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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-03 08:32



热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 23:55

1.为什么不爱这儿?Why don't you love here?
2.这是个可爱的地方 我将会待很久 这里有宽阔的马路 浓阴的草丛 参天的大树This is a lovely place,I will stay long,there are broad roads here,there are also bushy grass and towering trees.
3.这是个可爱的地方 延伸的南北路 充满了各种小吃 可爱的饰品This is a lovely place,roads extend from north to south,there are full of various snacks and lovely accessories.
4.这是个可爱的地方 无论夏冬 各类美女 尽收眼底 十分养眼This is a lovely place,no matter summer or winter,we can have a panoramic view different kinds of beautiful girls,really pretty
5.各种风格 各种类型 different kinds of styles,different kinds of types
6.这是个可爱的地方 宽松的日子 自由的生活 慵懒的课堂 自在的教室This is a lovely place,relaxing days and free life,lazy classes ,free classroom
7.这是个可爱的地方 无法形容 生活静好 一切安好 我爱这个可爱的地方
This is a lovely place,it is beyond description,quiet life,all is fine,I love this lovely place

热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 23:55

Why don't you love here?

This is a lovely place I will stay long here are broad street strong Yin grass tall trees

This is a lovely place extensions of the north-south road full of snacks cute act the role of article

This is a lovely place whatever panoramic view of beauty is ty summer and winter sensibility

All sorts of styles all kinds of types

This is a lovely place loose days free life lazy classroom comfortable classroom

This is a lovely place cannot describe life static good all well I love this lovely place

热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 23:55

1.为什么不爱这儿?Why don't you love here?
2.这是个可爱的地方 我将会待很久 这里有宽阔的马路 浓阴的草丛 参天的大树This is a lovely place,I will stay long,there are broad roads here,there are also bushy grass and towering trees.
3.这是个可爱的地方 延伸的南北路 充满了各种小吃 可爱的饰品This is a lovely place,roads extend from north to south,there are full of various snacks and lovely accessories.
4.这是个可爱的地方 无论夏冬 各类美女 尽收眼底 十分养眼This is a lovely place,no matter summer or winter,we can have a panoramic view different kinds of beautiful girls,really pretty
5.各种风格 各种类型 different kinds of styles,different kinds of types
6.这是个可爱的地方 宽松的日子 自由的生活 慵懒的课堂 自在的教室This is a lovely place,relaxing days and free life,lazy classes ,free classroom
7.这是个可爱的地方 无法形容 生活静好 一切安好 我爱这个可爱的地方
This is a lovely place,it is beyond description,quiet life,all is fine,I love this lovely place

热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 23:55

Why don't you love here?

This is a lovely place I will stay long here are broad street strong Yin grass tall trees

This is a lovely place extensions of the north-south road full of snacks cute act the role of article

This is a lovely place whatever panoramic view of beauty is ty summer and winter sensibility

All sorts of styles all kinds of types

This is a lovely place loose days free life lazy classroom comfortable classroom

This is a lovely place cannot describe life static good all well I love this lovely place

热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 23:55

1.为什么不爱这儿?Why don't you love here?
2.这是个可爱的地方 我将会待很久 这里有宽阔的马路 浓阴的草丛 参天的大树This is a lovely place,I will stay long,there are broad roads here,there are also bushy grass and towering trees.
3.这是个可爱的地方 延伸的南北路 充满了各种小吃 可爱的饰品This is a lovely place,roads extend from north to south,there are full of various snacks and lovely accessories.
4.这是个可爱的地方 无论夏冬 各类美女 尽收眼底 十分养眼This is a lovely place,no matter summer or winter,we can have a panoramic view different kinds of beautiful girls,really pretty
5.各种风格 各种类型 different kinds of styles,different kinds of types
6.这是个可爱的地方 宽松的日子 自由的生活 慵懒的课堂 自在的教室This is a lovely place,relaxing days and free life,lazy classes ,free classroom
7.这是个可爱的地方 无法形容 生活静好 一切安好 我爱这个可爱的地方
This is a lovely place,it is beyond description,quiet life,all is fine,I love this lovely place

热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 23:55

Why don't you love here?

This is a lovely place I will stay long here are broad street strong Yin grass tall trees

This is a lovely place extensions of the north-south road full of snacks cute act the role of article

This is a lovely place whatever panoramic view of beauty is ty summer and winter sensibility

All sorts of styles all kinds of types

This is a lovely place loose days free life lazy classroom comfortable classroom

This is a lovely place cannot describe life static good all well I love this lovely place

1.为什么不爱这儿?Why don't you love here?2.这是个可爱的地方 我将会待很久 这里有宽阔的马路 浓阴的草丛 参天的大树This is a lovely place,I will stay long,there are broad roads here,there are also bushy grass and towering trees.3.这是个可爱的地方 延伸的南北路 充满了各种小吃...


为此我下定决心要从我做起爱护环境,保护我们这个赖以生存的家园,做一个保护环境的卫士。For this I make a firm decision to want to start to do to take good care of environment from I and protect us the home for relying for existence, do a bodyguard of environmental protection....


