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发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-29 07:44



热心网友 时间:2024-02-28 05:41

Dear Sir:
I am ×××, a Chinese admitted student of your university.
I contacted with Shanghai Consulate of Finland, however I was refused to apply for a visa without official Admission Letter. And I was told it is necessary for me to provide the original official Admission Letter, at least an electric version of official Admission Letter,or the scanned or copied one. Consequently could you please
1)send me an electric version of official Admission Letter,or 2)make a further contact with Shanghai Consulate of Finland, so as to let them accept my application for Visa.
Thank you very much!

热心网友 时间:2024-02-28 05:41

I need to write legacy to require schools to give me something Buji mail has been asked on several occasions, but there is no response, and I contacted the embassy, the embassy gave me the following response to the

You can ask schools to provide an electronic version (or versions of scan / copy) the admission notice would be acceptable to all.

Please help me to go in to cover the requirements of the embassy, thank you.

下面是一封英语电子邮件,大家可以欣赏和参考一下(下边带翻译)。Dear friends:I'm xxx . I'm very happy to make friends with you , I always think you are a very brave girl(boy) . You always smile , your smile let I was moved . For I have a friend like you and feel a ...



帮我翻译一封邮件,英译汉.谢谢!!Dear Mr/Ms Zhao Guocheng

Dear Mr/Ms Zhao Guocheng 亲爱的赵国城先生/太太 I had attend the Canton Fair and visited your stall, which inturn interested me a lot.我去了广州的展览,并且去了你的展位,很吸引我。I would like to have a quote for the following items as mentioned below for my resturants, cate...


an Email .


Dear Sir or Madam,Thanks to my business, I have attained your company name and address. Now we write to you in hopes of establishing business connections with you.We have been importing textile products and cotton cloth for many years. Presently, we are interested in fine printed ...


你好wang pei yu 非常感谢你给我的友好信息和你对我这边活动的兴趣。我总是非常高兴能与音乐爱好者们接触。作为一个歌曲的词作者及曲作者,我最近一直在考虑把我的歌介绍到中国去。这不仅仅因为中国是一个很大的市场,还因为近些年我愈发产生的对中国的真挚兴趣,尤其自97年起,那时我还在香港工作。现...


Dear Sir,I am very sorry to inform you that I will leave the company for one week due to some personal reasons. I would like to brief you on my arrangement on the work, in case you might be concerned with the impact of my absence on the work.First, Mr. XX will take ...


Re:Confirm Receipt 确认收到邮件 发件人:Dr. Smith Lee.<slrsims@aol.com>;发件人的邮箱 I have a proposition for you, this however is not mandatory nor will I in any manner compel you to honor against your will.Let me start by introducing myself. I am Dr.Smith Lee, ...


Dear Sir/Madam I bought 4 tickets from your Company. But I made a mistake when I filled in the name. I wrongly filled in the name xxx (passport number is: xxxxx). The right name shall be xxxx. Would you please help me to change the name to the right one. The following...


Dear Sir/Madam,先生,女士:Our company is looking for permanent representatives within the territory of the Canada/America and Europe. We need people at the age of 21 to 60 for rather easy work on processing of the incoming mail and performancing of simple management duties.我们公司...


Could you please be so kind helping me with the following two questions?1. Can I transfer the tuition fee directly from China?2. When I go back to school in December, what will be my exam schedule?Thanks for your understanding. I really appreciate your help!Look forward to ...

在陶瓷城打车到大东区二台子林韵春天 梦中梦是什么预兆噩梦梦中梦是什么预兆 我上班10个月现在我要辞职,我能得到赔付吗 莫扎特故居莫扎特简介 原本在杭州工作的,但是合同签的是南京,现在自动离职3个月了,社保卡一直... ...家弟兄姐妹五人的生辰八字和桃木一起钉入祖坟,请问这种事情如何破 ... 梦中梦,我今晚上夜班现在还在床上睡觉,刚才我做了一连串的梦……我... ...一直做恐怖的梦中梦,而且在梦中还觉得自己很清醒,还可以提醒自己这是... 我有三弟兄埋祖坟 风水先生在坟前打了记号 骨灰盒放下去 打的记号对着... ...的.没有房产证:当时中介就说在银行底压.结果定金收了.后来去银行一... 梦见流血是什么征兆 女性 怎么学做菜,一般厨房里该准备什么配料呢?比如味精盐,酱油??还有什么呢... 家长态度决定孩子发展高度———家庭“溺爱”宠出“学困生”深省_百 ... 六岁孩子眼睛先天性高度近视加弱视可以戴好视力眼镜吗? 吴倩和张雨剑是最萌身高差吗 各位前辈们好,我想请教一个一个键盘编码问题,不胜感激 为什么word中有的空白页 查巧克力工厂怎么没有国语 八年级上册,p22页2e 求翻译(我都发第五遍了!就算为了采纳,你们也帮我翻... 安装海尔洗衣机水龙头要多少钱? 骑河地铁站停车场收费吗 用渐斩造句(大约30个左右) 请问4个100吨的液压缸同时工作,顶起6米高,由1个液压泵供油。须要什么液... “没多时,法场中间,人分开处,一个报,报道一声:“午时三刻!”监斩... 手机摄像头被监视了该怎么办呢? 冬迎百福祝寿诞,梅映千祥庆古稀什么意思 关于元旦的著名诗句 元旦祝福诗句 七律元旦感怀 肺cT值538是什么意思 ...鬼压床,而且偶尔还能听见鬼的笑声,有时一闭眼就不能动了,就在床上... 世界三大公墓? 凡所难求皆绝好,能及所愿便平常 ...可血压高95-134,请问能在体检前含服硝苯地平不? 支付宝视频号怎么发布视频 微信怎么上传视频到视频号? 创金启富公司怎么样 创金的寓意是什么意思 五言四句春节古诗词 最近公司业务量和合同量大增,朋友建议我用电子合同。请问电子合同受法律... 怎样从一碗饭菜里鉴别出时间否是地沟油? 上海市闵行区友情路50弄19号401是什么公司 英语等级考试中用耳机,小型收音机哪个效果更好,放在一起(其中一个关闭... 抖音75级和60级区别 excel怎么把分数转换成小数? 社保养老金计算公式保底数是多少? excel函数如何保留小数点位数的问题 怎样关闭qq消息的声音提示呢? QQ消息提醒声音怎么关闭 liu的汉字有哪些
  • 焦点


