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发布网友 发布时间:2023-12-12 09:50



热心网友 时间:2024-08-05 01:25

1, if I have a 100 million, I'll take part for my parents to let them to travel, to wherever they want to go, because I ever since I on the middle school, the parents have less chance to go out to play, I also will use part of the money to open a belong to my own clothing field, because of my childhood dream is to be a dress designer, the rest of the money I will to charity organizations, to help families flat trapped couldn't go to school children.

2, my best friend is a girl, she has long hair, small eyes, is not very high, very thin, her personality is bright, liking to help others, and loves to be honest, this is her virtues, her drawback is that she is mad shopping always buy some of things she did not need.

3, I want to go to most of the three places is: France, the Netherlands, Thailand. Because of the French, I want to see the Eiffel Tower, to eat French cuisine, and the French is a romantic country, I like romantic things. Want to go Dutch because I like tulips and tulip is Dutch national flower, Dutch cheese is excellent, and the Netherlands have traditional clogs, delicate and beautiful. Thailand, in my mind Thailand is a mysterious country, I like to watch the movie, TV, Thailand this is what makes me want to go to Thailand. I don't want to go to the country is the most Korean because the country is always unreasonable bullying China.

1, if I have a 100 million, I'll take part for my parents to let them to travel, to wherever they want to go, because I ever since I on the middle school, the parents have less chance to go out to play, I also will use part of the money to open a belong to my...


we are at the corner of a new year. Always being thankful, the world will become better and better. Today, have you been thankful?


hold somebody's hands, listen to the from the bottom of somebody's heart, or patting somebody's back ; it gives a child surprise, gives a lover warmth, gives a bride blessing and gives a stranger welcome; it can be used as a wave of goodbye,a loud cheering, a blow of...


First of all, I will introduce the national day of Australia, called Australia Day, which is on 26th January every year to memorize the day of first group European arriving in Australia. All Australian will take one-day holiday on that day according to the law.The national da...


sends out the weeping sound is quite high. Because perhaps their main purpose is to bring to adult's attention, therefore in this kind of situation's sob mostly will not flow out the tear. is angry the time weeping sound: when has not found the amusing toy, the diaper wet ...


第一段翻译如下 Website is brand-new fabrication minitype individual technology website , communicates with on giving first place to computer technology , having a distinct theme , substantial in content, and being able to realize a net mainly.第二段翻译如下 Method of work being that...


from the longitudinal perspective, the status of the victims, but not changeablerather changesare shixing four stages.Firstly, it is the executor of the victim as a penalty.in primitive society, no country, there is no class, no criminal proceedings, “ everyone is equality and ...

急求高手帮忙翻译成英文,请不要使用网页上的翻译工具 。不胜感谢!!

grasp the vocabulary they've learned.make deep researches, improve the teaching of vocabulary and strengthen the practicability and interests of vocabulary teaching,and use various and effective methods in every link of vocabulary teaching .呵呵,翻译一遍不容易啊,希望能符合你的原意!


Noodles, Sichuan Style, is a famous chengdu snacks. GanZhi into flour noodles, cooked on the pork ladle into the craft. Noodle dishes into thin sweet, salty, marinades crisp fresh micro spicy, aroma, very well flavoured. This dish is widespread in sichuan, often as a banquet ...

...只要尽力就行.把它翻译成英文 不要用工具翻译,那个不准

It doesn't matter if you don't win ,just do your best.

...了3毫升生理盐水,那稀释过后的安定针,1毫升含多少毫克安..._百度知... ...生理盐水 那么0.6克剂量要加入多少毫升生理盐水? ...针管把2毫升安定针抽了出来,又抽了3毫升生理盐水,那稀释过后的安定针... 2ml三分之二 其乐和百丽哪个质量好 执业药师证的作用? 考取执业药师有什么作用和好处 6000瓦热水器用4平方的线,使用时漏电开关冒烟,有焦臭味怎么回事? 我2月29号去飞机场。在网上订了10点45的飞机。我10点到。工作人员说太... 2月29日咸阳至上海的机票铜川到咸阳机场怎么座车? QQ仙侠传怎么经验没有了 我一个手机号注册了两个,另外一个登不上了,怎么办? 模拟城市我是首富手游高速下载 一个手机号注册两个微信后怎么登录第一个 什么是Dota原班人马打造?经典传承 垄断阶段劳动立法的特点 吉林市哪有卖皇后牌片仔癀珍珠膏的 去美国读大学,一般的学费大概每年多少?四年下来家里要准备多少费用呢... 亚利桑那州凤凰城的社区大学一般学费大概是多少?需要语言成绩嘛? 紫金新干线这个楼盘的开盘时间? 如图为某反应的微观示意图,“ ”代表氧原子,“ ”代表氢原子.下列说 ... 请问*皇后牌*片仔黄珍珠膏在哪里有卖?谢谢! 如图是某反应的微观示意图,若“○”表示氧原子,“●”表示氢原子,请回... 学生成绩统计编写一个程序,该程序输入学生学号和学期课程成绩,... 留学攻略:如何规划留学蓝图 苹果手机如何只让指定的人搜索不到自己?1 好吃懒做满嘴脏话一身负能量的父亲如果你摊上该怎么办? ...方体长宽高分别是1.2m0.5m0.3m它最多能装多少千克的水 禅静是什么意思6 柏拉图的核心思想是什么柏拉图的哲学理2 诺基亚s40第五版软件在哪下载呀?有哪些好网站呀?4 风色幻想3怎样赚钱6 提问怎样只让一个人搜索不到 恢复BIOS默认设置后会怎样 电脑中的东西还会有吗38 我的孩子上完初二了期末考试考的太差孩子主要是不知道怎么掌握学... 为什么别人的搜不到我了呢? 我想买个家用电脑,玩C f 听音乐看电,该买什么样的配置呢? 公司班车租赁合同模板 怎样只能让一个人搜索不到我的 其他人都可以?4 如何只让指定的人搜索不到我的 空调开一会就自动关机169 格力空调为什么会自动停机2 宜分期属于信用卡委托方? 美韵秀减肥茶,瘦身茶之类的茶有没有效果,会不会反弹?给点建议。 怎样用8 4消毒液洗衣服12 衣物消毒液的使用方法 衣物消毒液怎么用1 ...十三点五十二分生辰八字,姓李该取什么名字好?求解答!!! 柏拉图的核心思想是什么4 最近想买台台式电脑,我主要是玩dnf和cf,再就是听音乐什么... 一个手机号注册两个,前一个登录不了怎么办?
  • 焦点