Don't be afraid that people will laugh at you.How else will you learn a new language?You have to jump right in and try new words.Everybody who learns a new language has trouble at first.But with practice and hard work,you will soon feel comfortable.不要害怕人们会嘲笑你。那...


如果一个人说喜欢你,请等到他对你百般照顾时再相信,如果他答应带你去你想去的地方,等他订好机票再开心,如果他说要娶你,等他买好钻戒在你面前再感动,感情不是说说而已,我们已经过了耳听爱情的年纪。一句你拿着,胜过十句我会给你。If someone tells you he likes you, please wait patiently...

求英语大神帮忙翻译一下对话,不要机器翻译 a:lena,我明天早上就要坐飞机...

to be solved. The plane will take off at 10:00 am B: You are really busy. I will drive you to the airport and we will arrive at about 9:40. I can say goodbye to you by the way.A: Yes, I am so busy. Thanks for picking me up at 9:00.B: You are welcome.


unique personality and characteristics , its no longer who is living in rural farmers in traditional,it more broader and more targeted.But this building is completely different from the ordinary rural resident in the concept of building.花了好些时间帮你翻译,基本能满足要求,希望采纳。


hello,I`m a Chinese student studying in Korea.If you want to study Chinese,you can teach me English,thus we can study together.So,in case you`re intersted ,please e-mail me.Thanks!


1.Acquire necessary manufacturing skills (incl. machine programming) for assigned manufacturing step.获得必需的生产能力(包括机器规划)为指定的制造步骤程序 2.Special emphasis on fixture design drawing, fixture making, machine programming, gauging etc. and the product/process introduction.特别强调...


Sometimes, blind people have guide dogs to help them. However, some blind people don't like dogs. They may be afraid of dogs. They may be allergic(对……过敏) to dogs. Now, they can have guide horses instead.有时,盲人需要导盲犬的帮助。但是,有些盲人不喜欢狗。他们有可能...


不难嘛,但是请先解释你这里“预设“和“生成“具体指的是什么。翻译最忌讳断章取义。完了我给你翻。A thorough preparation is indispensable for having a successful and effective class, nor is an interactive implementation. How to effectively combine the two together has become the question...

可今天晚上厨房的水管又爆裂啦,迫切寻求帮助 2024没学历最吃香的职业 米糊应该怎么冲 ...低,又是言语残疾人的女生是不是注定被社会淘汰? 只有初中学历是不是就注定一事无成?只有读大学才有出息人生才有出路... 对6.4X99+6.4进行简算,可以运用A.乘法交换律 B.乘法分配律 C.乘法结合... ...A.乘法交换律B.乘法结合律C.乘法分配律D.乘法交换律和结合律... ...A.乘法交换律B.乘法结合律C.乘法分配律D.加法结合律 王俊凯再不努力的话,张译也带不动了,他有可能赶超易烊千玺吗? TFBOY演过电影有哪些 There was a river crossed the area from north to south. 语法错误? The wind has ___ from north to south. It also has a river flowing from north to south ”南北走向”用英文怎么说? 梦到自己的车着火车烧毁了车轮胎掉一个是什么意思? 尊敬的网友,华为荣耀畅玩5插卡口SIM1和SIM2有什么区别? 请问荣耀畅玩5a的SIM卡插反了怎么办 在线等 急! 尊敬的网友,华为荣耀畅玩5插卡口sim1和sim2有什么区别 小辣椒手机充电时屏幕闪红色辣椒图案,无法开机,如何处理? 华为荣耀畅玩5C怎么插SIM卡 华为手机不显示改聊天怎样恢复 在制作幻灯片中怎样使文字滚 荣耀畅玩5 双卡双待 怎么换手机卡 如何破解小辣椒4g手机图案密码 ppt制作中,如何才能让内容点一下才出现 求助~~~幻灯片制作中,同一张幻灯的文字如何才能在单击鼠标时逐条显示?请高手指点~ 星空物语歌曲链接 为什么百度MP3上没有《星空物语》这首歌?谁能告诉我别的地方往MP3上怎么下? 深圳招临时工为什么不要彝族? 为什么彝族人找工作人家不要 翻译一下!!急!! North and south,let's have a rest.是什么意思 most mountain ranges (run)___from north to south 用north造句? 汉译英:一段话 on the south;in the south of是什么意思 平安有一个项目是一个月存1500 5年后可以领利息有什么风险么? 我微信密码明明是对的 为什么支付美团是我按了好多次都是密码错误 平安保险有一款理财计划实例孩子一年存两万存五年到底是怎么回事 平安保险理财一年交五万缴够五年 什么时候可以取出来 遇到金融诈骗案怎么处理 涉及金融诈骗要怎么处理 钱存到平安银行办五年保本保息的理财安全吗 科学饮食,健康生活 如何做到健康科学饮食 被金融诈骗最后怎么解决 家装星空顶属于灯具范畴吗? 中小学生暑假“科学饮食、健康生活”体验活动。(要求如下) 受到金融诈骗怎么办? 遭遇金融证劵诈骗如何处理
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