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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-20 23:32



懂视网 时间:2022-05-13 17:22


The Passion Email Template

Passion offers a versatile, responsive email template that’s fully compatible with all biggest email marketing platforms, like Mailchimp and Campaign Monitor.

ActiveBox HTML Template

ActiveBox offers an HTML template that’s modern, easy to customize, and responsive ready.


Forkio designed a one page HTML template with the purpose of creating a better web, offer infinite customization, offer experimental features, and time-saving power tools.

Urku – HTML portfolio template

Urku offers a clean, minimalist HTML portfolio template with a flexible layout. It’s fully responsive and uses Css layout.

Land.io – Landing page UI kit

Land.io designed a component based landing page that features a great variety of elements, such as full screen/modular hero image section, intro section with device showcase, news/blog section with featured article, and much, much more.

Kreo – Free website template

Ideal site template for agencies and small business websites alike. It features a modern and bold design, css animations, retina-ready design, and working ajax form. It is also compatible with all modern browsers and it works great on your phone, too.

Gorgo – HTML portfolio template

The Gorgo HTML portfolio template features multiple page types, theme personalization, and open graph support. It’s fully responsive and compatible with all browsers.

Material Design Lite framework

Material Design Lite comes equipped with specialized features like cards, column layouts, sliders, spinners, tabs, typography, and more. It’s components are created with CSS, JavaScript, and HTML.

Sedna – One page website template

Responsive, one page website template that features modern designs and techniques and responsive development. It’s easy to customize to fit your needs and uses the latest web technologies, like jQuery, HTML5, and CSS3.

Semantic UI framework

What makes Semantic UI framework stand out is it’s human-friendly HTML, meaning that it treats words and classes as exchangeable concepts by using syntax to link concepts intuitively. It also offers intuitive Javascript and simplified debugging.

Thomsoon – Free portfolio template

Thomsoon uses HTML5, CSS3, and jQuery for a fully responsive experience. It offers a minimalistic layout, Parallax sidebar, and full screen portfolio view thats ideal for your portfolio or photography showcase.

DribbbleFolio – HTML template

DribbbleFolio allows you to showcase your Dribbble portfolio at it’s best.

Photography website concept

Features a background image tilt effect and an expansing stack slider. When clicking on a stack it reveals its content.

Beetle – HTML5 template for designers

A responsive HTML5 template with parallax features.

Halcyon Days – Free HTML5 website template

Halcyon Days offers one page website template that’s perfect for portfolios and start-up websites. It was originally made for Codrops readers and uses HTML5 and CSS3.

Lithium – HTML5 Responsive one page template

Lithium is a responsive one page template built using CoffeeScript and SCSS, and Grunt.

Flatfy – Flat minimal HTML template

Flatfly is another flat, minimal template that’s designed and coded using Bootstrap Framework, HTML5 , CSS3 and jQuery.

Framework7 – HTML framework for iOS7 apps

Framewrok7 allows you to create iOS and Android apps with HTML, CSS and JavaScript quickly and easily. It is ideal for building Android and iOS hybrid apps.

Wijayakusuma – PSD & HTML landing page

Wijayakusuma is a landing page featuring a big countdown.

热心网友 时间:2022-05-13 14:30



热心网友 时间:2022-05-13 15:48

你可以百度一下,设计云,这个网站都有的,都是免费的, 本人也是有点素材的,如果你想要的话我可以给你的

热心网友 时间:2022-05-13 17:23


诗句,朗读节奏划分的诀窍 有哪位心理学大神详细解释下知觉行为控制。? 计划生育证明格式(推荐7篇) 玫红色英语缩写 江宁附近的老镇有哪些 快手是什么公司开发的? 香菇洋葱猪肉馅饺子 浪漫感人爱情誓言短句 爱的誓言经典语句精选82句 特别甜特别撩人的情话情人节浪漫爱情句子短句(80句) 我的IP地址怎么会自己变化? 求比较简洁的网页模板 如何下载网页模板 流浪地球故事梗概 用“如果”怎么组词? 倘若,如果,假设,假如,这几个词都表示的什么?... 我的CF号为什么会违背cf违反用户协议被封了 CF被封号,显示的是违反用户协议被封0天(12小时9... CF帐号因违反用户协议而被封停7天 我没有违反穿越火线用户协议,为什么封我号? CF违反用户协议被封号了,要怎么申诉! CF账号违反协议封号半年,如果半年后解封再玩不开G... CF因违反用户协议而被停封怎样才能解除 CF号子违反了用户协议被封后有解封方法吗??被封后... cf封号999天怎么能减缓或者解封? CF违反用户协议而被暂时封停 上CF说违反用户协议是怎么回事 CF号被封了,怎么快点解封 我玩CF为什么显示出什么因为违反用户协议账号被封停? cf因违反用户协议而被停封,怎么办? cf违反用户协议而封号,什么意思? 各位小伙伴,有没有好的HTML网页模板推荐? 有没有好的网页模板 推荐几个免费网站模版下载网站 哪里有比较漂亮的网页模板? 网页设计一些好的模板 好看的网页模板,好看的网页模板下载 谁能给我个好看的网页模板,不要网址 那里有优秀的个人网页模板 精美html个人网页模板下载, 网页模板下载哪个网站好 忘了手机密码该怎么办? 手机密码忘记并且忘记密码问题的答案也忘记了该怎... 手机密码忘记该怎么办 忘了手机密码该怎么办 告诉你手机密码忘记了,该怎么办 手机QQ文字跟表情怎么一起发!????? QQ上怎么发表情还带文字 手机QQ,怎么将打的字和图片(下载的表情)一起在... 怎么能让QQ表情和打的字和在一起 《流浪地球》到底讲的是一个什么样的故事,为何感人至深?
  • 焦点


