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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-04 16:47



热心网友 时间:2022-06-24 03:15

have it’s share of problem

A large share of the problem involves women victimizing women.

Study of China ' s state-owned enterprises to share ownership of the problem is the direct cause from the state-owned enterprises, “ separation of ownership ” reform the problems caused by reflection began.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-24 03:16

have its share of problem有问题方面的分享

have it’s share of problem 有共享的问题 1 A large share of the problem involves women victimizing women.很大一部分现象牵扯到妇女欺负妇女的情况。2 Study of China ' s state-owned enterprises to share ownership of the problem is the direct cause from the state-owned enterprises, “...


These products are of good quality and have the lion's share of the domestic market and a part of them have found their way into the international market.I: Tell me what you know about our company.C: All right. Your company is a Sino-American joint venture. Your head office is in th...

求《you don't know》-eminem中文歌词意思

但这一切都只是一个新的片人的把戏,对你来说也很容易 When it's beef you jus' gotta know when to butt in and butt out 当它成为麻烦的时候,你应该知道什么时候该插嘴和闭嘴 If there's a problem we solve it, we don't resolve it 如果出了什么问题,我们就会去解决它,但我们从来不会分析 It jus...


Grant Park was to have its share of disruptions, but they did not happen on schedule every night, as they did in Lincoln Park.Moreover, as Lincoln Park was swept by lines of police each night, the intruders were driven into the streets of the Near North Side and Old Town, Chicago's ...


However, 50% of its operating revenue is from overseas business. 3、共同保险是指由几家保险公司共同分担保险单中的风险。 Mutual insurance is a kind of insurance that several insurers share the risk of a insurance contract.4、债务保险是一种新的保险业务。有人说,中国的保险公司还没有开展这种保险...




The special theory of relativity has raised a host of questions. 狭义相对论引出了许多问题。 ❸ multitude of I was awed by the multitude of stars in the night sky. 夜空中的繁星震撼了我。 不同的 different ❶ various ['veərɪəs] These data have been collected from various sources...


后来,人们便用 apple of Sodom 来表达这样的含义:something that is not worth its value,汉语中的『金玉其外,败絮其中』、『徒有其表(的人或物)』等表达的就是这一含义。例如: Nowadays few people believe in advertisements, which are almost regarded as a lure for people to buy some apple of ...


have (got) it `in for sb (infml 口) want to take revenge on sb; bear ill will towards sb 欲向某人报复; 对某人不怀好意: That teacher has always had it in for me. 那位老师总想跟我过不去. ,in and `out (of sth) sometimes in and sometimes out (of a place) 时进时出(於某处...


shortage can lead to panic-buying and hoarding, creating further scarcity and exacerbating the problem.Lastly, shortage can have adverse effects on the overall economy as it can lead to inflation and reduce economic growth. Shortage of key raw materials or energy sources can increase pr...

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