lectures are so energetic and fascinating。

The students get along so harmoniously and happily。Modern library, audio-visual center, network center and laboratory make me linger。

All these are very different from primary schools, which makes me feel very fresh and interesting。

On the first day, the second feeling is the longing for the future。At the opening ceremony, we tied our good wishes to balloons with excitement and flew them into the blue sky。

Everyone's wishes are varied, and some hope to be musicians and push Chinese traditional music to the world。

Some hope to be journalists, so that all mankind can marvel at the rapid development of China today。Some hope to be writers, so that people can hear the weak voices in the corners of society。

The ideal can only be realized through actions。In the three years of junior high school, we will lay a solid foundation for the future and move towards the goal step by step。




热心网友 时间:2023-02-01 05:59

im very grateful to have this chance to go to my new high school.i kown i will have grate personal and ecational opportunities.however,im running into a variety of Challenges at the same time下面的就是写一下机遇和挑战,然后总结

热心网友 时间:2023-02-01 07:34

Entering junior high school, I entered a new learning world. Into adolescence. I have made many sincere friends and met teachers with rich knowledge. In junior high school, I am no longer the timid pupil, I have to study hard.

热心网友 时间:2023-02-01 09:25

Madam Curie, a world famous woman scientist, was born into a techer\'s family in Poland in 1867 and died in 1934. She finished her middle school at the age of 16. Eight years later, when she was 24, she went to study at Paris University. All her lige was devoted to scientific research and her efforts were rewarded. She had won the Nobel Price twice.
Today, as a famous female, Madam Curie is sill remembered by the whole world. People will remember her forever for her courage, determination and her spirit of sharing knowledge with others.

热心网友 时间:2023-02-01 11:33

How time flies.Today I am no longer a villain in the piece of paper painted with childrens children; today I am no longer a simple calculation and the calculation is still the primary problem; today,I have bid farewell to childhood,to youth.With a vision for the future,I came to the East,into the first form of life.
On who started the first feeling fresh.Campus is so clean and tidy,tree-lined; teacher lectures are so vibrant and attractive; students get along is so harmonious,pleasant.All this and all have very different school,so I feel very fresh and interesting.
On who started in the second sense is the vision for the future with longing.Opening ceremony,we are excited to read aloud school pledge.Junior high school this year,we will lay a solid foundation for the future,one step forward towards goal.The first form,and then some feel is the tension.Different primary and junior high school learning,there are seven homework .

升入初中的感想英语作文:One day after school started, I have a certain understanding of the new environment。There are many feelings in the face of the first day life。On the first day, the first feeling is fresh。The campus is so clean and tidy and tree-lined; My teacher's...



...今后有什么打算。。 英语作文 不少于50个单词

and be a good kid.


First,I very execting .Because this school is very beauful and very big. Second, I am looking forward make friends with others. That we can play games,do homewords,play football together. Filally,I think I will happy in there....

初一的英语作文,题目是My Plans for New Term。60词。还要中文_百度知 ...

我即将升入初中了,就更应该好好珍惜这段宝贵的时光充实自己,把自己的理想变为势不可当的动力! 书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。向着自己的目标,奋力前进! 新的一学期又开始了,开始了新的旅程,杨启新的风帆吧!我要加油,在绚丽多彩的小学生 战胜一切困难 避过所有的浅滩 到达成功的彼岸!


with you ,hope you will receive my letter recently,Your friend xxx 亲爱的朋友xxx:最近怎么样,我很想念你,希望你度过了一个愉快的假期。自从我升入了初中,我学到了很多。交了许多朋友同样在学业上有所进步。最后,我想和你分享一些有趣的事,希望你最近就能收到我的信。你的朋友xxx ...


英语作文升入初中已近两年,你们还记得小学生活吗?请从校园、老师、同学等各方面讲出终于小学部生活作比较 急急急急急急!!!一定是英语作文... 急急急急急急!!! 一定是英语作文 展开  我来答 4个回答 #热议# 已婚女性就应该承担家里大部分家务吗? 聊天女孩123 2012-06-26 · TA获得超过587个赞...


初中感受 现在已经上学三个月了,记得那站在校门口的我看着校内的环境设施觉得非常的陌生。觉得遥不可及。甚至校门都不敢进。进入了教室,我找了一个空座位坐下。看着窗外,对这里的一切而又充满了好奇。就想立刻冲出教室探索校园生活。却又有一种不真实的感觉。就像这一切都是在做梦一般。心中有两种...




能否顺利升入高中这要看我这三年尤其是这一年的努力了 都说初中的孩子叛逆 任性 高中的孩子就要有自律意识了 我之前可能有很多不懂事的时候 也许让老师操心了 但是现在的我要仔细认真考虑我的梦想 我的人生了 这是决定我人生的第一步 我一定要迈好 走好 一步一个脚印 我要做一个懂事的孩子了 要管...

就读华南师范大学网络教育学院需要中专毕业吗 皮蛋肉粥的做法和配方 ...读华南师范大学的网络教育,但不知道在哪报名?学校有报名点吗?_百度... 银行装etc有什么套路 瑞达时代公司简介 ...计算数学题时,把减数24错写成44,算出差是30,这道题的正确是多少? ...把减数132看成了123,结果算出的差是239,这道题的被减数是()。_百度... ...把减数269看成296算出的结果足543这道算试正确的结果是怎样算_百度... ...做一道减法题时,把减数23看成32,结果是46,这道题的被减数是多少? 灵魂独立于生命而存在,生命可以感知它的存在。到底灵魂是一个什么概念... “用英语”的英文怎么写? 在初中生涯中,你最喜欢的科目是哪一科?为什么? 升入初中的打算给笔友写一封信英语小作文 关于初一未来计划的英语作文 高一英语作文(新校园新生活)150字左右 孩子马上就要升初中了怎么办? 你将从小学毕业进入中学用英文写一写你现在的心情以及你所期待的中学校园和中学生活的样子,5句话 升入初中有什么打算 英语作文 小学要毕业了,写一篇上初中的学习打算英语作文 急求一篇关于对初中学习生活的打算的英语作文 六年级英语作文:你即将步入初中的计划30—40个单词 写英语作文(将要上初一了,你有什么计划) 写英语作文(将要上初一了,你有什么计划) 天猫魔盒怎么一键root 天猫魔盒M17可以ROOT和刷机吗 天猫魔盒 root怎么连不上ip 天猫魔盒tmb100e怎么root 求天猫魔盒1s增强版tmb2200ra怎么取得root权限 天猫魔盒m12可以刷机吗 求天猫魔盒1s增强版 TMB2200RA取得root权限方法 我的新学期用英语写作文 my new school year 英语作文。。我们马上升入初三。。80词左右。。 用“我是……”造句 关于即将离开小学升入初中的英语作文 关于九年级学习计划 英语作文 急啊 用英语写一篇初中生的计划,有句子! ios蓝牙不显示airpods pro 电缆收放线车应该办理啥证, 电力钢杆生产厂家 路灯DN80加厚碳素波纹管电缆埋设规范要求 移动电缆盘是否可以在建筑工地使用 电梯里监控如何布线???? 公车上面的缆线是做什么用的 电缆盘的材质有什么讲究吗 放电缆施工方法 公交电车车顶上那两根线是电线么?有什么用? 废旧电缆回收多少钱一吨? 废旧电缆如何处理? 影响电缆局放大小主要是什么原因? 废旧电线电缆处理?
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