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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-13 03:17



热心网友 时间:2022-04-13 04:46

What does THE article tell you?
I think it mainly TELLS me about how THE AFRICANS use the Shanghai Expo to express their country .They told us the important role which Africa PLAYED in THE environmental protection and IN THE coordination of world affairs, THE development of African countries, urban transformation, economic rise and THE cultural prosperity in Africa, the past and the future of Africa, impressed and inspired through THE display of all kinds of service programs, including transportation, buildings and facilities, schools, etc.
Who is the article for?
I think the article IS for those who want to know the general situation of African exhibition, including what they want to express and what they want to impact the audience. These people may be the TOURISTS who ARE interested; the researchers who want TO know more about Africa, the Government researchers who want to know more about the development of Africa, the DESIGNERS who want to learn more about the style of African, etc.
How well does the writer understand his /her audience?
I think it IS an introcing essay. The length of THE article is not long, but it put the main point IN THE information WHICH the audiences need .It used fewer words to let audiences know how is the Africa pavilion through the main design and interesting sight . In addition to this, writer also used the brief introction the idea what Africa wants to express. As an introcing essay, it can let audience understand what you want to introce quickly through a brief and distinct statements. I think it is successful.

热心网友 时间:2022-04-13 06:04



热心网友 时间:2022-04-13 07:39

What does the article talk about?
I think it mainly tell me about how to use the Shanghai Expo to express Africa .They told us the important role which Africa played in environmental protection and coordination of world affairs, development of African countries, urban transformation, economic rise and cultural prosperity in Africa, the past and the future of Africa, impressed and inspired through display of all kinds of service programs, including transportation, buildings and facilities, schools, etc.
Who is the article for?
I think the article for those who want to know the general situation of African exhibition, including what they want to express and what they want to impact the audience. These people may be the tourist who are interested in it,or the researchers who want to know more about Africa,or the internional researchers who want to know more about the development of Africa,or the designers who want to learn more about the style of Africa, etc.
How does the writer understand his /her audience very well?
I think it belongs to an introcing essay. The length of an article is not long, but it puts the main point that the audiences are needed in the information.It used fewer words to let audiences know how the Africa show by the main design and interesting sight . In addition to this, writer also used the brief introction the idea what Africa wants to express. As an introcing essay, it can let audience understand what you want to introce quickly through a brief and distinct statements. I think it is successful.
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