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comsol中external i vs u和u vs i的区别

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-05 02:30



热心网友 时间:2022-07-01 05:18

  解决方法1. 积分值计算a) 空间积分 当模型计算完毕,计算积分值最方便的方法是在Result > Derived Values上右击并选择Integration,并根据几何维度选择是对体(Volume),面(Surface)还是线(Line)进行积分。
  流体阀入口及出口流量随时间的变化b) 时间积分 算子timeint和timeavg只能作用于后处理结果运算,如果需要在模型里定义一个时变的积分,比如说需要引入一个新的相关变量I,它是变量u的时间积分: 而I对时间的微分由如下常微分公式定义: 根据具体需要,可以建立针对某个点或是全局标量的积分(Global ODE/Point ODE),或是场变量在体/面/边上的分布积分(Domain, Boundary, Edge ODE)。

热心网友 时间:2022-07-01 05:19



COMSOL Multiphysics参考手册中的组件耦合和耦合运算符

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COMSOL Multiphysics参考手册中的组件耦合和耦合运算符

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外部I-Terminal()功能将任意电压对地测量(例如,来自另一物理接口的电路端子)连接为电路中节点的电压对地分配。在电压测量的背景下,来自节点的所得电路电流通常被耦合回作为规定的电流源。当耦合到感应或电磁波传播模型时,该节点不适用,因为那时电压必须定义为两点之间的线积分,而不是单点电位测量。对于此类耦合,请改用External I与U节点。


COMSOL Multiphysics参考手册中的组件耦合和耦合运算符。

External I vs. U
The External I vs. U () feature connects an arbitrary voltage measurement (for example, a circuit terminal or circuit port boundary or a coil domain from another physics interface) as a voltage source between two nodes in the electrical circuit. The resulting circuit current from the first node to the second node is typically coupled back as a prescribed current source in the context of the voltage measurement.
Enter a Device name for the External I vs. U node.
Node Connections
Specify the two Node names for the connecting nodes for the voltage source. The first node represents the positive reference terminal.
External Device
Enter the source of the Voltage. If circuit or current excited terminals or circuit ports are defined on boundaries or domains or a multiturn coil domains is defined in other physics interfaces, these display as options in the Voltage list. Also select the User defined option and enter your own voltage variable, for example, using a suitable coupling operator. For inctive or electromagnetic wave propagation models, the voltage measurement must be performed as an integral of the electric field because the electric potential only does not capture inced EMF. Also the integration must be performed over a distance that is short compared to the local wavelength.

Except when coupling to a circuit terminal, circuit port, or coil, the current flow variable must be manually coupled back in the electrical circuit to the context of the voltage measurement. This applies also when coupling to a current excited terminal. The name of this current variable follows the convention cirn.IvsUm_i, where cirn is the tag of the Electrical Circuit interface node and IvsUm is the tag of the External I vs. U node. The tags are typically displayed within curly brackets {} in the Model Builder.

Component Couplings and Coupling Operators in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual

External U vs. I
The External U vs. I () feature connects an arbitrary current measurement (for example, a coil domain from another physics interface) as a current source between two nodes in the electrical circuit. The resulting circuit voltage between the first node and the second node is typically coupled back as a prescribed voltage source in the context of the current measurement.
Enter a Device name for the External U vs. I node.
Node Connections
Specify the two Node names for the connecting nodes for the current source. The current flows from the first node to the second node.
External Device
Enter the source of the Current. Voltage excited terminals or lumped ports defined on boundaries in other physics interfaces are natural candidates but do not appear as options in the Voltage list because those do not have an accurate built-in current measurement variable. A User defined option must be selected and a current variable entered, for example, using a suitable coupling operator.

The voltage variable must be manually coupled back in the electrical circuit to the context of the current measurement. This applies also when coupling to a voltage excited terminal or lumped port. The name of this voltage variable follows the convention cirn.UvsIm_v, where cirn is the tag of the Electrical Circuit interface node and UvsIm is the tag of the External U vs. I node. The tags are typically displayed within curly brackets {} in the Model Builder.

Component Couplings and Coupling Operators in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual


External I-Terminal
The External I-Terminal () feature connects an arbitrary voltage-to-ground measurement (for example, a circuit terminal from another physics interface) as a voltage-to-ground assignment to a node in the electrical circuit. The resulting circuit current from the node is typically coupled back as a prescribed current source in the context of the voltage measurement. This node does not apply when coupling to inctive or electromagnetic wave propagation models because then voltage must be defined as a line integral between two points rather than a single point measurement of electric potential. For such couplings, use the External I vs. U node instead.
Enter a Device name for the External I-terminal.
Node Connections
Set the Node name for the connecting node for the voltage assignment.
External Terminal
Enter the source of the Voltage. If circuit- or current-excited terminals are defined on boundaries in other physics interfaces, these display as options in the Voltage list. Also select the User defined option and enter a voltage variable, for example, using a suitable coupling operator.

Except when coupling to a circuit terminal, the current flow variable must be manually coupled back in the electrical circuit to the context of the voltage measurement. This applies also when coupling to a current excited terminal. The name of this current variable follows the convention cirn.termIm_i, where cirn is the tag of the Electrical Circuit interface node and termIm is the tag of the External I-Terminal node. The tags are typically displayed within curly brackets {} in the Model Builder.

Component Couplings and Coupling Operators in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual.

热心网友 时间:2022-07-01 05:19

U vs I通常测量PDE模型中的电流,并在其中指定指定指定电压的源。
I vs U通常测量PDE模型中的电压,并在其中指定指定指定电流的源。
电压不是模型中求解或包含的变量。因此,您需要定义I vs U,因为您需要分配一个电流。在许多其他接口中,例如电流,你可以在“正常边界条件”上分配驱动电压或电流,你可以使用U对I或I对U。
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