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发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-07 07:19



热心网友 时间:2024-04-11 01:33

I g out from the bookcase where the book - "In the moon below." Its cover has a moon, and the moon under the red rocks.
This book talked about are: in 2222 created the earth AOL - Artificial Ozone Layer (Artificial ozone layer),
However, in 2522, when artificial ozone layer has been broken, the earth lack of rain, drought everywhere. Kiah and Rill a spaceship seen from this dangerous scenario, they reported to the commander of the Earth (Earth Commander) Gager (Gog), high-grid is not listening, preoccupied with Mars, also the two of them into the prison. Kiah and Rill a friend Zadak in order to save the earth, wanted to kill Gog, but did not succeed, was also killed by soldiers from Gog. When they are desperate, Kiah's brother Adai to take them to the moon clan (the Moon colony)
Although the thought of this story, but it reflects the number of social problems. For example the same as the leadership of Gog, seeking only its own interests, but not for the sake of masses of people. There are the Earth's environmental problems can not be ignored - if people do not protect the environment, so that rupture of the ozone layer increase, then the novel, the kind of harsh environment may be the human consequences.
The novel, most people are eager to have been living in the earth, which embodied a spirit of solidarity. However, their results can only fly to the moon tribe temporarily. At the end of the novel gives us a deep imagination. Although the novel is short, it tells of a hidden danger to society, it is worth us to ponder.

I dug out from the bookcase where the book - "In the moon below." Its cover has a moon, and the moon under the red rocks.This book talked about are: in 2222 created the earth AOL - Artificial Ozone Layer (Artificial ozone layer),However, in 2522, when artificial ozone la...


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