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if i learnd one lesson, count my blessing是什么歌

发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-18 07:17



热心网友 时间:2024-02-05 01:00

When I was a young boy living in the city
All I did was run, run, run, run, run
Staring at the lights, they look so pretty
Momma said "son son son son son
You're gonna grow up, you're gonna get old
All that glitters don't turn to gold
But until then just have your fun
Boy, run, run, run, run, run"
Yeah, run, run, run
Run, run, run
When I was a young kid living in the city
All I did was pay, pay, pay, pay, pay
And every single dime that good Lord gave me
I could make it last three, four, five days
Living it up but living down low
Chasing that luck before I get old
And looking back, oh, we had some fun
Boy, run, run, run, run, run
They tell you that the sky might fall
They'll say that you might lose it all
So I run until I hit that wall
Yeah I learned my lesson, count my blessings
Look to the rising sun and run, run, run
Yeah, one day well the sky might fall
Yеah, one day I could lose it all
So I run until I hit that wall
If I learnеd one lesson, count your blessings
Look to the rising sun and run, run, run
Run, run, run
Didn't get everything that I wanted
But I got what I need, yeah yeah
I see that light in the morning
Shining down on me
So take me up high, take me down low
Where it all ends nobody knows
But until then let's have some fun, yeah
Run, run, run, run, run
They tell you that the sky might fall
They'll say that you might lose it all
So I run until I hit that wall
Yeah I learned my lesson, count my blessings
Look to the rising sun and run, run, run
Yeah, one day well the sky might fall
Yeah, one day I could lose it all
So I run until I hit that wall
If I learned one lesson, count your blessings
Look to the rising sun and run, run, run
Run, run, run
Yeah, run, run, run
Yeah, I learned my lesson, count my blessings
Look to the rising sun
Yeah, I learned my lesson, count my blessings
Look to the rising sun
Yeah, if I learned one lesson, count your blessings
Look to the rising sun, yeah, run, run, run
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