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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-06 06:56



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 23:15

1.没什么朋友 have no friends
2.有很多乐趣 have a lot of interest
3.在阳光下 in the sunshine
4.那到好 that's good
5.没有学生 have no students
6.去动物园 go to the zoo
7.九点碰面 meet at 9 o'clock
8.到那时见 see you then
9.一点五分 five minutes past one
10.一点一刻 a quarter past one
11.两点三十 thirty minutes past two
12.两点五十 fifty minutes past two
13.一点半上学 go to school at 1:30
14.聪明的猴子 a clever monkey
15.很多种菜 many kinds of vegetables
16.六点起床 wake up at six o'clock
17.到回家时间了 It's time to go home
18.你怎么了 what's wrong with you?
19.我们到了 we've got there
20.他人真好 he is so kind
21.上学的路上 on the way to school
22.回家的路上 on the way home
23.服装表演 fashion show
24.照片给我看 give me a look of the photos
25.七点到校 go to school at seven
26.下次看猴子 watch the monkeys next time
27.幼小的熊猫 a young panda
28.六点吃晚饭 have dinner at six
29.去农场的路上 on the way to the farm
30.说错了 say something wrong
31.下一年 next year
32.英语说得快 speak English fastly
33.一半鸡蛋 a half of an egg

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 23:16

6.去动物园 go to the zoo
7.九点碰面 meet at the nine o'clock
9.一点五分 one five
10.一点一刻 one fifteen
11.两点三十 two thirty
12.两点五十 two fifty
13.一点半上学 go to school at one thirty
16.六点起床 get up at six
17.到回家时间了 time to go home
18.你怎么了 what is the matter?
21.上学的路上 go to school
22.回家的路上 go home
23.服装表演 clothes show
24.照片给我看 show the photo with me
25.七点到校 get school at seven
27.幼小的熊猫 little panda
28.六点吃晚饭 eat dinner at six
31.下一年 next year

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 23:16

1.Have few friends

2.Have a lot of fun

3.Under the sunshine

4.That's fine.

5.Have no students(指人没有“拥有”学生)/There are no students(指什么地方没有学生)

6.Go to the zoo.

7.meet at 9 o'clock.

8.See you then.

9.five past one (o'clock)

10.a quater past one (o'clock)

11.two thirty/half past two

12.two fifty

13.go to school at one thirty/half past one.

14.clever monkeys.

15.many kinds of dishes.

16.Get up at 6 o'clock

17.It's time to go home.

18.What's wrong with you?

19.We've arrived.

20.He is a nice person.

21.on one's way to school

22.on one's way back home.

23.costume show

24.show me the photos

25.arrive at school at 7 o'clock

26.Let's go to see monkeys next time.

27.the baby panda

28.have dinner at 6 o'clock

29.say something wrong.

30.the next year

31.speak Englishi fast.

32.half the eggs

都是自己翻译的 应该没有什么大问题 满意的话就给分吧 :-)

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 23:17

一看就是英文白痴啊....你这些都叫短语吗?? 不可思议...

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 23:18

3.in the sunshine

1.没什么朋友 have no friends 2.有很多乐趣 have a lot of interest 3.在阳光下 in the sunshine 4.那到好 that's good 5.没有学生 have no students 6.去动物园 go to the zoo 7.九点碰面 meet at 9 o'clock 8.到那时见 see you then 9.一点五分 five minutes past one 10.一...


1.bomb 炸药 2.power 力量 3.speed 速度 4.extra 额外的 5.shield 遮挡 6.push 推动 7.invincibility 不可视 8.double shotgun 两支枪 9.rocket 火箭 10.flame 火苗 火焰 11.laser 镭射 12.hammer 榔头 13.landmine 地雷 14.remote 远程的 遥远的 15.bace 不知道了 16.frog 青蛙 ...


1.我在家里养了一条宠物狗 I kept a pet dog at home 2.这食物对他很有帮助 This food is helpful to his health 3.在英语方面他从不帮助我 He never helps me in English 4.你说汉语还是英语 Do you speak Chinese or English 5.有时候我去看望我的父母 I sometimes go to visit my ...


15.制作卡片 make a card 16.睡个好觉 have a good sleep 17.好主意 good idea 18.一会见 see you latter,see you soon 19.玩电脑游戏 play computer games 20.借我的书 lend my books 21.几个朋友 sevral friends 22.英语练习册 English exercise book 23.当然可以 of course,sure 24.按...


