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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-03 05:48



热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 17:55

Traveling Salesman Problem(TSP)is a typical NP-hard problem in combinatorial optimization field, of which the solution time is exponential with the increase of the problem scale.Since traditional optimization algorithm fails to meet demand, what based on intelligent algorithms for TSP has been a hot topic in recent years.

Simulated annealing algorithm is a random iterative optimization algorithm that combines the physical annealing process and Combinatorial Optimization,which converges to the overall optimal solution by Metropolis criteria.Using Simulated annealing algorithm to solve the TSP problem is an ideal method.
This design uses simulated annealing algorithm to solve TSP problem, and has made designs of the city's position and its algorithm rules, according to the characteristics of TSP problem and simulated annealing algorithm. A basic window is constructed based on C++, which has defined random city positions in the window. At the same time, neighborhood search methods and the Calculation of Path difference are designed to speed up algorithm speed. Experimental test results show that this design has achieved good effects.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 17:55

虽然专业词汇不懂,但是看第一句话语法就有问题Traveling Salesman Problem(TSP)is a typical NP-hard problem in combinatorial optimization field,the solution time with problem size increases exponentially。field,the 中间要加个连接词的吧eg:and。Traditional optimization algorithms have用has比较好吧,needs, that based ,that 连接词奇怪了的,用so or therefore吧,而且这句话主语错了吧,急人,问题很多啊。 based on intelligent algorithms for TSP 改TSP which is based on intelligent algorithms.
that combination of 改which combined.And can convergence to the overall optimal solutions by Metropolis criteria.改 and Metropolis .....is the best. using 改Using,后面的S小写。
请把开头大小写区分开,很多都是错的,下面这个问题不修改了。According to the characteristics of TSP problem and simulated annealing algorithm, Design of the city's position and its algorithm rules。换换比较好,The design of ......is according to ......Path difference designed改 Path difference are designed .Experimental result改The test result比较好。感觉问题很多的,你要好好修改啊,机器翻得吧,词汇没看哦。仅供你参考下

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 17:55

Traveling Salesman Problem(TSP)is a typical NP-hard problem in combinatorial optimization field, of which the solution time is exponential with the increase of the problem scale.Since traditional optimization algorithm fails to meet demand, what based on intelligent algorithms for TSP has been a hot topic in recent years.

Simulated annealing algorithm is a random iterative optimization algorithm that combines the physical annealing process and Combinatorial Optimization,which converges to the overall optimal solution by Metropolis criteria.Using Simulated annealing algorithm to solve the TSP problem is an ideal method.
This design uses simulated annealing algorithm to solve TSP problem, and has made designs of the city's position and its algorithm rules, according to the characteristics of TSP problem and simulated annealing algorithm. A basic window is constructed based on C++, which has defined random city positions in the window. At the same time, neighborhood search methods and the Calculation of Path difference are designed to speed up algorithm speed. Experimental test results show that this design has achieved good effects.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 17:56

Traveling Salesman Problem(TSP)is a typical NP-hard problem in combinatorial optimization field,the solution time increases exponentially with problem scope. Traditional optimization algorithms have been unable to meet their needs, which based on intelligent algorithms for TSP has been a hot topic in recent years.
Simulated annealing algorithm is a random iterative optimization algorithm which combine the physical annealing process and Combinatorial Optimization,It's optimal solution which with Metropolis standards to convergence to overall situation.Using Simulated annealing algorithm to solve the TSP problem is an ideal method.
This design utilizes simulated annealing algorithm to solve TSP problem,According to the characteristics of TSP problem and simulated annealing algorithm, Design per the city's position and its algorithm rules.Based on C++ programming language to construct a basic window and define random city position in the window.At the same time, desined neighborhood search methods and the Calculation of Path difference to speed up algorithm speed.Experimental result shows that the design has achieved good effect.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 17:55

虽然专业词汇不懂,但是看第一句话语法就有问题Traveling Salesman Problem(TSP)is a typical NP-hard problem in combinatorial optimization field,the solution time with problem size increases exponentially。field,the 中间要加个连接词的吧eg:and。Traditional optimization algorithms have用has比较好吧,needs, that based ,that 连接词奇怪了的,用so or therefore吧,而且这句话主语错了吧,急人,问题很多啊。 based on intelligent algorithms for TSP 改TSP which is based on intelligent algorithms.
that combination of 改which combined.And can convergence to the overall optimal solutions by Metropolis criteria.改 and Metropolis .....is the best. using 改Using,后面的S小写。
请把开头大小写区分开,很多都是错的,下面这个问题不修改了。According to the characteristics of TSP problem and simulated annealing algorithm, Design of the city's position and its algorithm rules。换换比较好,The design of ......is according to ......Path difference designed改 Path difference are designed .Experimental result改The test result比较好。感觉问题很多的,你要好好修改啊,机器翻得吧,词汇没看哦。仅供你参考下

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 17:56

Traveling Salesman Problem(TSP)is a typical NP-hard problem in combinatorial optimization field,the solution time increases exponentially with problem scope. Traditional optimization algorithms have been unable to meet their needs, which based on intelligent algorithms for TSP has been a hot topic in recent years.
Simulated annealing algorithm is a random iterative optimization algorithm which combine the physical annealing process and Combinatorial Optimization,It's optimal solution which with Metropolis standards to convergence to overall situation.Using Simulated annealing algorithm to solve the TSP problem is an ideal method.
This design utilizes simulated annealing algorithm to solve TSP problem,According to the characteristics of TSP problem and simulated annealing algorithm, Design per the city's position and its algorithm rules.Based on C++ programming language to construct a basic window and define random city position in the window.At the same time, desined neighborhood search methods and the Calculation of Path difference to speed up algorithm speed.Experimental result shows that the design has achieved good effect.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 17:56

Traveling Salesman Problem(TSP)is a typical NP-hard problem in combinatorial optimization field,the solution time of which appears exponential growth along with problem size.Traditional optimization algorithms have been unable to meet their needs, and it has become a heat subject in recent years that TSP is solved by the way based on intelligent algorithms.
Simulated annealing algorithm is a random iterative optimization algorithm which combines the physical annealing process and combinatorial optimization together , and it can convergence to the overall optimal solutions by Metropolis criteria. Using simulated annealing algorithm to solve the TSP problem is an ideal method.
This project uses simulated annealing algorithm to solve TSP problem. According to TSP problem and the characteristics of simulated annealing algorithm, it designs on the positions and algorithm rules of cities. It also constructs a basic window based on C++ and defines random city positions in the window. At the same time, the project plans for neighborhood search methods and calculation of path difference, which speed up algorithms. The experimental test result shows that the project has been applied successfully.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 17:56

Traveling Salesman Problem(TSP)is a typical NP-hard problem in combinatorial optimization field,the solution time of which appears exponential growth along with problem size.Traditional optimization algorithms have been unable to meet their needs, and it has become a heat subject in recent years that TSP is solved by the way based on intelligent algorithms.
Simulated annealing algorithm is a random iterative optimization algorithm which combines the physical annealing process and combinatorial optimization together , and it can convergence to the overall optimal solutions by Metropolis criteria. Using simulated annealing algorithm to solve the TSP problem is an ideal method.
This project uses simulated annealing algorithm to solve TSP problem. According to TSP problem and the characteristics of simulated annealing algorithm, it designs on the positions and algorithm rules of cities. It also constructs a basic window based on C++ and defines random city positions in the window. At the same time, the project plans for neighborhood search methods and calculation of path difference, which speed up algorithms. The experimental test result shows that the project has been applied successfully.

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