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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-06 09:36



热心网友 时间:2022-06-29 06:49

If I were a clothing designer,I'm gonna tell you that different kinds of people would wear dissimilar clothes,undoubtedly,each person has his own interest and taste,you can lead him to pursue what the fashion is,however,you can never change what his attitude and sense of worth are,of course,every season has its features,you can express what you think and what you like,different lifestyles will make you build distinctive minds,even the view of value more or less.Therefore,if you want to be a qualified designer,you have to know what the consumers want,dig their inner requirements and spiritual needs,no matter who you are and no matter what you do,please remember,what kind of apparel does a consumer like?including pattern,color and accessories,it is not what you can decide,what's more,it is not what you can tell him,all in all,it's up to the one who wants to buy apparel and has his own mind.
以"How to dress properly"为题的英语作文.要有中文意思.

Example sentence: It's important to avoid wearing clothing with offensive messages, as it can be disrespectful to others.例句:避免穿着带有冒犯信息的衣服非常重要,因为这可能会对他人不敬。


If I were a clothing designer,I'm gonna tell you that different kinds of people would wear dissimilar clothes,undoubtedly,each person has his own interest and taste,you can lead him to pursue what the fashion is,however,you can never change what his attitude and sense of worth ...

针对不同的人应该穿什么样衣服比较合适 英语作文

If you a short men,I will ask you to wear short coat,it can make you look more taller.


Actually,you can't wear as the same as her.Almost time,they will wear some leisure clothes,all in all,you can suit to your clothes,what kind of colour is best?Some colour assortment and art skill will help you a lot.Good luck to you.什么样子的衣服在约会的时候穿是合适的?...


If I were a clothing designer, I'm gonna tell you that different kinds of people would wear dissimilar clothes, undoubtedly, each person has his own interest and taste, you can lead him to pursue what the fashion is, however, you can never change what his attitude and sense ...

英语作文:1.不少于60个单词 2.假设你对服装设计很感兴趣,针对不同人适...

I am very interested in designing clothes . As we all known , some good cloth can make you look like beautiful . But different people should be wearing different styles . In my opinion the youth should be wearing light to show he is full of energy and lively. the adult ...


Some colour assortment and art skill will help you a lot.Good luck to you.什么样子的衣服在约会的时候穿是合适的?我想你应该要看看对方喜欢什么样的衣服?事实上,你不见得和她穿一样的衣服吧.多数的时候,他们将会穿一些休闲的衣服,总的来说,你可以穿一些适合你的衣服,什么样子的颜色是最好的...


there are also a lot of people who take the trouble to dress well in formal clothes like shirts, trousers and suits. I find them smart, too.But then, it is important to hold on to our topic. In my opinion, each type of dress has its place. Modern clothes are ideal for...

My style作文 以”我的穿衣风格(my style)”为题的英语作文.

写作思路:这篇作文首先介绍了自己的穿衣风格,如何选择服装,然后解释了自己喜欢的款式和颜色,最后描述了自己的打扮在不同场合中的表现。正文:My Style My style is simple and comfortable. When I choose clothes, I always consider the fabric quality, comfort and matching. I prefer to wear a...

英语作文 一位男士要去参加婚礼 要穿什么衣服

如果你并不是很担心过度打扮或者显得很张扬的话,你可以试试无尾晚礼服。尤其是当婚礼在夜晚举行,穿一套无为晚礼服是再合适不过的了。但是如果你很害怕抢了新郎风头或者打破常规的话,就穿一套看上去挺经典的套装 ,推荐宝石蓝。别忘了在你的套装上衣口袋上放一块白手帕,这表示你是去参加庆典而不...

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