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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-03 00:22



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 17:06

1. 二句话中them和the wire是同一个名词(代词them代替名词wire),所以wire就是定语从句的先行词。所以第一句话就是定语从句。
The machine were connected with the wire that/which were very old.(wire做定语从句的主语,所以用
2. 跟1的道理相同: The electricity is made from the panels which/that are broad.
3. The pilot told us stories about his travels.
We had dinner with him.
We had dinner with him who told us stories about his travels.
4. The town looked very beautiful.
We had to circle around it in our plane.
We had to circle around the town which looked very beautiful.
5. The globe measured over one meter across.
We stood around it.
相同的是globe/it, 所以做先行词。因此第一句是定语从句。
We stood around the globe which/that measured over one meter across.
6. The satellite will be sent into space next year.
This rocket is being built.(原句有问题,rocket 应该是satelite)
相同的satellite. The satellite which is being built will be sent into space next year.
7. The photos are kept in that cupboard.
We found the information in them.
相同的是phote/them. 所以是先行词。We found the information in the photos which/that are kept in that cupboard.
8. The weather report is being broadcast at seven o'clock..
We shall need the satellite pictures for it.
相同成分是the weather report/it. 所以是先行词。
We shall need the satellite pictures for the weather report which/that is being broadcast at seven o'clock..
9. The country is on the other side of the world.
This news report is coming from it.
相同成分是country/it. 所以是先行词。
This news report is coming from the country which/that is on the other side of the world.
10. Citizens of the USA need to show their passports.
They're going abroad.
相同成分是Citizens/they 所以是先行词:
Citizens of the USA who are going abroad need to show their passports.


热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 17:07

1.The wires which the machines were connected with were very old.
2.The panels which the electricity is made form are broad.
3.The pilot whom we had dinner with told us stories about his travels.
4.The town which we had to circle around in our plane looked very beautiful.
5.The globe which we stood around measured over one meter across.
6.The satellite which this rocket is being built will be sent into space next year.
7.The photos which we found the information in are kept in that cupboard.
8.The weather report which we shall need the satellite pictures for is being broadcast at seven o'clock.
9.The county which this news report is coming from is on the other side of the world.
10.Citizens of the USA who are going abroad need to show their passports.

1.The place ___interested me most was the Children's Palace.A. Which B. where C. what D. in which 2.Do you know the man ___?A. whom I spoke B. to who spoke C. I spoke to D. that I spoke 3.This is the hotel ___last month.A. which they stayed B. at tha...


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高一英语 定语从句!!!

1 is this factory___the cars are produced? 选B A.the one B the one where 变成陈述句为 This factory is the factory.The cars are produced in the factory.然后2句并一句 This is the factory in which the cars are produced.2 there is little___remains to be said. 填t...


第一题是定语从句,前面有逗号是叫做非限制性定语从句,必须用which连接,而且先行词是 the key to the succes是物而不是人,不能选A 第二题as和that都可以引导定语从句。定语从句的关键点是抓“先行词”,as+从句 这个as引导非限制行定语从句,as指代前面主句的整个“句子”。第三题首先要把这句...

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第一题B, which 引导非限制性定语从句时可以指代整个句子,如:The number of the students in senior high schools is increasing, which is mentioned above.而 as 也有这一用法,且与 which 不同的是,which 从句只能位于主句之后,as 从句可在主句之前或之后,甚至插在主句中。第二题:D, By ...

几道高一英语题 (定语从句) 求详细解答

been sold by his son for gambling debts )这是定语部分用来修饰the car 3.C主体是The theory proves us that earthquakes can be forecast.(这个理论向我们证明了地震是可以被预测的。)he's stuck 作为定语用来修饰The theory 他坚持的这个理论 1.C.he是人,在who和whom中选。."___"是he ...


1.先看从句,you know属于插入语,可以无视,从句就变成了___visited us last year。显然缺少的是主语,一定要从关系代词中选择可以充当成分的,而主句中的Mr. Brown告诉我们,先行词指代的是人物,又是作主语,所以只能用who。A中的that不能用于非限制性从句,C只能充当宾语,不符题意。D也不能单...


where引导定语从句,修饰先行词situation,在从句中做状语。因为从句中the plane做介词over的宾语,所以从句不缺宾语,排除B.2.D when引导定语从句,修饰先行词occasions。从句中不缺主语或宾语,排除AB.3.D where引导定语从句,修饰先行词point,从句中what to do是疑问词加上不定式的结构,what和do构成动...


1. 二句话中them和the wire是同一个名词(代词them代替名词wire),所以wire就是定语从句的先行词。所以第一句话就是定语从句。The machine were connected with the wire that/which were very old.(wire做定语从句的主语,所以用 which/that)2. 跟1的道理相同: The electricity is made from the...

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