1.住在2楼 live on the 2nd floor 2.为何不去 why not going 3.跟我上楼 follow me upstairs 4.下楼看看 have a look downstairs 5.坐我前面 sit in front of me 6.坐你后面 sit behind you 7.教室左边 the left of the classroom 8.书房右边 the right of th...


1.学校大门口 school gate 2.新年快乐 happy new year 3.彼此彼此 the same to you 4.显得漂亮 look beautiful 5.骑车上学 go to school by bike 6.显得年轻 seem young 7.乘地铁去 go by tube 8.乘公共汽车 by bus 9.飞往北京 fly to Peking 10.学校生活 the life at school 11.乘...


9.我不是很喜欢英语 I don't like English very much.10.她非常喜欢语文 She likes linguistics very much.11.你有一点喜欢宠物 You do like pet a little.12.他是个高瘦脸的男孩 He is a tall boy with a thin face boy.13.他是一个学生还是一个老师 Is he a student or a teacher?14...


1.like to eat Chinese food 2.two pair of glasses 3.tasty food 4.why not go 5.let me see 6.let me help you 7.what to buy 8.have fish by oneself 9.give sth. to you 10.the pen for you 11.the pen bought for you 12.such a good idea 13.milk for you 14.have ...


wave to sb.在岛上登陆:landing on the island 放学后:after school或after class 好吧:all right 帮某人做某事:help sb. to do sth.告诉某人关于... :tell sb. about 讲故事:tell a story 课外活动:Extra-curricular activities 找他的鞋:find his shoes 参考资料:自己翻译的~...

初三英语短语翻译(Unit 3,第二部分),尽量简单,不要用超过初中范围的单词...

1 hold my hand 2 try to do something 3 become hungry 4 provide some delicious food 5 the sign shows 6 begin to do something 7 on the way to 8 looks scary 9 pss by 10 advise to so something

孩子的冠姓权是怎么回事? 如何看待孩子冠姓权问题? 意定监护协议样本内容是什么? 自愿放弃监护权合同范本是怎样的? 放弃孩子监护权协议书怎么写? 自愿变更监护权协议书怎么写? 变更监护权协议书怎么写? 子女监护权变更协议范本是怎样的? 变更子女监护权协议书 宝诗龙Epure焦特普尔之蓝腕表:诠释极致经典 英语词组的一点点有多少,分别是什么?它们的用法又是什么? 急求几个英文短语!!!(关于分数的) 几又几分之几英语怎么说 求英语常用短语 a little ,a bit ,a little bit ,a bit of的用法及区别 有几分 英语短句 ———of 稍微,有点用英语怎么说?后面带了一个of. “有几分”英语怎样翻译 海尔空调加热多长时间除霜次 office的PPT里面的效果声音存放在什么位置 海信空调除霜要多久 车玻璃有霜,空调吹多长时间? 三菱电机柜机除霜要多久 现在苏宁电器可以用储蓄卡分期付款了 苏宁易购买手机分期付款支持储蓄卡吗? 工商银行普通储蓄卡,可以办理苏宁易购分期付款业务吗? 教师参加钢笔字比赛选什么内容好 钢笔字比赛写什么内容最好? 黄金戒指回收多少钱一克,无锡黄金回收价高吗? 家用电脑桌是做好还是买好? 找40个英语短语越短越好!越短追加分越多! 重点英语短语 雷龙鱼要怎么分辨公母呢?需要注意哪些细节呢? 金鱼的公鱼是什么样子的 淡水小公鱼是什么鱼 池沼公鱼是什么鱼 小公鱼是什么鱼 孔雀鱼公鱼发情是什么样子 怎么判断斗鱼雌雄 forever是什么牌子的香水 彩裙鱼公鱼什么样 美国forever 这个牌子的香水怎么样 美公鱼长的什么样子 普通的金鱼是什么样子的 forever and ever dior中文是什么? Dior迪奥真爱永恒女士香水 兰蔻Dior的:永恒的爱淡香水 专卖店里卖多少钱? 这些英文是什么意思.......... 关于Dior foreverand ever 香水 羊排萝卜汤的做法家常做法
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