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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-05 17:47



热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 21:08

In my memory,my parents have never done anything so I feel that
there is between them "love" this kind of thing matters.Them together as
if in order to together,or to let me(有个家).Between them did not like the
so-called "love."
Their are a lot of things when I know they quarrel.
know that year is a cold winter,he invited her to eat mplings
mplings Museum.It is a pepper stuffed mplings.He said:"to eat
mplings with chili in the very warm." For so many years,she still
remember that he is still a year package of mplings stuffed peppers.He
also is still very happy with each of the meal,and then,as usual,in
recognition of her 2.
Both of them married a year later,she had to
travel to Beijing,before that,she had never been to Beijing,he
must陪她去.He know that she has often lost the characteristics of a person
he will not she in a strange city lost is lost,he should accompany
her.He said:"If lost,I will not allow a person you lost,I would like to
accompany you lost!"
After they married,he no longer watch the
match all night,no longer look at the martial arts,and friends no longer
eat dinner late at night .this is all because she does not like.She is
also in order to meet the sweet taste of his side to change their habits
of Anopheles spicy,dessert started .
Now,the two of them often after dinner(肩并着肩),linked hand in hand,to say something quietly so others can not hear .
Quarrel with the parents again,I do not have to plug the ear as usual,because I know that it is the language of love .

热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 21:08

wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, self

热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 21:09

Parents love their children by nature,where Chinese mothers and
fathers are no exceptions.Chinese parents tend to dote on their children
because each family is allowed to have only one kid e to birth
control.They place too much hope on the treasured child that if he wants
the star,they might even climb to pick it.For self-centered,the spoiled
children depend on their parents for everything.As a result,once
confronted with harsh reality,they are more likely to yield to hardships
and difficulties in life.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 21:09

Bai Yunru song, so, spring, summer, autumn and winter, changing, daughter has graated from primary school, already go to junior high school student, childlike innocence and the growth of the back in this way, you are the pride of his father.

From you will be able to play with the children and the surrounding, laughing through every day, when you meet older than your brother, sister, uncle, aunt, grandpa, grandma, you always say hello to them with your tender voice, and that good habit more kids won respect and admire, also for alts. People praise you is a polite boy.

Since entered the primary school in grade one, you can use with hard work to practice every day work, your grades have been the pride of the model of your classmates and teachers, you are widely read literary classics, perhaps some of you are not necessarily can understand and master, but you love reading, accumulated the composition of the material, you often take part in the composition contest, and of course many various levels and types of competition. And your interest hobby is widespread, not only because you more excellent, as you level of provincial capital city level at primary school miyoshi students title and municipal outstanding young pioneers, to school won the honor, add luster for parents. Remember ah, up to the middle school, after learning tasks will be more hard, hope you can put the spirit of diligence, hard to overcome difficulties one after another, to win more!

Your sincerity and enthusiasm, students become good friends, the teacher in the heart of good students, parents of the heart has been a good daughter.

On a journey of learning, in the way of life of growth, I believe you will become the pride of their parents, but also the pride of the teacher!追问汉语意思

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