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以my hometown in 20 years 为题目写一篇英语作文,不少于80字

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-03 01:35



热心网友 时间:2022-06-29 03:32


I love my hometown very much.I dream the changes of my hometown in 20 years.There will be less pollution and more trees will be planted.Everyone will try their best protecting the environment.


Also,the traffic will develop.It's convenient for people to get touch with the outside world.So in 20 years,a beautiful hometown will show you.


热心网友 时间:2022-06-29 03:32

你好 My hometown in 20 yearsI love my hometown very much.I dream the changes of my hometown in 20 years.There will be less pollution and more trees will be planted.Everyone will try their best protecting the environment.Also,the traffic will develop.It's convenient for people to get touch with the outside world. So in 20 years,a beautiful hometown will show you.

1. 以my hometown in 20 years 为题目写一篇英语作文,不少于80字 你好 My hometown in 20 yearsI love my hometown very much.I dream the changes of my hometown in 20 years.There will be less pollution and more trees will be planted.Everyone will try their best protecting the en...

以my hometown in 20 years 为题目写一篇英语作文,不少于80字

I love my hometown very much.I dream the changes of my hometown in 20 years.There will be less pollution and more trees will be planted.Everyone will try their best protecting the environment.我非常爱我的家乡。我梦见我的家乡在20年的变化。将有更少的污染和更多的树将被种植。每个...

...以“My hometown in 20 years”为题介绍你的家乡20年后的变化。要 ...

My Hometown in 20 Years I love my hometown though it is not big and has a small population .It is famous for its scenery and beautiful environment.Now great changes are taking place in it.Trees and flowers are being planted,roads and parks are being built,schools and colleges ...

“my hometown in 20 years”为题的英语作文。60词

My hometown in 20 years My hometown is very poor now.There are only some high buildings and cars.People have little money.Most of them live in a low house.With the developement,people will live a happy life in ten years.Most of the family will have a car and it will be ...

My hometown in 20 years英语作文

美满,正在鼓足劲头建筑社会主义。My hometown is a beautiful city ---Liuan. It is a small city in Jiangsu Province. Welcome to liuan!First, Suzhou has a long history. People in liuanbuild lots of bridges. Some are small and short, some are very long. For example, Baodai ...

英语作文 :my. hometown. in. 20. years 不少于60个单词

My hometown is a beautiful city . It is a small city in Jiangsu Province. Welcome to liuan!First, Suzhou has a long history. People in liuanbuild lots of bridges. Some are small and short, some are very long. For example, Baodai Bridge is very long and you can count ...

以my hometown in 20 years为题写一篇,70词的短文

My hometown in 20 yearsI love my hometown very much.I dream the changes of my hometown in 20 years.There will be less pollution and more trees will be planted.Everyone will try their best protecting the environment.Also,the traffic will develop.It's convenient for people to get...

谁帮我写篇英语作文啊!题目my hometown in20 years

flowers are being planted,roads and parks are being built,schools and colleges are being enlarged.I believe my hometown will be tidier and more beautiful,and trees and flowers will be everywhere in the coming 20 years.and then it will have a larger population.I love my hometown.

My hometown in 20 years英语作文

My hometown in 20 years英语作文 Time flies like an arrow, the sun is like a boat. Fillip pointed, over the past twenty years, many changes have taken place over the years my hometown, here, Ill tell you about it!First of all, is flying technology. It is the role of ...


In 20years, there will be great change in my hometown. There will be more trees and the environment will be better. There will be more people and fewer cars. People will take the subway to go out. Kids won't go to school and they will stay at home study on computers.

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