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发布网友 发布时间:2024-03-07 14:39



热心网友 时间:2024-03-29 15:50

It is well known the influence that internet brings to our modern society. Omnipresent internet is speeding the pace of all walks of life concerning managements. It is computer tech that is changing styles from the national economy and security operation to ordinary daily life. However, it brings wonderful time as well as its inherent risks - all systems driven by computers are susceptible and vulnerable. Risks caused by any intentional attacks to vital economic department or government computers will bring disastrous results, and such possibility does exist. Chinese internet security problems are remarkable, based on the present situation, this article puts forward the solving proposals.

热心网友 时间:2024-03-29 15:54

The Internet to the nowadays society's influence for known to all, the omnipresent computer network has made with management related to speed up the rhythm, was the computer technology changed the national economical movement and the safe operation and even people's daily life way. However, this kind of happy new generation also has it own risk, all computers actuate the system is very easy to receive infringement and the destruction, carries on to the important Branches of the economy or government apparatus's computer any has the plan attack possibly to have the disastrous consequence, this kind of danger is the objective existence. Our country's network security problem was also very prominent, unifies our country network security problem the present situation, the article has given the solution.

网络安全Network security
防火墙技术Firewall technology
网络安全关键技术Network security key technologies
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